I do accept that when you live in a "pot pouri" of a community with different nationalities using the roads - all bringing with them the road traffic "nouce" that they have used in their own country, then yes, you are going to witness differing standards of adherence to the "rule of the road" which Boris terms "common sense". Unfortunately as he says, common sense on the roads of Qatar aint all that common. Having driven here for 2 years now I guess I am still a novice but the things missing IMHO are common courtesy and general road sense - again IMHO we are all guilty of this on occasion - even I was guilty this morning of lack of courtesy when I dipped my mirror and refused to be intimated by the monkey in back of me. BUT over and above ALL of the above, some nationals - male or female - take poor driving to a whole new level - a level that makes NO distinction between reckless/callous and safe. They clearly are no respectors of life either their own or other road users and I am including pedestrians in that - but that takes us back to Gadarene's initial thread and forward to the whole way nationals view their existence on earth anyway and Im not going there!!!! Well, not today anyway.
I do accept that when you live in a "pot pouri" of a community with different nationalities using the roads - all bringing with them the road traffic "nouce" that they have used in their own country, then yes, you are going to witness differing standards of adherence to the "rule of the road" which Boris terms "common sense". Unfortunately as he says, common sense on the roads of Qatar aint all that common. Having driven here for 2 years now I guess I am still a novice but the things missing IMHO are common courtesy and general road sense - again IMHO we are all guilty of this on occasion - even I was guilty this morning of lack of courtesy when I dipped my mirror and refused to be intimated by the monkey in back of me. BUT over and above ALL of the above, some nationals - male or female - take poor driving to a whole new level - a level that makes NO distinction between reckless/callous and safe. They clearly are no respectors of life either their own or other road users and I am including pedestrians in that - but that takes us back to Gadarene's initial thread and forward to the whole way nationals view their existence on earth anyway and Im not going there!!!! Well, not today anyway.