My monkey theory is this: Humans are animals and our basic urge is sex! Everything is about sex. You think its not but it is. Society and culture has put it in our heads that sex is bad but at the same time sex is holy. We have grown to feel guilty about our sexual needs and what is right and what is wrong. We have to follow society's rules and cultural norms of "marriage"
Marriage never made any MAN happy! Your going to be having sex with the same woman for the rest of your natural life? Who the hell made up this rule? If in one culture its OK to have sex with many women who are your wives, why isnt it ok all around the world? Its not that its not ok its just the culture that u come from or the religious teachings that u get right? Were u born in a religion that said its ok to have 10 wives how is that any different from cheating on your first wife? But NOW it becomes OK coz its legal cheating lol
So i say screw anyone who says cheating with a married man is wrong. You are a woman and he's a man end of story! Same goes to the wives as well if you feel u can get emotional satisfaction from another man go for it...if your husband cant satisfy your urges go find someone else. Its only natural!
End of monkey theory.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
My monkey theory is this: Humans are animals and our basic urge is sex! Everything is about sex. You think its not but it is. Society and culture has put it in our heads that sex is bad but at the same time sex is holy. We have grown to feel guilty about our sexual needs and what is right and what is wrong. We have to follow society's rules and cultural norms of "marriage"
Marriage never made any MAN happy! Your going to be having sex with the same woman for the rest of your natural life? Who the hell made up this rule? If in one culture its OK to have sex with many women who are your wives, why isnt it ok all around the world? Its not that its not ok its just the culture that u come from or the religious teachings that u get right? Were u born in a religion that said its ok to have 10 wives how is that any different from cheating on your first wife? But NOW it becomes OK coz its legal cheating lol
So i say screw anyone who says cheating with a married man is wrong. You are a woman and he's a man end of story! Same goes to the wives as well if you feel u can get emotional satisfaction from another man go for it...if your husband cant satisfy your urges go find someone else. Its only natural!
End of monkey theory.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)