CC: you said that 120000+++ prophets were sent all over the world to spread Buddha included as a prophet? He had lived prior to your prophet's time, but he didn't spread Islam?

VB: There were many prophets sent to this planet before Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), I don’t know exactly whether Gautam Buddha was one of them, check their messages if it is very close to Islamic teachings then yes.
Like Guru Nanak and Sai Baba’s message of ONE God, peace, love, brotherhood and many other instructions which are very much similar to Islam; then they could be Saints, due to passage of time and to avoid losing their messages, people made their portraits and idols, but later instead understanding the messages, they indulge into idol worship of saints and earlier prophets, which is NOT allowed in Islam.

CC: Also, Jesus, who is also a prophet, is following Judaism and not Islam. I'm confused. How can you tell that they were sent to spread Islam when the fact doesn't show it?

VB: Dear Coelcanth, don’t get confused with the name of the religion, I repeat that Quran clearly said David (Dawood), Moses (Moosa), Noah (Nuh), Jesus (Issa) and Abraham (Ibrahim) were well aware of the facts and informed their people during their times; but due to the passage of time and corruption in the earlier holy books, the message about the last prophet “Mohammed” was removed. Quran was clearly saying that all messengers of Allah brought the same religion called “THE RELIGION OF PEACE” or “ISLAM” with same messages and they were all Muslims. Check and verify yourself the facts by analysing the old testaments of Bible and find the similarities with Islam.

CC: Why would God needs to challenge our faith (Christianity), when he can create a perfect being out of us, who knows everything about him?

VB: Allah (SWT) way of teaching is through challenges, read Quran to understand the path of prophets and their way of teaching the religion of Islam.

CC: The reason is because God wants us to use our reasoning, the very gift that he gave us. That’s why he gave us freewill. He created us as a naive individual, and used our reasoning to learn our way. You don't need a book to learn what is right and wrong. You need to use your reasoning. I don't think God will judge us because of our Religion. God will judge us based on our actions. If he will only use the religion as a basis of salvation, how can you call him JUST? How can you call him Merciful? How can you call him Fair and doesn't give favours to few?

VB: I really appreciate your concerns, believe me, it is not necessary and easy for me that my sons will agree with my beliefs very comfortably. It is a huge series of education and fine tuning to make them understand that NOTHING in this world comes smoothly, one need to do hard work to gain something.
I repeat once again that to enjoy and get worldly benefits, we do study for over 15 years in schools and then colleges. Then why for eternal peace and life after death, the most important part of our Real LIFE, we don’t want to spare our time and energy to explore, educate and learn the very own religion to identify our LORD, the creator, the sustainer and the maintainer.

There will be different treatment among non believers and their Kids (who died before reaching the age of puberty); it is proved in hadiths (Sacred words of Prophet Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him).
Who said we are Naïve, check Gypsy’s posts to prove that we all are smart enough to go for a foolish ride. So please don’t buy anything if it is available for free; check thoroughly!!! :-)

RT: How can we be judged if god created you to be like that?
VB: My dear RT, God has blessed us with all the senses, given us a great brain to Explore and a Beautiful heart to feel what love and care, and innumerable blessings which we don't even realise.....HE didn't made you stubborn, which stops us to recognise HIM as 'Creator'.
We need to make our heart more soften to learn, seek more knowledge, analyse and identify our Lord.
As Master78 suggested check on Utube Ahmed Deedat's or Yusuf Estes's speeches, which could explain more on this topic.

Allah knows the BEST
Thanks and Peace!