saggi, Those universities which offer those degrees are not the same universities which offer degrees for the passed ones. You can identify it if you look at the certificates. Value of calicut university and brookes university are not the same. (just an example)
And about copying during exam, gal.. it is an art!! and I'm blessed with that. :-) Now dont temme you never copied during yer exams (You can disagree just for the debate sake) els, you must be a big time nerd !! ;P
rezymalik: I dint watch that movie. :-)
saggi, Those universities which offer those degrees are not the same universities which offer degrees for the passed ones. You can identify it if you look at the certificates. Value of calicut university and brookes university are not the same. (just an example)
And about copying during exam, gal.. it is an art!! and I'm blessed with that. :-) Now dont temme you never copied during yer exams (You can disagree just for the debate sake) els, you must be a big time nerd !! ;P
Even Sid woke up! When will I ??