any way , i am not blaming anyone here, but why we should insert sexual contents in a movie if it is good ?!!!
i call it (the 60% scene ) , why?
because the director or the producer is not good enough , and he knows that me and you will get bored of his silly movie BUT to keep you in your seat , he will take advantage of you and use that thing between your legs to keep you there ,not your heart , not your brain , not your soul.
So i feel like a stupid when i watch something like this
because the director is looking at me as an animal instead of respecting this guy who come to watch his movie.
if i need porn i know where i can find it , but i don't need this stupid scene in this movie .
and one more thing , the first comments mentioned that it is a psychology issue, but if i return back 20 years from now i will see that sex views and bad words have been increased 1000%
so adults were kids those days , and the current kids are adults now????
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
waw you saw nudity in age 9??
where were your guidance ? 0_0
any way , i am not blaming anyone here, but why we should insert sexual contents in a movie if it is good ?!!!
i call it (the 60% scene ) , why?
because the director or the producer is not good enough , and he knows that me and you will get bored of his silly movie BUT to keep you in your seat , he will take advantage of you and use that thing between your legs to keep you there ,not your heart , not your brain , not your soul.
So i feel like a stupid when i watch something like this
because the director is looking at me as an animal instead of respecting this guy who come to watch his movie.
if i need porn i know where i can find it , but i don't need this stupid scene in this movie .
and one more thing , the first comments mentioned that it is a psychology issue, but if i return back 20 years from now i will see that sex views and bad words have been increased 1000%
so adults were kids those days , and the current kids are adults now????
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"