Western equity & Fairness stories are FAKE …
Yeb, every1 writing up here in regards for this strange purpose forum?
Lets go to USA or most Europe Bars / Night clubs ..
********** Do u know most clubs will not allow Arabs & Chinese and most 3rd countries nationalities to enter
pls don’t deny ,, as me my self I have been their and for long time I note it , even if u have everything means everything (include ur money) they will not deal with u never as they r the 1st world people who r talking and writing here about Gender Equity , come on people …
By the way we need to know even more , yes we r 3rd countries including the gulf countries ,,, & by the way just who made us 3rd countries ???, doesn’t it happened cos they "the 1st world countries " captured us for hundred of years and use all our resources and did everything to keep us 3rd!! will not write about politics here just ,
don’t belive this fake and don’t talk about it here , don’t attack our culture and religion cos u r civilized NOOOOO cos u r not,,
Yes they attack OBAMA cos he kill " a fly" live in his interview wow looks great still they consider all other nations r lower "not full human!!!" and u can try this ur self Qatari girl go their>>>>>>> go to their free and civilized community , C how they will deal with u ? u will feel tooo much less than any others ,,
Am not saying this to attack their culture NOP they have a lot of good and positives issues which we need to learn just I want to clear the facts , so pls again don’t involve our history and religion in this , yes we want to keep our girls safe we want them to be educated and to work every where and be great mothers , we can Learn from u and be civilized positively but nothing else.
PM.. Why not we dream to make our dreams real not to live in our dreams,,
So not as u can relate am totally realistic not idealist ,and cos that I didn’t accept when u and others CLAIM about EQUITY between Genders & IGNORING the real meaning of EQUITY and Kindly pls DON’T judge me or my subject as its without Merit , when u do so u will look like some1 with Limited mind & vision & bysure u r not!!....
well thks man for the time u give for ur comment , and yes everything u wrote is 100% correct just with the main condition the " Citizenship " , if u allow me my comment was about equity with the human rights vision not by citizen rights vision ,
its fully applied for citizens but not for residence with many proves I will not monition here cos so not to make it another subject .
we dream to have the human equity not by nationality as we cant pre judge some1 by his passport only,,, by his personality his creativity & productivity in his community his respection for others and many other points ,, yeb flanostu!!!
You are an idealist and I can relate to that. But you are also criticizing the West (or Cyprus) because they don't live up to the idealistic fantasy. No one does. Therefore your comments on this subject are without merit.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
rkaraja, PM is a case-study. Just ignore him/her.
segregation is a necessity.
don't you realize society cannot function properly without different classes.
now where did i put my keys to my porsche.
Every country ought to have a sensible immigration policy. That is for each country to detail exactly what is in its own interests as far as immigration is concerned.
There is some legitimate (in my opinion) opposition or questioning in liberal western societies to large numbers of immigrants coming from countries where there is no tradition of liberal values, Enlightenment, and no tradition of democracy.
It is not being racist to pass immigration laws that restrict numbers of immigrants
a person has far more freedoms in the West than in other parts of the world. The EU in particular has impressive human rights laws, workers rights, equality, non discrimination policies; we have free press, free speech, free association etc, all of this and more is almost guaranteed to any citizen or resident in EU. You can say what you think about any govt or religion or any institution or law you disagree with. You will not be tortured, inprisoned, made to disappear or lose your job. You can be openly homosexual, bisexual, atheist etc. You can protest against war, demand the abolition of the monarchy and constitutional change. There is law and order, little corruption, social mobility - liberal values are the order of the day. Compare all this with, say, Saudi Arabia. The difference between the two ideologies is vast. Women can't drive in KSA, can't go out with boyfriends etc etc....lol. We in the West (those of us who are enlightened and have absorbed the liberal values) think life in KSA is nearly a contradiction in terms.
U need to review the
New immigrations polices which applied in Europe ( the latest news about the Iraqi refuges who were send back to Iraq ),,
About me, believe me or not, after my experience I feel very good in the gulf countries.
Hope am not upsetting u just u ask me about it ,
USA, UK and Europe are great countries with great level of civilization and better life but not for 3rd countries peoples .
so can I ask you a question?
In your opinion which societies have a better record on equality than Europe and the so called western societies?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I got u still tell me who can select his nationality and select which passport he like to have , this will go back to the same point EQUITY
I like to remind u also yes most 1st world countries grand nationality still granted person will always stay 2nd level ,, these things not me or u can solve it as it is a fact ,,
A life fact.
When we will talk about equity as something Exist some where some we shall skip the nationality , gender, religion , color , language ..
Walk the walk or talk the talk !!..
and thus a right of abode there would not be a problem.
Can you see which one you are missing?
It matters not what race or colour you have ......it's EU citizenship/passport that is the key.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Well ,,
It was not poland it was Cyprus(Europe) after I had visit UK, as I made long business study, the partner where should be from any EU country , u ask me where it was not fair?
For me and frankly and am sorry to tell u I saw it every where and in every department , the feeling of not being ur self even less than any EU person just cos am Arabic even if am educated and want to just have good work and life ,, face it u want or not its true and I saw it to every 3rd country national their.
And regarding the night clubs same as I wrote above ,,
Sure I made some friends and met some good peoples their and I had even 1 girl offer me the married to solve it , just as I said , through these subjects u personalize the main points which is again
and really you haven't provided any proof to show they were unfair to you. You set up a business with a Polish partner. You got a visa to visit there. What exactly is it that you felt was unfair?
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
When u want to visit any country to make business even here to Qatar ,u will go to that country embassy with ur papers ( company papers , banks statements , assets … etc ) , if they accept it u will be granted business visa , ( for Qatar will give u 6 month)
This visa is limited to its period .
My next step where to have the work residence , hope u got it.
Regarding the money , not they took it from me No , I moved their and it was the cost of setting up the company as I rented an office and installation and registration …. Etc ,,
By the way they register the company cos I had Poland partner which I wrote for him 51% of the shares at the time I paid everything ,,
I were not seeking immigration by the way or passport as the lawyer himself advice me to get married to solve it !! which were not from my ethics , I were just want to live and work not involve in these issues .
BUT AS YOU WROTE: It is not applied ANYWHERE. So it really has no bearing on this issue, does it?
I really don't understand what you mean by: "You will have business visa when u own good company in ur home country". Are you saying that everyone who has a "good business" in their "home country" will automatically be given the visa to come and establish their company in any country? That is not true at all, my friend. If that were the case, then you could open up a business here freely, right?
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
You will have business visa when u own good company in ur home country ,this was what I did not thought any fake peoples I did all my self direct with embassy , and the lawyer was "formal" and he did his best and I register general trade company as shareholder , the point was not here the point where residence , I had no residence unless that three points mentioned in the post , it were hard experience for me as relay every where and in every department their I felt it , they deal with me not as my self as some1 they don’t want,,,,
Still I respect their rules as again for every country there is rules .
About the human rights point which u didn’t believe , it is written sure but not applied anywhere by fully , I cant remember the exact ID for it just it exist if the time will helps me , will send it to u
What are you talking about?
I can only speak for UK but in ALL walks of life you can not discriminate on the grounds of things you cannot change ie race, gender, age, sexuality and disability.
If you are a foreigner and want to own a business or property in Europe then you have to buy it outright, prove you have enough money to cover costs or put up a surety......your race, gender, age, sexuality or disability is irrelevant, what matters is your right to live in that country.
I am a UK citizen but as I am a non resident I am not allowed to get a UK bank loan to get a new mortgage in the UK. This is not racist or discriminototy - it's the business of risk.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
What country and legitimate visa section took money from you and then denied you the right to open a business unfairly, keeping in mind you are not a citizen.
Besides, you are attacking Western culture in your posts, so don't complain when others attack your or other cultures.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I didn’t post here cos I were seeking for immigrations or citizenship , am familiar with all just I want to illustrate to every one posting in the Qatari girl Post here about the equity between genders its every where and they should not attack culture and religion as I cant accept this.
I suspect you were scammed by one of these fake companies pretending to be able to grant visas. If you are going to make claims you need to be able to back them up with facts.
And btw, as I stated SOME Jordanians get visas through wasta, as well as many having their visas renewed. But you discovered yourself that it is not easy now.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I went their with "business Visa " which allowed me to make deals their but not resident and cos it as u said better countries and better life I took my mind to start company and start new life!!! And sure after good study
Cos as u know it can be something of human rights as " human have the right to select where to live and when to travel etc… " u can read about that ,,
And sure I followed their rules cos I did all thro a lawyer the COOL point was I can own company their but not working in it ??????
Regarding Jordanians work visa here I got its up for the GOV. as they select from every nationality how many thay accept and it not in true 100% not allowed,,
And again this is not about me and the west no its about the equal rights story …
But of course, he won't cal them racist :-P
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I can't just decide to move to Qatar on my own and set up a business no matter what colour I am......I don't call this racist.....I accept it for what it is, the national laws of Qatar.
You are not a European citizen, therefore they have different rules for you setting up a business there...it has nothing to do with race or discrimination. Why did you not set up a business here in Qatar or in Jordan?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Why on earth do you think a jordanian VISITOR should be automatically allowed to immigrate and own a business in another country? Many would not be allowed that in your country, and you can see YOU would not be allowed that in Qatar. So you are holding the West to a standard that no Arab country meets and that even your own country doesn't meet.
I am in my 11th year here in Qatar and have professional experience of 15 years. What is your point with regard to your experience? I'm sorry but I don't understand. But do you fee 100% full human when you hear that Jordanians cannot easily get visas to Qatar without having lots of wasta?
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
1st of all I didn’t meant to discredit the west or US in general I just want to clear this fact to others here,, which I think they believe as u do it is not ,
And yes I had been their for more than 2 years trying to setup small business 100% and by lawyers and it cost me about 70.000 euro and at the end they didn't allow me to work in my own company!!! As by law which clear u don’t know about it , 3rd countries which (does include gulf countries) cant have the work permit at all unless one of a few options ,
having the nationality (Passport) which I don’t have or
deposit 200.000 euro as a bank guarantee or
getting married with west lady ???
what u think do u know this which u name as " EQUAL RIGHTS " ,,
Yes am from Jordan and with Palestinians roots and I spend about 15 years in G.C.C and to let u know more I have 10 years professional IT experience and certified , and cos before I did believed in what u said about equity I did the move and traveled their " the 1st world" and what I faced their was what I wrote above !! god believe me I felt am not full human , I have the experience and I had the money to start business but they didn’t allow!!
Even if u know about my visa work situation here still I feel human if u got me,,
Anyway am not against the west at all NO just I were want to tell other peoples here if they having some problems about our culture issues here its same everywhere and could be worse just we have to accept & respect the culture rules in place we work and live in ,,
You don't seem to really know much about the West. Have you ever been there? Do you think by starting a campaign to discredit the West and US, you will improve your life in Jordan or Qatar (if you can get a visa)? In the West equal rights are extended to all -- regardless of National origin, gender or skin color.
And btw, I don't think anyone considers the GCC Third World Countries. Maybe the other Arab countries (am not sure), but not the Gulf.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM