a person has far more freedoms in the West than in other parts of the world. The EU in particular has impressive human rights laws, workers rights, equality, non discrimination policies; we have free press, free speech, free association etc, all of this and more is almost guaranteed to any citizen or resident in EU. You can say what you think about any govt or religion or any institution or law you disagree with. You will not be tortured, inprisoned, made to disappear or lose your job. You can be openly homosexual, bisexual, atheist etc. You can protest against war, demand the abolition of the monarchy and constitutional change. There is law and order, little corruption, social mobility - liberal values are the order of the day. Compare all this with, say, Saudi Arabia. The difference between the two ideologies is vast. Women can't drive in KSA, can't go out with boyfriends etc etc....lol. We in the West (those of us who are enlightened and have absorbed the liberal values) think life in KSA is nearly a contradiction in terms.
a person has far more freedoms in the West than in other parts of the world. The EU in particular has impressive human rights laws, workers rights, equality, non discrimination policies; we have free press, free speech, free association etc, all of this and more is almost guaranteed to any citizen or resident in EU. You can say what you think about any govt or religion or any institution or law you disagree with. You will not be tortured, inprisoned, made to disappear or lose your job. You can be openly homosexual, bisexual, atheist etc. You can protest against war, demand the abolition of the monarchy and constitutional change. There is law and order, little corruption, social mobility - liberal values are the order of the day. Compare all this with, say, Saudi Arabia. The difference between the two ideologies is vast. Women can't drive in KSA, can't go out with boyfriends etc etc....lol. We in the West (those of us who are enlightened and have absorbed the liberal values) think life in KSA is nearly a contradiction in terms.