exiledsaint said I wonder how this hurts people. You're I'm a bar and a couple kiss..... Do you go into a frenzy when you get home and indulge in s&m with your wife and then make your kids watch porn?!?!?"
- No. It desensitizes people watching the couple. Esp if they are young, impressionable minds. (Edit - Yes at the bars, mostly matured adults but ... )
"Seeing a kid getting run over by a car here was much more distressting that seeing a man and a woman kiss."
- Agreed. And that's why you should be focusing your attention on the important things and not nitpicking your trivial hurt egos.
Basically, you are insulted that you have your freedom curtailed - but you don't see the bigger picture. You are thinking only of yourself.
As for curtailment of freedom - it's not really curtailed. You can have your private parties and do all the PDAs you like, and more, if your guests prefer similar freedoms.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
exiledsaint said I wonder how this hurts people. You're I'm a bar and a couple kiss..... Do you go into a frenzy when you get home and indulge in s&m with your wife and then make your kids watch porn?!?!?"
- No. It desensitizes people watching the couple. Esp if they are young, impressionable minds. (Edit - Yes at the bars, mostly matured adults but ... )
"Seeing a kid getting run over by a car here was much more distressting that seeing a man and a woman kiss."
- Agreed. And that's why you should be focusing your attention on the important things and not nitpicking your trivial hurt egos.
Basically, you are insulted that you have your freedom curtailed - but you don't see the bigger picture. You are thinking only of yourself.
As for curtailment of freedom - it's not really curtailed. You can have your private parties and do all the PDAs you like, and more, if your guests prefer similar freedoms.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama