People (the negative ones!), please, don't be so strict!! I was just asking a simple question, based on a very unpleasant experience!! I was just describing a situation that I lived within 2 weeks of 'living' here. I came here wanting to make the best of my time, to learn about the culture and the people in the best, most positive way. Why do you think I asked? To try to understand what the "status quo" is in Qatar. There's no need to layer your response with strict, (not to mention, in some people's case, hateful) judgment, prejudice, orders, demands, sarcasm, whatever!! I come from an ancient, highly civilized country that attracts thousands upon thousands of modern (and in many cases very ignorant) visitors from around the world every year - do you think I expect every1 to know EXACTLY how they should or shouldn't behave before or as soon as they step foot there? Why SHOULD I have such an expectation? Allow people the space to be HUMAN; to breathe, to THINK, to BE, to act with or without thinking, to LOVE, to consider and reconsider. As long as someone has a good intention and LIVES by THAT, please, (unless you secretly believe that they don't have the right - because those who wish harm on others actually wish harm upon themselves) RESPECT that they are willing to learn because they want to live their life according to love, respect and friendship. Perfection is not real, there is no such thing. Knowledge is also very relative. If you're out there to judge others, then you are not on this website or forum to communicate, you are here only to try to IMPOSE YOUR BELIEFS, so that you can feel better about yourself. And you probably don't even feel better about yourself cause you know your beliefs are full of demands that cannot really be met without fear, sadness or a strictness that is not real to the free human spirit or mind. May god, whatever and whoever God is to you (that is really not the issue here by the way!!) BLESS YOU and help you BREATHE your FEAR and ANGER away. PS. Yes, I cherish the need to fight 'globalization' and retain tradition. But you know what? That's up to each and every individual. This is the test of our time. We have internet, mobile phones etc etc- everything is accessible. We can utilize them for knowledge & essential communication or get "lost" in them - becoming overindulgent and out of touch with what;s actually around us. I saw this happen to my country - a very traditional place b4- now every1 is in debt cause they want the newest car, phone etc - consumer nightmare!! It can't be avoided as a society, so we can't blame "foreigners" 4 destroying our tradition. Each and every country now has thousands of foreigners coming in to settle for socio-political reasons. It's a different and real time; we have to adapt in the healthiest way! Our true strength comes not from unrealistic orders but from adapting as a whole and being self-sufficient and dignified as individuals. The important things, are freedom, health, faith and love- for ourselves, our country, our loved ones, mankind overall, nature, god and the universe! Good luck to us all!
People (the negative ones!), please, don't be so strict!! I was just asking a simple question, based on a very unpleasant experience!! I was just describing a situation that I lived within 2 weeks of 'living' here. I came here wanting to make the best of my time, to learn about the culture and the people in the best, most positive way. Why do you think I asked? To try to understand what the "status quo" is in Qatar. There's no need to layer your response with strict, (not to mention, in some people's case, hateful) judgment, prejudice, orders, demands, sarcasm, whatever!! I come from an ancient, highly civilized country that attracts thousands upon thousands of modern (and in many cases very ignorant) visitors from around the world every year - do you think I expect every1 to know EXACTLY how they should or shouldn't behave before or as soon as they step foot there? Why SHOULD I have such an expectation? Allow people the space to be HUMAN; to breathe, to THINK, to BE, to act with or without thinking, to LOVE, to consider and reconsider. As long as someone has a good intention and LIVES by THAT, please, (unless you secretly believe that they don't have the right - because those who wish harm on others actually wish harm upon themselves) RESPECT that they are willing to learn because they want to live their life according to love, respect and friendship. Perfection is not real, there is no such thing. Knowledge is also very relative. If you're out there to judge others, then you are not on this website or forum to communicate, you are here only to try to IMPOSE YOUR BELIEFS, so that you can feel better about yourself. And you probably don't even feel better about yourself cause you know your beliefs are full of demands that cannot really be met without fear, sadness or a strictness that is not real to the free human spirit or mind. May god, whatever and whoever God is to you (that is really not the issue here by the way!!) BLESS YOU and help you BREATHE your FEAR and ANGER away. PS. Yes, I cherish the need to fight 'globalization' and retain tradition. But you know what? That's up to each and every individual. This is the test of our time. We have internet, mobile phones etc etc- everything is accessible. We can utilize them for knowledge & essential communication or get "lost" in them - becoming overindulgent and out of touch with what;s actually around us. I saw this happen to my country - a very traditional place b4- now every1 is in debt cause they want the newest car, phone etc - consumer nightmare!! It can't be avoided as a society, so we can't blame "foreigners" 4 destroying our tradition. Each and every country now has thousands of foreigners coming in to settle for socio-political reasons. It's a different and real time; we have to adapt in the healthiest way! Our true strength comes not from unrealistic orders but from adapting as a whole and being self-sufficient and dignified as individuals. The important things, are freedom, health, faith and love- for ourselves, our country, our loved ones, mankind overall, nature, god and the universe! Good luck to us all!