according to what i see in the news , no one is adult , it is only a standard we invented .
And every human is fragile and human being reflects what his society wants and the age is not a big deal
i think we teach our kids what we want them to be taught
BUT the important thing is are our standard right?
this is what i mean in this thread and this is the purpose of religion because it gives us a standards we should follow and usually it follow what the human being has been created to be we call it in arabic "fitra"
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"
according to what i see in the news , no one is adult , it is only a standard we invented .
And every human is fragile and human being reflects what his society wants and the age is not a big deal
i think we teach our kids what we want them to be taught
BUT the important thing is are our standard right?
this is what i mean in this thread and this is the purpose of religion because it gives us a standards we should follow and usually it follow what the human being has been created to be we call it in arabic "fitra"
"It could be a picture
It could be a medicine
it could be a bullet
depends on how you see it"