Please your views and advices

i have more than 1 yr in relation with my girlfriend , long time we were good friends until we feel love from each other i am 30 yrs old from India and she is 40 yrs old from Philippines . We have plan to get married on the 2nd half of 2010, we both professionals and loving each other, but then in our society people appreciate woman to be younger than her man , . We look forward of all your valuble views and advice to make success our marriage life and better deal with society and family,,,
There's no guarantees about anything when it comes to health and age. My grandparents are the same age with just a 6 month difference, and my grandmother is still energetic and on the go, while my grandfather is really failing physically. Frankly, if she'd married a man 10 years younger she might be happier cause he'd still be able to keep up with her!
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
i dont know know why you're so fired up today... and i think im the recepient (sigh)
can i offer ice tea? coffee?
...listen to the sound of silence....
then i change my views "). are we buddies now?
...listen to the sound of silence....
The opposite, marie. I am free and you are perched in generalization and morals, opinions and assumptions.
that high and mighty perch suits you then your majesty
...listen to the sound of silence....
marie, I have no ambition and no reason to follow your advice.
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
sir dolly, i hope you meet your woman ")
boston, come out of your high and mighty shell
...listen to the sound of silence....
Why bother with the average, it's boring.
im general not give me special cases , where a 65 year old woman is healthier then a 55....
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
your wife at same age may have arthritis, al zheimer's... but your wife 10years older is more energetic and more healthy. which wife would you prefer then
lol i cant believe this
...listen to the sound of silence....
aha...if me and my wife have the same age..then we'll be growing up together...both same age , same experience , same worries , same happiness...we are practically no marie , i wont be looking around cause i know that she's my match!!! but (im repeating for the last time) if she's 10 years older them me , then yes i would be looking around for a better match!!!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
sir dolly ah yes, of course. men will always have that even in their death bed "), forgive us then for stopping at the age of 45 i think. So what will you do then, look around?
thats when other matters are considered more interesting,foregoing physical needs
...listen to the sound of silence....
yeah im talking in general general where the man is totally active at 55 while the woman is not active at 65...i agree millions of women are now taking good care doing sports , yoga..plastci surgery..i know that , but what im talking about goes beyond the barriers of the drive might not describe it the best but it's can you regenerate sex drive..khallas it's lost...
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
FU, i agree with you.
sir dolly, 10years age difference is nothing. she might even be jumping or doing the hulahoop at the age of 65 while he is sitting on a rocking chair due to rheumatism. when two people decide to love each other, then they should for better or worst, age matters not.
if one is incapable of doing what the other can, then leave it as is and move to things that you can both enjoy.
leave daddy to jog and mommy to sit on the porch waiting for him with lemonade and lots of care
...listen to the sound of silence....
thanks for the compliments..did i received cash also for my award..?..lolzzzzzzzzzz seems that the topic divert in S-X and Romance?
Well, sex and romance is just a spice of married..but the most important is..the MAGIC of the relationship...that both donno why?
satisfaction?- NOBODY IS SATISFIED IN THIS WORLD..and human is created with no satisfaction..
hope you noticed..
i wont call it "miserable experience" for sure
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
Call it what you will, dolly, and good luck to you.
Err have you ever thought about post middleast life when one or both of you wanna go back???
Derek Edward Trotter
i believe this is called biology boston
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
How come you're all prophets? Knowing what the future brings. Or are you talking from your own miserable experience?
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
this is what im talking about!!!
the libido , the mojo , the thing , the sparkle , the it , the person will lose it while his partner still has it!!!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
(Goes to FU)
You can never satisfy the society...but you can do what makes you it is obvious really!
Good luck!
Go for it...miya biwi you know!
Too much Love in the Air....lets fly!
I was itching to write something on the topic. Sex and romance have more weightage in a marriage/relationship only upto a certain age. That age in itself is dependant on various factors,one of which is the biological/physical/mental state of wellbeing translated into what we call a libido. The balance tips towards the feeling of responsibility with the passing years and then it turns into dependence during old age. Though all these feelings/emotions exist at every stage,the weightages allotted to them emotionally tends to change over the years. If you take this logic one step further and summarize it you can say that you might miss your partner for physical reasons more than other reasons and this equation will change as you grow older in favour of other 'intangile abstract' reasons.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
then we're talking about two different talking about the big age difference...and you're talking about two old couple holding hands and looking at each other eyes and remembering the old days...
i know it might be one of the sweetest thing to grow old with my wife...and do all these stuff together , but i also know that it could be very hard to grow old alone , and my partner in younger , more energetic...we want to do stuff together but im too old to keep up!!! that was what i not talkign about being mature or speaking about how age difference will be an obstacle later when she becomes uncapable of keeping the same rythim as him!!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
...the guy got five postomus of the all time greats I must say...
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Fried, coz romantically speaking its sweet & heartwarming for 2 people to stay in love,able to express their love even after so many decades of being together....
FU, so whats your stand on this?
that is companionship as they age together...which is lovely to look at including the false teeth on a cup of water
...listen to the sound of silence....
i can level my maturity depends on the level of the person im with.....
im flexible...
how come? all they must do is sit and look back with their younger days and enjoy looking at their grandchildren ")
...listen to the sound of silence....
or widows to understand and appreciate the value of having a shoulder to cry on and an ear to pour out to.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
and fried when i find the "other things" in my partner how will i show her my love!!!!
im sure by following your theory , there are other ways to show her i love her , and express my feelings...i might put her "fake teeth" in the cup of water !!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
Old people still in love & holding hands...sooo cheezzzzyyyy.... :-))
marie 2 im sure there are tons of men willing to run the mile with you , but seriously , i've been reading the thread , im not sure if u ever met a couple like this neighbors are like that...he's around 52 and she's around's a disaster...
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise need other things in your partner to be able to love.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I hope your friendship is just a friendship with that kid...;) Nothing Toxic!
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
sir dolly, wow, good thought.i hope i will reach that age still in love with each other, if ever i have one younger than me
...listen to the sound of silence....
maturity of a person cant be judged in in mind.
know some people age 40 but theit attitude is like 20..
i have friend age 15 but when he thinks same as age 60..
see the difference?
and when you're 55 she'll be 65 !!!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
who is valuable to you? your gf or your society/family.?
but much better if you dont need to moder in the philippines is same situation with you but no problem like they live happy ever after..'s more to do with the state of her mind. I know of a seventy year old woman somewhere who is known as a home wrecker even now.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
lol these wandering barks and harks....goodness gracious.
rishimba, can you forgive an old lady and translate that in plain and simplier words. my brain has become addled nowadays. Love itself is a confusing feeling, and when described in such a way as shakespear's, i leave it unread hehehe
kidding aside, go one-touch....
...listen to the sound of silence....
i think there's a lot of women here who don't understand men's standards !!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
I think there's a lot of men here who don't quite understand women's sexuality. :S
simple...when u're 45 (sexually active) she'll be 55 (as good as dead)..think about that!!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
marie, i dont disagree with you at all..
it really depends on the two..
i may quote shakespere in one of his sonnets which the lines of which are apt for the couple to read..
"Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved."
rishimba, you seem to know a lot about progesterones and libido
but there is more to marriage than what you have cited. afterall that is said and done, companionship is one key factor to attaining a stable marriage.
If they think they can conquer all the odds, why not try
...listen to the sound of silence....
useful informations indeed...
qatarisun, i was talking about the physical and mental maturity of men and the reason why men are generally elder to women..
your figures are incorrect as far as peaking of sexuality is concerned..
men dont peak at 20 but much later and women peak much earlier than 30.
its a fact that many men suffer from ED or PE at the ages of 50 to 55... but here we are taking about normal healthy men... not men with any ailment..
for women, it may not be a problem if she just plays a passive role in sex but nature shows that in post menopausal females, the level of progesteron decrease and along with it the libido. whereas in men the levels of testosteron is there as long as semen is produced..
i wish the marriages like that last long.. but unfortunately there are a lot of factors against family, society, language, faith, food and differing requires a lot of patience and tenacity to make such marriages work... compared to intra national marriages.
i have seen marriages work with that age difference and it really depends on the two..
when i make a comment, i should highlight both sides in general.. i cant be an optimist just to boost them up as i dont know exactly, whats the future of this marriage.
hahaha "talking of kids" indeed. i like glenn
...listen to the sound of silence....
why the doubts? go for it and congratulations......
...listen to the sound of silence....
A grade 5 teacher one day asked the children in her class to make rhymes with their names.
First up was Dan. A very adventurous child.
My name is Dan,
When I grow up to be a man,
I want to go to India and Japan ,
If I can, If I can, If I can.
"Very good", the teacher said to Dan. She then asked Sally that it was now her turn.
My name is Sally,
When I grow up to be a lady,
I want to have a baby
If I can, if I can, if I can.
"That is good Sally," the teacher said. "But maybe one day you will change your mind."
Next up was Glenn. He was the naughtiest in the class. Here is his rhyme:
My name is Glenn,
When I grow up to be a man,
Never mind India and Japan ,
I'm gonna help Sally with her plan,
I know I can, I can, I can.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Well said, Qatarisun! :0)
rishimba, I think you get it all upside down.
1.Do you know that peak of sexuality for man is age of 20-25 years, and for woman is age of 30-35?? so here you go.
2.And I always was sure, it's was other way around: man either doesn’t want or simply “cannot” much after 50-55.. for woman it’s not a problem till her death…
3.And where is the statistics that “such marriages generally dont last long..”? Refer to some source please.
4. Nowadays women look much younger than men of the same age.
The only concern should be taken into consideration is having kids. But again, it is a personal choice. Some people don't have kids intentionally regardless to the age. And if this woman has kids already, then there is no issue at all.
10 years is nothing, man..not worth to be considered as a difference even.. I am telling you.. :)
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Do you consider this as a majority poll.
Either do it & don't take any opinions for these things.
I thought Men at 40 & women at 30 are naughty, was I wrong? lol
- God Gives n Forgivs .. We Gets n Forgets -
My comment was prejudiced and stemmed from a different viewpoint - Jealousy!
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
hi one-touch!
age doesn't really matter
in whatever relationship you
are in..
i also had a relationship where
i am 6yrs older than my bf
we got along well, we are very
compatible, we build dreams 4 our future....
it just so happen that our relationship
was put into test & we were both not strong
enough to keep our relationship.
one-touch, age difference cannot
be a hindrance in the pursuit of your
relationship as long as you love each other
just be strong!
age doesnt matter when love is in line....
FriedUnicorn said's acceptable but not better...definately your bid to convince yourself that you having a younger fiancee is somehow are forgetting a lot of other factors which go with it."
- Like what factors (other than the having kids bit)? It is definitely better to have a younger fiancee - less hangups.
"..and life for the woman turns out to be pursuit to look younger."
- That's a baseless assumption. Confident women like Olive don't need trivial pursuits.
The Cookie Monster said it.
Good on you that you have decided to go ahead.. Don't care about society, live your life the way you want to.. All the best...
i am glad to read all your views , its very helpful us to prepare well
please let me know What are the Procedure for getting married,
Younger men are always fun to be with!! i mean look at me!
Thanks for all your comments
care for each others feeling and thinking!
GO FOR IT...yes some say dating is different than marriage...its true...FACT is marriage is a never ending of getting to know each other, you only think marriage is the end of everything but if you put it is the beginning of an endless discoveries.
those others will not live your life for you, so sod it.. the choice is yours.. 10 years is not that big a gap..
i am reviewing all comments
What matters is what you feel & what your loved ones feel. You will not marry the society, you will be with your wife & whatever happens,she will be the one who will stay by your side... Good Luck!
khawaga, what do you mean ..bad luck with " a lot of "..
i am a physician too and have read human physiology in much depth..
so, my views would be general and may not be consistent with someone in particular..
do i like it when someone post a thread and never comment on it???? or even reply! it's like he posted it and ran away :P
well it's all about love and fullfilling each other's needs, imagine yourself 15 years later, you are 45 and she's 55! how do you think your relation would be then? if it's ok with you then i think you really don't have to be intimidated by society and norms, unless your surrounding back in india would have another issue with her other than her age!!!!!
how much do u love this woman that it could withstand all the obstacles that may come ur way as a couple?? ..and your age gap seems to bother u now..if u aren't sure...then why decide to marry her?
“The aim of education should be to teach us how to think, rather than what to think. ”
rishimba: Had bad luck with a lot of post-menopausal women, have you?
khawaga, i dont know if i am wrong or right !!
thats what i have interpreted from my experience..
but friedunicorn is right , age will be considered if you are planning to have a baby... as the girl gets older the tendency is for her to find it hard to conceive please think more before doing so.
...and life for the woman turns out to be pursuit to look younger.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
of sage-sounding, but ultimately incorrect, ideas about women. I wonder... have you only met frigid women?
We younger men are much better :O)
one-touch, I wonder why you need "advice"?
just ignore them, you both can stand on your feet and already professionals... as I quote on your post "in our society people appreciate woman to be younger than her man.."
Besides, it's not that the society is against it, they will not only appreciate the relationship...
So go on..the hell with that society! There's only few genuine love I hear everyday, why not make it happen...
"I don't go back on my words, that's my way of ninja"
marriage and dating are poles apart !!
trust me.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
No! Really!?!??!?! :P
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
reasons that men generally are older in conventional marriages are pretty simple,
- men mature later than women physically and mentally
- men have libido upto the age of 70 where as females lose it when they are menopausal.
however, its the mental age that counts..
if you both are willing, go for it.
one caution... if you both are going for a baby after your marriage, think !!
- delivering after 40 may be risky to the mother and child.
- such marriages generally dont last long.. and then, god forbid, if something like this happens, the child will lose one of his parents for sure..
- your bid to convince yourself that you having a younger fiancee is somehow are forgetting a lot of other factors which go with it.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I find it better by far. He's the best guy I've ever dated.
...but I dont think it's gonna be a problem if you don't make it a mind block. Does she have kids already? If no,you might want to look at that factor too. Post 40, it would be difficult to concieve for her.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Less baggage, more fun, easier going.
Better in what way?
I don't want a Signature line to prove that I'm great !!
My finacee's younger than me. Who cares. Younger men are better.
If it's love, it's love. Nothing in society will change that. Go for it. All the best...
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough...
To hell with society. Go for it !
Older women are all the rage now. Look at Ashton Kutcher , Justin Timberlake and Pajju.