1. KSA (QLSG manager)
2. Smoke (Klown of QL)
3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)
4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)
5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)
6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)
7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)
8. Rizks (Klown of QL)
9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)
10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)
11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)
12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)
13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)
14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)
15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)
16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)
17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)
18. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)
19. Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)
20. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)
21. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)
22. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)
23. Bestinbusiness (Waiting for approval depending on beauty level of his friends :p)
24. Adams.apple (the second thing that distinguishes man from woman :P)
25. draj (What can i say about him? I'm lost for words :p)
26. Mallrat (Who has humbly agreed to be our shining moon for one night only)
27. bilutopia (Who thinks this is a fascinating idea, so she better get her fascinating self to the venue)
28. shahzad_14 (Prince of QL, adaab arlz Shahzada :p)
29. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha (The man who will be singing for us while loulsy does her belly dance)
30. Dev.in.doha (who will be dead.in.doha if he does not show his face at the beach that day)
31. Andrews (If mary had a little lamb, Andrews would be its name)
32. arecel (Hottie of QL)
33. lovinni (NO hating always lovin :P)
34. Shane (Tottie of QL :P)
35. RedDragon (Serial Commenter of QL)
36. Kumaran (very good at singing songs about green bottles)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)

