In addition, if you're buying used, be very very very picky about getting a full service history on the vehicle.
There are a lot of people here who do not maintain their cars well and the temperatures (and poor driving habits) take a BIG toll on vehicles. Also, if you're buying used the seller is usually leaving the country so you can't even go back and yell at him if you have problems.
Buying used from a dealer is no guarantee either - ask around your colleagues at work when you get here for advice, most of us who have been here for a while can give you some good tips on what to look out for and what to look for.
That said, I bought used from a UK teacher who was moving on to Dubai - I've been very pleased with my purchase (which I found here at QL)
In addition, if you're buying used, be very very very picky about getting a full service history on the vehicle.
There are a lot of people here who do not maintain their cars well and the temperatures (and poor driving habits) take a BIG toll on vehicles. Also, if you're buying used the seller is usually leaving the country so you can't even go back and yell at him if you have problems.
Buying used from a dealer is no guarantee either - ask around your colleagues at work when you get here for advice, most of us who have been here for a while can give you some good tips on what to look out for and what to look for.
That said, I bought used from a UK teacher who was moving on to Dubai - I've been very pleased with my purchase (which I found here at QL)
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"