
Trying to enforce old cultural norms while educating the rising generation in new ones is bound to lead to the sort of cultural rebellion Superwoman represents.

How can you teach your children in English, in Western curriculum schools, let them watch the Cartoon Channel and then American teen soap operas, give them wi-fi internet devices, send them to the West for university education and then expect them to embrace the same thinking as their parents and grandparents?

Western liberal thought and Eastern illiberal cultural traditions will not coexist happily in the same mind.

But those who are promoting modernisation/Westernisation in the name of economic progress are themselves trapped in the mindset formed a generation or two ago, so they want to uphold the very norms that their policies and the pursuit of wealth are destroying.

I do think Superwoman is real and I think there will be more and more like her. She is unlucky to be caught between two cultures.