USA Doc said This is not about culture rather about religion. I think that this rule is common to all 3 major religions without exceptions"

- Err.. Buddhism and Hinduism are major religions too. You mean the 3 main Monotheist religions. But come on, it's also about the culture - defined as "the sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another"
(Source -

"It is sad and equally unfortunate to see that religions have been commercialized, I.e... Ramadan is more about food than cleansing ones self of sins by doing good,"

- Cleansing of self - that's true here and in any other Muslim country or community where the believers are serious about their faith.

"Christmas in the west particularly in the US has turned into a materialistic event that people look forward to each year with total disregard to the lessons and values we get from those yearly events."

- And whose fault is that? People should take responsibility for their own actions, don't you think? Instead of letting things be "decided by omission". So the total freedom that is advocated and implemented has shown what results from it in the long run. And by the way, Christmas is not the most important Christian festival - it's Easter and the 40 day fast prior to that for spiritual cleansing.

Anyway, this is what Qatar is trying to ensure - that the freedoms and liberties enjoyed are enjoyed within reason. IMHO, this is wise and the right way forward. Certain quarters complain because they don't like their freedoms restricted but it's all a matter of adapting.

Anyone can do anything they put their minds to. If the objective is for good - whether it be the small picture of looking after the self and family, or the wider picture of looking after the community around, or the even wider picture of looking out for the world around us, etc,etc - good will return to you, one way or another. May not see it immediately, but it will surely come. Might not see it in one's lifetime (might die tomorrow, you see) but it will surely come.

"Come to think of it kissing in public is a violation in the christian faith even having a BF/GF is absolute adultery."
- It depends on the church leadership. I have been involved in many different denominations but remain in my original one. I see the good, the bad and the ugly :0)

"The bottom line here is kissing in public and committing other sexual acts has only led to more problems in society morally speaking. just look at how many kids are born out of wedlock each year.... the number is astonishing and that's just partly a by- product of publicly displaying sexual behavior."

- Agreed. Looking at it from another PoV - actually, to refrain from PDAs helps both men and women to really get to know each other first before other things cloud reality. If a couple starts on the basis of commitment, like arranged marriages/marriages before God, they can go quite far in terms of maintaining keeping it together.

Arranged marriages are good, in that the couple starts on the basis of commitment and their families will counsel and help when (not if) they run into trouble, and they can work things out. Ultimately, because of their commitment, focus and support. That is provided the families are sane and not insane.. But that's another story.

/I really have to work now. Ttfn!

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama