most of the radars (with little exceptions) are set to flash above 80 Km/ better stay below 80 and that will be more than enough.
Anyway almost "always" there is a sign denoting the speed limit of the road/street and usually it is located a few hundred meters away from the radar.
Also be careful with the so called portable radars, there are a few of them in cars, trucks, and hidden.
In the end stick to the speed limit signs and you'll be safe.
most of the radars (with little exceptions) are set to flash above 80 Km/ better stay below 80 and that will be more than enough.
Anyway almost "always" there is a sign denoting the speed limit of the road/street and usually it is located a few hundred meters away from the radar.
Also be careful with the so called portable radars, there are a few of them in cars, trucks, and hidden.
In the end stick to the speed limit signs and you'll be safe.