Maximum Wealth with Minimum Effort

By QatariLady

Warning: This thread contains religious material. If you're religion-hypersensitive reading this thread could be hazardous to your health. Read at your own risk!

Again.. I came across an interesting video on A Muslim convert explains how what lead him to Islam was the fact that the Saudis became the richest ppl on earth with minimal work; They only said Allahu Akbar and got rich.

Well, Allah says in the Quran:

"And if the people of the townships had believed and kept from evil, surely We should have opened for them blessings from the sky and from the earth. But (unto every messenger) they gave the lie, and so We seized them on account of what they used to earn."


By Straight Arrow• 22 Jul 2009 08:48
Straight Arrow

1- If you say that everything was created by Allah (God), then who created Allah?

2 - Why does Allah not show Himself?

3- If you say that Allah is omnipotent (all powerful, can do everything), then can He make a rock so big that He can't even lift?

4- Can Allah make another Allah exactly as Himself?

5- Why only one Eternal and Everlasting as you mentioned in this thread?

6- Why Allah? Why not flying spaghetti monster or invisible flying pink unicorn?

if they want the answers they can go to:

I do not want to copy big text and paste it.

By anonymous• 21 Jul 2009 23:25

would you post the same cut and paste? Have you decided on a number?

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By Straight Arrow• 21 Jul 2009 22:29
Straight Arrow

Many do not know what is Fitrah?

Well I found the meaning on one web site and I would like to share it with you:

By Yasien Mohamed

Extracted with slight modifications from "Fitrah: The Islamic Concept of Human Nature" © 1996 TA-HA Publishers Ltd.

In attempting a definition of ‘fitrah’, I give an exposition of its linguistic and religious meaning. The religious understanding of fitrah is based on the positive interpretation of fitrah…

Suffice it to say that linguistic and positive religious explanations have one thing in common: both define fitrah as an inborn natural predisposition which cannot change, and which exists at birth in all human beings. What makes our religious understanding positive is that it not only acknowledges fitrah as a natural predisposition, but also one which is inclined towards right action and submission to Allah, the One God.

After discussing the implications for human responsibility, I compare, for the benefit of Western readers, the Islamic concept of original goodness with the Christian concept of original sin. I argue that the doctrine of original sin, from an Islamic point of view, cannot be reconciled with the notion of Divine mercy nor the human responsibility. Since the doctrine of original sin features significantly in the Christian concept of human nature, and as Islam and Christianity are the world’s largest revealed religions, this aspect of their creeds presents an interesting contrast, well worth investigating.

for more you can go to:

also in this site you will know:

1. The Linguistic Meaning of Fitrah

2. The Religious Meaning of Fitrah

3. Fitrah and Human Responsibility

4. Alienation from Fitrah

5. The Christian Doctrine of Original Sin

By Gypsy• 21 Jul 2009 11:31

But it doesn't. Look at States with the Death Penalty actually have HIGHER rates of murders and violent crime.

Captial punishment (or the threat of it) might be able to stop things like minor theft, vandalism or spitting gum on the sidewalk, but it doesn't make a difference to violent crime.

And I see an awful lot of lawbreakers here even though Qatar has capital punishment.

And it still doesn't even get into the moral issues associated with killing or torturing someone.

By QatariLady• 21 Jul 2009 11:14

The mere presence of the law is sufficient to prevent it. This is the point of it. It will not prevent it completely, but will keep it to a minimum.

By Gypsy• 21 Jul 2009 10:47

But the crimes still happen in Singapore, so while it's "safer" you need to look at other factors, because capital punishment doesn't and hasn't worked anywhere else. I don't want to get into the capital punishment issue as I've done so in other threads, but there's plenty of evidence to show it doesn't work.

Anyway, who are we to kill another person, two wrongs don't make a right. If we're to say murder is wrong, then we can't go commit ourselves under the guise of punishment.

By QatariLady• 21 Jul 2009 10:43

You see them as MASSIVE steps forward because unfortunately you're losing sight of the big picture.

Consider execution for instance. If a society implements such a strict punishment on the FEW persons who'll commit crimes the whole society will be safer because commiting crimes then will be too much risk. I will not speak of Qatar or Saudi Arabia but think of Singapore. They have a very strict law and it's one of the safest places to live in.

By QatariLady• 21 Jul 2009 10:32

I hope you had a chance to see the video. He mentioned that he belonged to the British upper-middle class and he said he was affected by the colonial environment he grew up in. He was lost and couldn't find a purpose for life and figured out maybe it was about money. Of course to him Islam now is more than a way to make money. See his other videos.. really an intelligent guy.

What made me focus th thread on making wealth is that it was the first time for me to see anyone being lead to Islam through search for wealth. Usually they'd be looking for spirituality.. looking for a meaningful life..looking for God himself..etc.

By Gypsy• 21 Jul 2009 08:29

I actually consider them MASSIVE steps forward. Perhaps I possess a mind capable of grasping the benefits of it though, and not one stuck back in the Middle Ages.

By flanostu• 21 Jul 2009 00:04

all hail the money god!!!

i find it friggin hilarious that this country has so much wealth and it's flaunted and wasted on unnecessary greed.

isn't all wealth a loan from god???? i can tell you not many muslims are gonna get to see the 'big guy' when their time is up.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 23:32
Rating: 2/5

but have to say that I also find the idea of converting to Islam for material wealth unappealing and even creepy. If those were his reasons, I surely hope he has seen the error of his ways and found something much deeper and more spiritually meaningful. I think promoting Islam for maximum wealth with minimum effort does more harm than good for the image of Islam.




I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By Happy Happy• 20 Jul 2009 15:52
Happy Happy

None of the Egyptians I know believe the Egyptian movies and partially the media are representing our country to begin with.

Read a sample of what Masreyah and I were discussing here:


By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 15:49
Rating: 2/5


My flying carpet is available for your comfortable seating in first class only.

Please make your self comfortable with exaltations of joy.

Be careful, your royal highness. you might get hurt, curl and marked with those fine thread knots in your royal glutenous since is so big.

Graduated from Xavier Institute for Higher learning.

By Happy Happy• 20 Jul 2009 15:48
Happy Happy

I seriously don't watch Arabic movies, Egyptian movies on top of my NO-NO, so I really don't know what you're referring to, and don't care. (no personal offense meant)


By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 15:42

Prove me wrong in what I said.

Do you watch Egyptian movies? Are you proud of the material presented? Are you proud of the cabarets and share3 el haram? Did you ever ask yourself (or your government) why most of the ppl of the seven-thousand-year civilisation are illetrate and poor? Do you know why your government import wheat from North America when you have all this fertile land and the Nile?

By Happy Happy• 20 Jul 2009 15:41
Happy Happy

To save your country's face (you’re very new to QL, I'm not at all denying my country's corruption, check my posts on QL and in the Egyptian group,) I'd rather not discuss hypocrisy and corruption here, as your government is paid twice as much if not triple than mine, a small chunk from trading with Israel and the bigger notes by the USA. As you know Qatar is seeking to westernize everything including the history it's trying to make.

Wait 200 more years from now for your grandchildren to talk to mine, at least Qatar would be a toddler by then in the book of history it’s trying to make, and maybe it would have come cleaner than it is now. Oh sorry, I forgot, Qatar "Froze ties"? Reality hurts and bites, sorry.

Right now, I don't waste time on amateurs, you may carry on with your preaching sessions.

حسافة على العرب المسلمين.


By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 15:37

You need to see all my posts and not be picky.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 15:35

These are move BACKWARDS not forewards.

It's reality that insults not my words.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 15:26

LOL WOW QatariLady, is there ANYONE you haven't insulted today?

By janeyjaney• 20 Jul 2009 15:25

I want to know how many times he said Allahu Akbar? Maybe that's key to being rich?

Btw, my boss is rich but I've never seen him pray. I've only seen him giving me instructions to lay off people and cut their salaries with no justification.

My dad's boss is ridiculously rich but he's cheating on his wife. He never prays. He has multiple partners here in Qatar but he's still mad rich.

Where I come from, so many people are really religious to the extent that they devote their entire lives to the Church but get this, they don't pray to get rich. They just pray so that they can be saved (or that's what they say) and be on a better state whether financially, morally and emotionally. However, they struggle for so long just to achieve this. Does this mean that they chose the wrong religion?

QL, you need to see the world and not only recognize the mideast as THE WORLD. You need to see poor people to which regardless of what they don't have, still find happiness and fulfillment in their lives. It's not all about getting rich. Maybe you believe that life is just about the cash, is it?

Pity. I pity ignorant people. D&G will be on sale, btw. Yalla.

The internet is our revenge machine

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 15:25

Actually I was thinking along line of corporal punishment, execution, spousal abuse, acceptance of people different then you, acceptance of homosexuality, and yes the rights and acceptance of children born out of wedlock. All of these are MAJOR steps forward from close minded formally prejudiced thinking.

By Happy Happy• 20 Jul 2009 15:24
Happy Happy

You have not answered any of my questions, have you? "Egyptians prayed very recently"? Are you from Mars?


By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 15:20

Good of you to mention 'curriculum'. Isn't it a FACT that Quran is taught in Egyptian public schools as an 'optional' subject?

What I said about the servant was true. She was staring at me unbelievingly. That was in the 1990s.

I didn't say none of the Egyptians prayed.

The wars with the Israelis were secular wars that's why they didn't win eventually. Didn't 'Nasser' torture the Islamic brotherhood memebers? Sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi himself was jailed and expelled from Egypt. Shiekh Hassan Al-Banna too.

How many cabarets do you have in Egypt? Didn't Egypt assist in the siege on the Gaza Strip?? What do you call this?

By Happy Happy• 20 Jul 2009 15:12
Happy Happy

Oh Wow! "Egyptians only began praying very recently", because when you were in Egypt, the servant was surprised when you were getting prepared for praying?

1- When is your " very recently"? before or after "Allah Akbar" of 1973 Arab-Israeli War? were you even born yet?

2- You're daring to preach against what Prophet Mohammed (PUBH) and Quran said about Egypt and Egyptians? only one tiny example here:

قال صلى الله عليه و سلم (إذا فتح الله عليكم مصر فاتخذوا بها جندا كثيفا فذلك الجند خير اجناد الأرض ، قال أبو بكر لم يا رسول الله؟ قال لأنهم و أزواجهم فى رباط إلى يوم القيامة ).

3- Do you know how many Prophets were born or lived in Egypt, or none of them prayed too?

4- Did you know Egypt was mentioned in the Bible?

( مصر خزائن الأرض كلها ، فمن أرادها بسوء قصمه الله)

5- Do you know what and where is Alazhar located and how long back it has been established?

6- Do you know how many mosques and churches we have in Egypt and how ancient they are? People build them to pray in them, right?

7- Were you ever schooled or even read a primary school history and geography curriculum?

Did not expect an ignorant comment like this one from an "Islamic preacher"?


By Straight Arrow• 20 Jul 2009 15:05
Straight Arrow

How Islam views the Universal Creation?

Here is the web site:

It is a debate or conversation between Wilson and Cheri and I am sure many of you will like it.

By Xena• 20 Jul 2009 15:03

I think that was written about in the topic about the accident that killed the 4 qatari girls - the guy was quoted as being a 24yr old teenager - sorry, computer is playing up, so battling to find the thread....

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME



By blablabla• 20 Jul 2009 15:03

Useless, stupid propaganda in the name of daawah! totally irrational, insane stuff!! well said Rain. i am with you..

Funiulus, Muslims certainly have something to learn from you. keep it up!

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 14:57

How so? Was stealing unethical but now it is? Did alcohol intoxicate human brain but now it doesn't? Was it hurful for a child to grow up not knowing his father but now they don't give a damn?

By Winn• 20 Jul 2009 14:52
Rating: 2/5

Buddhism was found around 500 BC. Confucianism and Taoism around the same time. Hinduism, much before that.

Prophets Jesus and Mohammed lived around 1st century AD and 7th century AD.

Also, please note they 'claim' they were there since Adam, seen as a fictional character by lotsa ppl. Its upto the individual to believe it or not.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 14:49

Humans never change...Wow...what a bleak view. Frankly I see a huge change in morals, values and views since the dawn of mankind till now.

By The Rain• 20 Jul 2009 14:47
The Rain

salman-s i re-read my post...i never said religion is corrupt...i said people are making corruption in religion....

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 14:27

I'm still waiting for your answer.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 14:25

Islam and other divine religions came since Adam before Budhism.

The auditors' credentials are their first-hand knowledge from the Prophet himself.

Everything in Islam is acceptable because human beings never change so what applied to ancient human beings is suitable 'humanly' to modern ppl. The difference is in the material life which is open for human creativity.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 14:23

Why not? You claim yours is, they claim their's is. At the end of the day there's no proof any of them are, so all you have is claims.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 14:21

I do agree on most of what you said..


Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me a fanataic, dangerous person. I didn't kill those ppl.. I read in the Quran that Allah is Merciful and doesn't destroy towns for the sake of it. And the ppl who survived in that particular region told how mischievous the ppl were. And I'm not talking about the good ppl in surrounding areas who were hit, but I'm talking about the coastal area that was ERASED. I think it was called Etcheh or something.

Again..Tell me about these other beliefs if you believe they're Divine. Just 'claiming' they are doen't make them so.

By Winn• 20 Jul 2009 14:20

who audited it?(reference?) what was his(auditor's) credentials? If it was audited once why not in regular intervals afterwards?

Revisited doesnt mean adjusted/modified. It means mulling on the applicability of all part of the scriptures for the present day and ground realities and deciding what is acceptable and what is not.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 14:18

It's people like you who are responsible why Islam is hated by others. You should consult some educated muslims to get a lesson on - How to respect others. That's required. Not only for you but for the entire state of Qatar's well being. You are dangerous and someone should talk to you to help.

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By Winn• 20 Jul 2009 14:15

QL: Frame it a different way.

Are the old 'Divine'(?) religions(Islam, Judaism and Christianity) in any way related to these religions? Do they acknowledge other prophets like Buddha and Lao-Tsu? If they dont how can they be divine?

just giving you a different perspective.

By salman-s• 20 Jul 2009 14:15

And you think everyone will agree to your "boycott"

And BTW if you didnt come here for money then why did you come here. Was it because you boyfriend was here and if he was here, he would've come here for money then you also indirectly came here for money

@the rain

can u please tell me to prove your statement that the religion is corrupt (please dont tell me this nation is corrupt or that person is corrupt)

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 14:11

[quote:] " How often is your 'authentication' revisited/audited?"

Islamic references, mainly Hadiths, were audited immediately after the Prophet Muhammed died in the same way the Quran has been PRESERVED until today.

If by 'revisited' you mean 'adjusted' or 'modified' that would be an act of forgery. Muslims didn't allow themselves to alter or modify the religion because it's not open for 'amendment'.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 14:11

I would say telling people that their religious beliefs aren't divine simply cause they aren't yours is pretty insulting QL. Really your arrogance is appalling.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 14:11

...that you are a potentially dangerous person. Please don't end up killing someone with your fantastic ideas. As I said earlier - You Win. I rest my case.

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By The Rain• 20 Jul 2009 14:09
The Rain

qatarilady qoute""The poor countries that you mentioned and said that they said 'Allahu Akbar' and still poor.. Please look at their practices and admit that they live in corruption"""...

what abt dubai where pros and bars exists in almost every hotel...dont u agree this is corruption.i would say a corription in religion...also what abt behrain(the famous weekened spot for all arabs)....stop assuming things and just re-read the verse i qouted in the previous comment

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 14:06

QL: "I saw a documentary about it the ppl who survived said that Muslim women in that area were prostitutes to tourists. Fathers would go to mosques knowing and accepting that their daughters are at home with their boy friends. In a Muslim country this is unacceptable."

>> My suggestion to you is not to take all your resources for granted. Try to get info from first hand.

QL: "Do you see any other reason why would God allow the sea to destroy the region like that?"

>>I prefer to look at it as a "test" rather than "punishment". This will avoid me to feel as a 'saint'.

QL: "All prophets were indeed sent in this region.. One reason could be that's it's the centre of the world."

>>The other reason was Fir'aun, Abu Jahl, Abu Lahb did exist here, and I consider this as the main reason :)

QL:"A Muslim convert explains how what lead him to Islam was the fact that the Saudis became the richest ppl on earth with minimal work; They only said Allahu Akbar and got rich."

>> I would see this as a 'test' rather than a 'reward'. In fact, I feel pity to see still so many saudis living in poverty and uneducated considering the amount of resources they have.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 14:06

I'm not insulting. If you called the Prophet a philosopher I won't take it as an insult even though I believe it's wrong. This is your perspective.


If you know anything about these beliefs please tell me. Are they in any way related to old Divine religions; Islam, Judaism and Christianity? Do they acknowledge other prophets since Adam? If they have different teachings then they can't be Divine, as God doesn't change His mind on what ppl should believe.

By Winn• 20 Jul 2009 14:01

"authentic Divine religions!!!"

Who authenticated them? and who accredits the authority that 'authenticates' them? How often is your 'authentication' revisited/audited?

This is the oldest game that religion has played on us, my dear. Stripping someone else's faith off its legitimacy.

I am out of here. Saying that some religions are 'DIVINE' and others are not, is IMHO, one of teh worst symptoms of religious bigotry and is something I dont care to debate with.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 14:00

...and your single minded obsession to your viewpoints;I have decided to boycott all your threads going forward. Not only will I boycott all your threads I will educate all Qlers to boycott too. Now I will see how you get responses. lol :))

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 13:59

QL that's your opinion, NOT theirs. I thought you were against insulting religions?

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 13:58

...go out and take some frsh air. Travel to china sometime if possible and see the differences to lives of people who follow your so called 'philosophies' as compared to the ones who follow your 'divine' religions.

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 13:54

Yeah I wrote this so I don't get attacked for discussing religion :(

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 13:52

These are philosophies that got the importance of religion to their followers, but they're not authentic Divine religions as Islam, or religions with Divine origins as Christianity and Judaism.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 13:52

We will talk about this when I travel to London next month.

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 13:48

Muhammed was the last prophet. Budha wasn't a prophet.

By Winn• 20 Jul 2009 13:47

QL: You surprise me.

The religious beliefs are respectively Buddhism, Taoism,Confucianism, Sikhism and Jainism.

By khalifk• 20 Jul 2009 13:47

Warning: This thread contains religious material. If you're religion-hypersensitive reading this thread could be hazardous to your health. Read at your own risk!



By Winn• 20 Jul 2009 13:45

So whatever is left are good people in good villages, right! Ever heard teh word 'generalisation'?

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 13:45

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 13:44

Those are philosophers not Prophets.

By Winn• 20 Jul 2009 13:41

Middle east? what about Buddha? was he sent to the region?


K'ung Fu Tzu (commonly pronounced Confucius)

Guru nanak Dev and


By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 13:37

...would you mind me not sharing it with you darlin? :) That's a bit personal you know!!! To make you happy - It's not money just like thousands of other expats who are here for a reason other than money ;)

Btw - You are very cute for popping up like this to ask such a serious question ;)

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By venice_plus• 20 Jul 2009 13:35

in what reason you are here in qatar?

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 13:34

God lets many things happen which are worst than this Tsunami and please don't be so insensitive to thousands who lost their lives in a natural disaster of this proportion. We dont need a god who kills women and children 'thinking' that they are corrupt.

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 13:31

I was referring to the area that was ERASED and levelled to the ground. I saw a documentary about it the ppl who survived said that Muslim women in that area were prostitutes to tourists. Fathers would go to mosques knowing and accepting that their daughters are at home with their boy friends. In a Muslim country this is unacceptable.

And it IS mentioned in the Quran that villages aren't desrtoyed out of oppression if their ppls were good.

Do you see any other reason why would God allow the sea to destroy the region like that?

By Winn• 20 Jul 2009 13:30
Winn I have to ask when HE told those indonesians, right? its common human nature to blame themselves after a catastrophe. Also what other explanation could a preacher offer them? That God wanted them to be sporty?

and it was not just Indonesia that was affected.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 13:21

Not arrogance.. I was just asking.


All prophets were indeed sent in this region.. One reason could be that's it's the centre of the world. Now you'll say earth is round..OK look at world Atlas.


He didn't tell ME. The people who went to Indonesia to enquire why God would do this were told so by Indonesian themselves who survived Tsunami.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 13:20

I agree with you. Who she is to judge like this? I know exactly some victims and they are not worse than the people here.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 13:17

There's no way it could. 18 is the age for trial as an adult in the US & Canada (not sure about anywhere else). However it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the reporter messed up.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 13:16

Duplicitus Postius

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 13:15

You're welcome of course I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression.

About the article, maybe it wasn't accurate I was just amazed that a 24 year old could be considered a teenager.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 13:14

Actually I've been to that area of Sri Lanka, and the people are wonderful. I wouldn't call any of it corrupt.

By Winn• 20 Jul 2009 13:12

"Do you remember what happened in Asia? The Tsunami catastrophe? One whole region was litterally erased! Why would God do this? That particular area was corrupt."

WOW! Now thats amazing. Just one doubt. When did he inform you of his decision and the reason behind it? Guess we can expect quite a few more tsunamis in the near future.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 13:09

I'm not sure the relation of the resource given by God has something to do with the way the Saudi's people practice their religion. It could be simply just a "TEST" rather than a "REWARD".

The thing I'm pretty sure about is the reason behind why God sent so many Prophets to this reagon. :)

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 13:06

Can't actually said this - ""Why are working in Qatar then if you have all those blessings?""

What are you? A nut case? Do you think all expats are here because Qatar is heaven? Gimme a break. You are making me upset now with your arrogant narrowminded diabolic myopia. You should be ashamed of yourself...I will die of heart attack if you continue to post such expatish insults.


Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 13:02

Didn't read the article you're talking about QL, but if the crime was committed when he was a teenager, then they would refer to him as such in reference to the crime. I've been confused by that in a couple of articles I've read.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 12:59

I didn't get the 24-thing from an official source actually but there was an article in a newspaper about a 24 year old 'teenager' who killed his girlfriend..etc.

At what age do teens begin having sex in the west? Please don't tell me it's over 21 :)

If they can have sex in their teen years then they're better off getting married. At least no children will be abandoned.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 12:41

A person keeps on begging until he meets Allah (on the Day of Resurrection) with no flesh on his face."

(Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

another saying of Prophet (pbuh)

Begging is similar to scratching the flesh off your face; so if someone wants to save his face he should avoid it, except for asking from the ruler or asking in case of dire need." (Reported by Abu Dawud and An-Nisa'i)

As-Sunnah As Saheeha

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 12:33

Because I love to travel. My country is so "blessed" in so many ways (and I've had the joy of seeing the vast majority of it) that I find it a little dull. I prefer to test myself by travelling and living in cultures different to mine.

And my boyfriend is 24 and he is DEFINTELY a man, not a teenager.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 12:31

that's a "young man". Teen-agers are from thirteen to nineteen! See the teen?

10 years-old is a child, not even a teen!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Midfielder 4• 20 Jul 2009 12:29
Midfielder 4

QatariLady, in most western countries "teenager" ends either at 18 or 21, whatever is the age of majority for which you could be tried in the courts as an adult.

In more practical terms the teenage years are considered over on finishing secondary school, which for most people is 17 or 18. Where are you getting this 24-year-old-teenager thing from?

Gypsy: yes He must especially Ottawa and Montreal in the summer....! Had no idea it was 40% of worlds wheat, wow.


A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 12:29

Why are working in Qatar then if you have all those blessings?

Anyway.. Allah doesn't give wealth to believers only. It's the 'blessing' that's more important.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 12:22

Canada has the largest natural fresh water supply in the world, it also has oil and natural gas, and produces 40% of the worlds wheat. I guess God must REALLY love us. :P

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 12:22

In the west a 24 year old MAN is considered a 'teenager'!

By Midfielder 4• 20 Jul 2009 12:19
Midfielder 4

Can we please separate natural resource distribution on the planet from the hand of God. Who are we to have any clue as to this.

Yes US (and Norway, and Venezuela, etc etc) have oil as a result of natural formation.

US (and Russia) have the largest capacity for the production of cereals and grains and almost any form of agriculture.

Can't eat hyrdocarbons....


A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 12:19

in a predominantly Muslim country, should religion not influenced culture? Just asking!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 12:17

talking about morals. They are rich and they can buy their youngest brides!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 12:16

I do 90% work and my arab coworker do a 10% work plus he gets to go home at 1 pm during ramadan while I work up to 6 pm and he gets the bonus. now that's maximum wealth with minimum effort

By Vegas• 20 Jul 2009 12:15

worship??? WTF happened???

You can't teach experience...

By Vegas• 20 Jul 2009 12:12

You can't teach experience...

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 12:11

America has almost 400 million people as well and a yearly National budget that sits in the trillions of dollars, which may explain the indescrepency a bit.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 12:08

You win.America has a lot of those organic substance but it does not have allah.A few things happen on this planet on their own.

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 12:06

lol vegas, good computation

By Vegas• 20 Jul 2009 12:04

You can't teach experience...

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 12:03

Just like Mumbai - well organised gangs are taking


As-Sunnah As Saheeha

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 12:02

Ever heard of the 80/20 rule? 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts.. This is the idea behind working smart not hard.


Islam is about enjoying life and building the afterlife. It's not pious to live in misery. I believe it was the Prophet who said that some ppl are better human beings when rich, others are better human beings when poor.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 11:55

The US has more of this 'organic substance", yet they're suffering heavily from recession.

Shajiv.. I saw the women you're talking about. They don't even speak Arabic!

By SHAJIV• 20 Jul 2009 11:33

I am totally disagree with her claim that all Saudis bacame rich. Have you ever been to Saudi, go and see what's the condition there. You can't take out your wallet or mobile in public place, it will be gone within no time. At every corner you can find women beggars. Why they didn't get wealth being Saudi natives? Talk about something practical please........

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 11:22

best post.Thanks for sharing this. Only that,hydrocarbons are organic substance dependant on the geophysical environment rather than any miracle and they exist in Saudi coz.of science rather than anything else. Just for information ;)

Life is Beautiful...Indeed!

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 11:22
Rating: 2/5

Funiculus, the GDP per capita in Qatar for the 2008 estimation is calculated for 833 285 people. The GDP is around 85 billion $, hence the GDP per capita according to the CIA Factbook 2009 stands at whopping 102,425.00 $.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 11:18

I'd rather work hard for my money, than rely on religion to make me rich. And I would be insulted if anyone called one of my beliefs the "minimum effort"

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 11:09

So your religion is the minimum effort. Again, you're completely welcome to this guy.

By Mandilulur• 20 Jul 2009 11:08

Wow, didn't know Islam was preaching the "prosperity gospel" now. Well, it's worked for some Christians ...


By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 11:04

The video is 39 minutes long. If you watched it you'd see what an intelligent person he is. In another video the same person mentioned that what he liked about Islam was that it's a religion of reasoning and intelligence.

His search for wealth was affected (according to him) by the colonial environment he'd lived in. So he figured out that the purpose of life is to enjoy it as much as possible (sounds familiar? :) ).. So he thought that the best way was to get maximum wealth with minimum effort.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 10:55

The title interpretes lazy and greedy persons

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 10:50

I'm also going by the title of your thread and your own synopsis.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 10:41

FU didn't provide any synopsis! You followed his opinion.

Wow so much for an independent woman :)

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 10:39

Can't watch videos at work. Relied on FU's synopsis.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 10:38

Did you watch the video?

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 10:34

Yes, and is answer was material wealth, which again, shows what kind of a man he is. But hey, if you're proud to call him your own, good on ya, cause I don't want him.

The people are in Bahrain sleeping with hookers & snorting coke. Wow, obviously they deserve it.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 10:26

the people is the government

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 10:16

Nop I don't think so. But what really counts is the ppl not governments.

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 10:15

He was just like you now, not knowing why he's here :)

At least he used his brain and started looking around for something.


You're right.. Search for what you WILL take with you.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 10:15

You think Saudi is free of corruption???? :-S

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 10:10

[quote:] "Hence, QatariLady, as soon as the dependence on oil subsides Saudi is severely de-blessed."

You cannot know what will happen by then. I'm sure you'll be skeptical about what I will say now but every Muslim knows it as a fact. The Prophet said that in Arabia a descendent of his off-spring would lead Muslims and would fill 'earth' with justice after it was filled with injustice. Many ppl expect this leader to come within the coming 20 years. In his era every single person will be rich and living in peace.

[quote:] "And what would happen if Saudi, and other rich countries, decide to FINALLY BECOME HUMAN and start to give a SHIT about the poor and exploited expat workers that make QR 700 to 1000 per month."

Now you're repeating the words that lusitano said some time ago.. The same words that you found 'unrealistic'.

The poor countries that you mentioned and said that they said 'Allahu Akbar' and still poor.. Please look at their practices and admit that they live in corruption. Most Egyptians began praying very recently. I remember when I went to Egypt and a servant saw me preparing for prayer. She stared at me unbelievingly saying: Are you going to pray?!

Do you remember what happened in Asia? The Tsunami catastrophe? One whole region was litterally erased! Why would God do this? That particular area was corrupt. Its people were immersed in adultery and whitchcraft even though they were Muslims.

By Midfielder 4• 20 Jul 2009 10:07
Midfielder 4

You can't take any of your wealth with you once you're gone....


A wise young crackpot knows no fear - Ian Dury.

By Gypsy• 20 Jul 2009 09:54

Wow what an upright an honourable fella. Believing that wealth is the purpose of life and becoming Muslim so he could be rich. Boy, yet another fine an upstanding example of why I choose not to follow religion.

By Andrews• 20 Jul 2009 09:53

Totally agree with FU on this...

By Vegas• 20 Jul 2009 09:51

You can't teach experience...

By QatariLady• 20 Jul 2009 09:48

If you watched the video you would see that he searched for wealth as a purpose of life. He was looking for an answer to the question: Why are we here? He learned Christianity, Henduism and Budhism. Then he settled with the idea that maybe making as much money as possible is the purpose of life. That what lead him to the Saudi culture and when he read the Quran he said that if God had revealed a book to humankind it would be this one.

So his journey began with looking for wealth but he found something better.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 08:32

agree funni

By Arien• 20 Jul 2009 08:20

Great Offers -- Heaven , wealth.. lol


- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 02:09
Rating: 5/5

Other than that QatariLady,

I find this subject far below your level.

Will you please name me the names of poor countries that scream the name of Allah, yet seem to be forgotten by your sources statements.

Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Morocco, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia (in part).

And what would happen if Saudi, and other rich countries, decide to FINALLY BECOME HUMAN and start to give a SHIT about the poor and exploited expat workers that make QR 700 to 1000 per month and the would introduce a minimum wage of, lets say equal to Europe, which lies around Euro 700 p/m which equals QR 3000.

You see all this blablabla about Islam and its greatness ,yet they do not seem to give a flying F**** about humans that have other convictions or believes. It is obvious that secular governments have arranged these issues a bit better.

And oh, a GDP is calculated over LOCALS not expats. Hence, Sheikh so and so makes per year and with him 1% of his countrymen, which is pulling up the average significantly because I believe that about 13% of the Saudi nationals live in poverty.

Maybe this article can put things into perspective.§ion=0&article=118062&d=12&m=1&y=2009&pix=kingdom.jpg&category=Kingdom

And again, governments can solve problems by throwing money around. But, what will happen? Lazy and uneducated peoples that never learn to stand on their own feet, nor will their children.

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 01:38
Rating: 4/5

Saudi Arabia is an oil-based economy with strong government control over major economic activities. The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 75 percent of budget revenues, 45 percent of GDP, and 90 percent of export earnings. Indeed, only about 25 percent of GDP comes from the private sector. Saudi Arabia’s economy remains, despite attempts at diversification, heavily dependent on the production and export of oil.

Hence, QatariLady, as soon as the dependence on oil subsides Saudi is severely de-blessed (read f-ed), and that will happen maybe not in my life-time, but surely not to long from now.

By The Rain• 20 Jul 2009 01:35
Rating: 5/5
The Rain

so u mean that the man converted to islam coz he want to be 'richest' like smelling a 'search for the wealth' kinda intentions in his statement....or may be he want to say he got a strong belief in the above mentioned not allowed to assume...and also i believe that "inna mal a'amalo bin'niyyat"....

secondly,if this is the case then why only saudis....why not bangladeshis,pakistanis,sudanese and other poor muslim countries....dont u agree they also said ALLAHU AKBAR....

the answer is simple..."Truly, your Lord expands the provision for whom He wills and straitens (for whom He wills). Verily, He is Ever All-Knower, All-Seer of His servants." Soorah al-Isra (17): 30

By khalifk• 20 Jul 2009 01:01


Qatarilady may allah bless you reward you for sharing this.

May allah give you peace prosperity and make true all your halal wishes

Ameen Thumma Ameen

By anonymous• 20 Jul 2009 00:49

I attended his lectures in Mumbai

one of his interesting topic is why I didnt become Shia?

As-Sunnah As Saheeha

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