I suspect, that since the expat worker needs a "permission to leave the country" from his employer in Qatar, this might be the start of the problem. I mean, it has to give the wrong messages to all involved...Worker feels like slave, employer feels like this is my opportunity to screw everybody and most of us, who like democracy more than food, would rather stay in our home countries. (Mean no disrespect to any hard working people that have no choice, but to feed they families.)
But it really is simple to solve it...Walk away from your jobs (not because you want more money of course) and demand changes (including the nonsence exit permit). It is all up to you.It needs unity, you need to stick together to achieve changes for the better. Bitching on the Forum will not do much. Organize yourself. It is 21st century. No more slaves! We all want to create, make better life for our selfs and families and to have better world for our children. (Is the evolution going right direction?) But unless you are all treated with dignity and also appreciated for what are you doing for the country that you are calling a temporary home, there would be very little smiles and satisfaction...in your heart. Think who is benefiting from the current situation and who can make the changes that you need. Try a little change each day (with yourselfs as well), over period of time it should be a significant change as a result. Who needs divisions, when most of us are more or less the same in basic needs and values. ( Please no negative feedbacks)