To save your country's face (you’re very new to QL, I'm not at all denying my country's corruption, check my posts on QL and in the Egyptian group,) I'd rather not discuss hypocrisy and corruption here, as your government is paid twice as much if not triple than mine, a small chunk from trading with Israel and the bigger notes by the USA. As you know Qatar is seeking to westernize everything including the history it's trying to make.

Wait 200 more years from now for your grandchildren to talk to mine, at least Qatar would be a toddler by then in the book of history it’s trying to make, and maybe it would have come cleaner than it is now. Oh sorry, I forgot, Qatar "Froze ties"? Reality hurts and bites, sorry.

Right now, I don't waste time on amateurs, you may carry on with your preaching sessions.

حسافة على العرب المسلمين.