Are you really comparing yourself to black freedom fighters who were in the US during 50s and 60s???
They were fighting for thier human rights..god given rights..not like you trying to dress naked and drink alcohol!! you are doing that anyway!!
You are really way off the limit and i hope you are not drunk now!!
another wish you were a would this satisfy your wish had been a gay! problem still there for men..
so you argument is baseless and biased!!
and one more think, Do you think our values would let us permit gays to get married for example? Do you think we are depriving human rights for not allowing gays to be gays? if you do, then that explains many things!
Are you really comparing yourself to black freedom fighters who were in the US during 50s and 60s???
They were fighting for thier human rights..god given rights..not like you trying to dress naked and drink alcohol!! you are doing that anyway!!
You are really way off the limit and i hope you are not drunk now!!
another wish you were a would this satisfy your wish had been a gay! problem still there for men..
so you argument is baseless and biased!!
and one more think, Do you think our values would let us permit gays to get married for example? Do you think we are depriving human rights for not allowing gays to be gays? if you do, then that explains many things!