Stone Cold, anyone who knows me will tell you Im quite reserved, I don't wear makeup (though I probably should, lol) and I hate to cook. Does your theory still apply?

Qatarilady, Im not a feminist but Im just as bit as goal oriented as the next guy.

Brit, I am very competitive yes. But I dont play dirty games, whereas Iv seen men stick each other and anyone else in the back many times. To be honest the only ones who do not seem threatened by me are those with way more experience who are in the twilight of their professional careers.

Alexa, that is true. However you cannot deny that on average women are paid less than men, get fewer promotions etc. I used to say nah, the playing field is even, but it is not. Take tennis for eg, its only been a couple of years that women take home the same prize money as their male counterparts.