Bloody ell! I'm scared about coming to Qatar after reading threads like these! He actually shunted your rear bumper whilst driving!?! What a complete utter pillock!
If that happened to me I would have made that bloke's life a living nightmare regardless of how tiny my car is. You simply cannot surrender to people like that with such ease.
I really feel for you though. Whilst lane hoggers can be annoying, what the driver did is in-excusable. But your subsequent reactions (smiling and greeting) after the events are confusing and non-sensical. I
f it was me I would be dispensing numerous expletives and looking around my car to see if I had a rocket propelled grenade to launch at the guy.
Bloody ell! I'm scared about coming to Qatar after reading threads like these! He actually shunted your rear bumper whilst driving!?! What a complete utter pillock!
If that happened to me I would have made that bloke's life a living nightmare regardless of how tiny my car is. You simply cannot surrender to people like that with such ease.
I really feel for you though. Whilst lane hoggers can be annoying, what the driver did is in-excusable. But your subsequent reactions (smiling and greeting) after the events are confusing and non-sensical. I
f it was me I would be dispensing numerous expletives and looking around my car to see if I had a rocket propelled grenade to launch at the guy.