What had happened since the DANISH CARTOON incident?? We protested like a HURRICANE for few days and then got silent/cold just like the silence we feel when a POWERFUL HURRICANE has passed or died out.
We can see all DANISH PRDUCTS in all islamic countries especially in QATAR. These products are still very much in demand among all nationals of any religion.
Well extremely sorry to say, NOTHING WILL AFFECT OR CHANGE if again any person or any country insults our PROPHET MOHAMMAD [SAW]
What had happened since the DANISH CARTOON incident?? We protested like a HURRICANE for few days and then got silent/cold just like the silence we feel when a POWERFUL HURRICANE has passed or died out.
We can see all DANISH PRDUCTS in all islamic countries especially in QATAR. These products are still very much in demand among all nationals of any religion.
Well extremely sorry to say, NOTHING WILL AFFECT OR CHANGE if again any person or any country insults our PROPHET MOHAMMAD [SAW]