FriedUnicorn said's acceptable but not better...definately your bid to convince yourself that you having a younger fiancee is somehow are forgetting a lot of other factors which go with it."
- Like what factors (other than the having kids bit)? It is definitely better to have a younger fiancee - less hangups.
"..and life for the woman turns out to be pursuit to look younger."
- That's a baseless assumption. Confident women like Olive don't need trivial pursuits.
The Cookie Monster said it.
FriedUnicorn said's acceptable but not better...definately your bid to convince yourself that you having a younger fiancee is somehow are forgetting a lot of other factors which go with it."
- Like what factors (other than the having kids bit)? It is definitely better to have a younger fiancee - less hangups.
"..and life for the woman turns out to be pursuit to look younger."
- That's a baseless assumption. Confident women like Olive don't need trivial pursuits.
The Cookie Monster said it.