For everyone here
instead of seeing the differences in others see the common things
we all as human have more in common than what we think.
we all are lovin people but we were all taught to be scared of whats difference instead of celebrating it.
we were raised in a way that there are right and wrong, our families teach us whats right according to them and that if some one else dont agree wiht us then they are wrong and are going to hell
there is no absolute truth.
we all try our best to be good humen beings but if you think anyone who is not following your life style is wrong, then you are not trying hard enough.
"Superwoman to the rescue"
For everyone here
instead of seeing the differences in others see the common things
we all as human have more in common than what we think.
we all are lovin people but we were all taught to be scared of whats difference instead of celebrating it.
we were raised in a way that there are right and wrong, our families teach us whats right according to them and that if some one else dont agree wiht us then they are wrong and are going to hell
there is no absolute truth.
we all try our best to be good humen beings but if you think anyone who is not following your life style is wrong, then you are not trying hard enough.