the paddle is a gift from heaven. Not for teens, too late then. Then the paddle only creates the opposite effect to that which is desired, but from 6 to 10, a good belting takes care of most essential "don'ts". And of course having "domestic labour" raise your kids is pretty damn backwards too. If you can't raise your kids, don't have them. Plain and simple. Domestic labour is for cooking, cleaning, but parenting? Ridiculous.
the paddle is a gift from heaven. Not for teens, too late then. Then the paddle only creates the opposite effect to that which is desired, but from 6 to 10, a good belting takes care of most essential "don'ts". And of course having "domestic labour" raise your kids is pretty damn backwards too. If you can't raise your kids, don't have them. Plain and simple. Domestic labour is for cooking, cleaning, but parenting? Ridiculous.