F U you are full of awesome .....
I have not been born into Islam nor raised up Islam.
Therefor I didn't become Muslim because I'm weak and must follow a herd , like all the sheep you were saying.
In my cause the whole assumption you are making is turned around.
I had to go against the follow and not follow the sheep in the part of the world I was raised and born in. Therefor, I was the "black sheep" of the family .

Please don't put all Muslims in the same category.

doing the things we do as Muslims is a matter of believe, just as simple as that.
you believe or you don't.

You have been mislead by your own intelligence , thinking you got it all figured out and the rest must be wrong.
so all the ppl believing in a religion are at fault , logically.
Millions and millions of ppl are just wrong .
It is the natural inclination of the human to believe in some "greater being".

As for having a daughter and she is ready to have a family at the age of 12 , then why not.
But of course where we come from , this it not something we can imagine.
And I have to agree, because we are a different culture and can't understand that.
Doesn't mean it is the same all over the world.
ppl live different life's around the globe , it's not all the same for everybody .