Your petition runs against your introductory paragraph, as every single word in your post is explicitly screaming out you're new to Qatar or maybe an impersonator.

1- Is this your first time to a club in Qatar? You're above 18 and have been "occasionally" drinking, a regular clubber must have been introduced to those regulations earlier? I heard about them and I don't drink.

2- Why didn't you use your family's influence -if you have any?- to get to the club, or even build your own, since your post implies your lovely family allows you to let your hair hang down in YOUR COUNTRY?

3- Would you speak Qatari to me please? لا تفشليني الحين! والله ما تعرفين تتحتجين لغة بلدتج؟ (forgive me, I'm so bad in writing colloquial)

4- Oh, you can undergo a trans.. surgery, no problem.

Next time take your uncle with you to let you in, since I'm sure they all agree to your clubbing.
