From salwa road, reach Midmac R/A.. go straight..
You will get Ramada Signal.. Take Left
You will get another signal (Near Toys r us)Go straight .
You will get another signal, go straight..
you will get another signal, go straight under the bridge..
Take right from the next signal.. you will get Fire station R/A
Take left from fire station R/A and go straight (There is a radar on top of the bridge which you will pass by)
you will get another R/A, go straight..
Now you will get Rainbow R/A, Go straight..(Radar on that road)
you will get another R/A, again go straight until you see Zig Zag tower. Take right from that ZigZag R/A and left from the next R/A.. Grand Hyatt will be on your right side..
From salwa road, reach Midmac R/A.. go straight..
You will get Ramada Signal.. Take Left
You will get another signal (Near Toys r us)Go straight .
You will get another signal, go straight..
you will get another signal, go straight under the bridge..
Take right from the next signal.. you will get Fire station R/A
Take left from fire station R/A and go straight (There is a radar on top of the bridge which you will pass by)
you will get another R/A, go straight..
Now you will get Rainbow R/A, Go straight..(Radar on that road)
you will get another R/A, again go straight until you see Zig Zag tower. Take right from that ZigZag R/A and left from the next R/A.. Grand Hyatt will be on your right side..
I don't want a Signature line to prove that I'm great !!