From: thalib01 Onlinethalib01's picture (Block user) To: rMs_000 Subject: hey Date: Sun, 15/11/2009 - 2:26pm
from where did this saggi girl emerge.... she thinks by just having a degree she is the queen of all...
enjoy teaching that brat a lesson she will never forget.
these qatar grown lads have no idea wat the world has in store,
I dunno why all of them hates you ! :)
Even Sid woke up! When will I ??
Onlinethalib01's picture
(Block user)
To: rMs_000
Subject: hey
Date: Sun, 15/11/2009 - 2:26pm
from where did this saggi girl emerge.... she thinks by just having a degree she is the queen of all...
enjoy teaching that brat a lesson she will never forget.
these qatar grown lads have no idea wat the world has in store,
I dunno why all of them hates you ! :)
Even Sid woke up! When will I ??