QL's Summer Beach Fest 2009:: 24/07/2009

By ksarat16

[Mod Note: Thread moved to http://www.qatarliving.com/node/601852]

Good Morning Everyone,

I trust all is going well at your end(s)...

The summer has dawned (not just bout yet) but still has dawned on US Living in Qatar (QL)...

The world over one of the favorite things to do during Summer is to go out to the BEACH and just relax, have a BBQ, and swim about or even catch up on Fishing...

We at Qatar Living, truly believe that a day away from the computers and some quality time amongst friends you have already met, people who could become friends, and ofcourse above all your OWN families is something that is very much required ...

So in order to attain this...

We, at QL, plan to organize a QL BEACH Festival which would include the following activities:

1) Swimming,
2) Lazing around at the Beach,
3) Fishing
4) And how about sand castles for the children (:P)

These are the following details of the program:

Date: 24.07.2009 ...

Day: Friday ...

Time: 5pm - 10 pm ...

Venue: Beach just outside Diplomatic Club (Open for everyone)

Having put down these now, allow me to also put down the course of the day:

1) We're planning to organize a BBQ station that would have freshly grilled Food made available to pick up HOT & Spicy...

The requirements of this trip:

1) The main food items to be put on the BBQ (need people to chip in with their share of the food for themselves and others)
2) BBQ Grills (Atleast 5 Grills)
3) Coal Bags
4) Trash Bags
5) Ice Bags
6) Plastic Cups, Forks, Spoons, Knives
7) Paper Plates
8) Tissues
9) Soft-Drinks
10) Water
11) Cool-Boxes
12) Biscuits
13) Any other food item that you would like to make and bring it along so you can share it with the rest...
15) Anything else that I have missed to add in this list...
16) Beach mattresses, Chairs...

In the next few upcoming days, we'll be organizing the various things involved based upon confirmation from everyone...

Pre-requisites for this trip:

1) Friendly Attitude
2) Sense of Humor
3) And an interest to make new friends, hang out with old ones, and last but not the least

This is completely an event, being organized for the sole purpose of bringing QL at the same beach for one -day and that also just a few hours...

Please bring your families, Children, partners, Significant others, not-so-significant others...

This is an open event for the QL Family and would be nice if everyone did make an effort to show up...

So from now till the day, please put down your availability and how many members would you be bringing along so as to ensure proper logistics for this event...

This is not confined to any race, culture, sex, or group...this is a totally fun-time event and all of you are MOST WELCOME!!!

Note: The directions to the place will be sent out either via PM, or will be posted here very soon...

For confirming your presence on this trip...you could send your PMs (if you dont want your name to be here LOL!) to either of us:

1) KSA
2) Loulsy
3) Smoke
4) Khanan

By ahmad• 12 Jul 2009 12:25
Rating: 2/5

Please use the new thread to post comments: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/601852

Qatar Living. All you need to know about living in Qatar.

By t_coffee_or_me• 12 Jul 2009 11:35
Rating: 3/5

New post has been opened






By IQ755• 12 Jul 2009 11:32

sure i will come with my 3GF, any one guide me the location

By IQ755• 12 Jul 2009 11:28

can i come with 3 Gf, anyobne locate me the venue.

By smoke• 12 Jul 2009 09:47
Rating: 4/5

Speed's idea is practical but even then we can end up buying more or less either way it comes to the same thing. Left over foods can be packed and taken home for the bachelor folks like ME to eat the next day :p

Khallas people end of this topic we have created a new one with the menu list all ideas and contribution confirmation required over there please click on the link


Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By GodFather.• 12 Jul 2009 09:42
Rating: 4/5

I think Speed Idea is very practical. Judging from these kind of previous outings there is always too much food because evry one brings something and ends up being too much, and most food ends being wasted.

Especially with the hot weather when people tend to eat less and drink more, it is more wise (as Speed suggested) to cater for the people who are intending to show up.

As far as Smoke concern is about the variety then, you can still have variety if you plan it properly.



By rMs_000• 12 Jul 2009 09:30

As per boss's instruction :) !


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By ksarat16• 12 Jul 2009 09:16

Keep those one-liners away mate...!

Jokes are ok...but just amidst a bit of a serious discussion...! Naa buddy, just keep them away for a little bit!

By smoke• 12 Jul 2009 08:44
Rating: 2/5

Thats a good idea speed bhai but then that would limit our eating to just one or two particular item and thats not what we would like to do. When everyone contributes we get to taste different variety of cuisines. just my thought.

We'll decide how to go about this but as of now i'd like everyone to list down what they would like to eat for eg. chicken legs/wings. Hotdogs, burgers, pizza,hamous, etc give us names so i can make a list of food items.

We could use speed's idea to make a collection for buying the drinks, coals, ice, fire starters, tissues, paper plates, cups things like that.

Also we just have 55 names not including family members, so please let us know how many exactly are coming. Actual people showing up could go well above 70 plus people including children.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By SPEED• 12 Jul 2009 08:22
Rating: 3/5

this way we gonna waste LOTS OF FOOD .... as you are aware that everyone will not eat all the food or cannot eat more than 4 - 5 items at a time.

My suggestion is to collect small amount say QR. 25 per head.

1) List down each and every family member incl. child with age.

2) See how many Veg and Non Veg.

3) Accordingly, we can buy ready made Chicken bonless/ Tikka, Mutton boneless/ kabbas (anything for BBQ)

4) Beside BBQ items we will also buy some curry/ rice items such as Arabic/ Pakistani or Indian Curry/Bryani

5) We will buy Cold drinks/ water/ juices

6) We can ask people to bring BBQ grills coz we may need more than 5 BBQ grills according to number of people coming.

6) For kids we will buy KFC or McDonald kids meal (This can be charged separately from families who have kids under age 10)

Fix one day for the collection of contribution... tell everyone to come to XYZ coffee shop and give us their contributions.

If you all agree for the above:

Lets go to any Hypermarket who sells marinated BBQ items ... get the idea how much quantity we need and how much it will cost. Then we can finally announce the cost per head.

This is just a suggestion ... decision is yours :-)

By ksarat16• 12 Jul 2009 07:41
Rating: 3/5

True it is going to be buffet style...and everything's going to be on the table except the few things sent to KSA & Smoke (Ash IncludeD) from some of the closer members of QL for us...! :P

But yeah on the whole, it will be a completely on the table pick eat and drink style so everything and basically anything that you'd bring will be on the table...(in some cases, even you could be on the table :P)...

From today, in the next coming days, we shall compile a list of what is being contributed and what should be required more...!

As usual, keep the grill grilling...!

By smoke• 12 Jul 2009 00:53
Rating: 4/5

People for the last time this is buffet style food where everyone brings what they want for themselves and a plus one or two whatever u can get extra to throw on the table, thus there will be more than enough to feed everyone. The issue is who is getting what..tomorrow i'll compile a list of all the above names and you guys pm me what you are getting so it will be added and we can decide what has to be brought by whom

To give you a basic idea this is what each one should be looking to bring to the beach as individual or group.

1. Food for the grill (for yourself/family and a plus 1)

Please let us know WHAT you are getting ie marinated chicken,beef,hotdogs etc so we know how much quantity is going to be there.

2. Soft drinks (as much as you want)

3. Water (as much as you want)

4. Ice 2 kgs (this will be put in the ice box. Please note you do not need to buy an expensive icebox if you dont have one just get a cheap plastic bucket if you have one we can dump the ice into that and u can put ur soft drinks, water etc into that.)

5. Disposable serving tray (depending on how much your brining i suggest at least 3 big size foil ones)

6. Snacks to munch (get small packets of chips, a box of pringles etc whatever u like to have and share)

7. Napkins/tissue.

This is just what i can think of that each person or your group of friends that are coming along can each contribute to bringing together.

sleepy now more talks from me tomorrow morning after coffee :) g'nite all

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By starfaith25• 12 Jul 2009 00:18
Rating: 4/5

i missed a day here...

guys, a few days ago some QLers and i agreed to bring some food for our contribution as a group.

i think its better this way, to us anyway...

Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)

By anonymous• 11 Jul 2009 22:49

looks like its a real blast if everyone on the list will come...its a big gathering and a party to look forward for...

By ashwindoke• 11 Jul 2009 18:16

Arien - Aiwa ...

People should add +2..+3 in front of their names...

Or inform those numbers... either on post or PM.. and smoki can update the list.... accordingly....


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By Arien• 11 Jul 2009 16:56

Smoky - those who are coming with family, shouldnt we add +1 or +2 to get the exact numbers ?


- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -

By smoke• 11 Jul 2009 16:00
Rating: 4/5

Yo! Good citizens of QLville :) updating the list

1. KSA

2. Smoke

3. Loulsy


5. Xray

6. Ashwin

7. Witchstix

8. Pajju

9. chaudary

10. ninjarose

11. Ladycharm

12. rMs

13. Starfaith25

14. Zhy & Sister

15. FS

16. Omar Waheed

17. Arien

18. Khanan

19. sandeepkadian

20. Charan and his beautiful wife

21. Bestinbusiness

22. Adams.apple

23. draj

24. Mallrat

25. bilutopia

26. shahzad_14

27. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha

28. Dev.in.doha

29. Andrews

30. arecel

31. lovinni

32. Shane

33. RedDragon

34. Kumaran

35. Vegas

36. Ninja_warrior

37. adnan_nk

38. alpha1

39. khemcho

40. Rebel

41. dmigtysolomon

42. jailbroken114


44. Xena

45. nadinenana

46. lord90

47. zsabri

48. cherryan

49. Phoebe

50. safee

51. _aZyDBuRn_

52. Xena + 1

53. BF

54. Greentea

55. Habibidak

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By ashwindoke• 11 Jul 2009 15:45

KSA - :) Sloggig dude.... jus managing to sneek in and post once in a while...

Yap... do it the way you think it is right...

it would have had been injustice to the idea tht popped up in my mind.. If it was not shared with all

And... I had meant the group brings everything for themselves... not something for all...

Anyways... now khalli walli...

And B T W....

I don know about "KSA" thing.. But when there is Fire..

there is Smoke... and then it is all ASH .....

Too many pretty ladies... and too much of delicious food..... Hmm... this is wht Heaven mus be like,,, hmm...


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By mallrat• 11 Jul 2009 15:00

.KSA, please include my girlfriends in the list:

1. BF

2. Greentea

3. Habibidak


.Big thankx.




another day, another pay


By Xena• 11 Jul 2009 14:40

taken, so I can only bring a pretty lady for Smokey Kat - cause I think your other half would probably kill me for bringing one for you;-)

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


visit www.qaws.org

By ksarat16• 11 Jul 2009 14:38

Uhhh it was a suggestion, and TCom and Ashwie...

We will try it next time...let us go conventional this time...

Let us not turn this into an arguement...

Aswhie...baby u not working in the office...

By t_coffee_or_me• 11 Jul 2009 14:23

We are not bickering.....





By ashwindoke• 11 Jul 2009 14:17

TCOM - Not proving you or anybody wrong....

Its jus to involve more people in more active manner...


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By ksarat16• 11 Jul 2009 14:11

another pretty lady for Smoke alone...oh wait a minute, you dont know that where Fire is there is smoke and where Smoke is, there is KSA...we kinda tend to share...(and dont even think about saying anything against Smokeie...)trust me... :P

By ksarat16• 11 Jul 2009 14:09

Ashwie baby...true enough of dividing into smaller groups...but the thing is...this might cause confusion of dividing the people and at the last minute we might run into risks of actually when people have to show up...i mean to say if that person assigned isnot gng to show up...then we might end up less or short of whatever that group has been assigned...

Instead, lets see for this time about assigning things to bring for everyone, when we sort out the list then there will be surely more than one person who will be assigned the same stuff so even if that person doesnt show up then there still is the food / drink brought by the others...

As I said, food will be sorted out this upcoming week from tomorrow...now that we have a good decent number turning up (planning to turn up atleast) food will be assigned or consolidated the following week...

Till then, keep the numbers still coming in my dear QLers...

By Xena• 11 Jul 2009 14:06
Rating: 4/5

I am dragging a friend along - she is stagnating in Doha and I want her to get out and meet people - another pretty lady for Smokey Kat:-)

so that'll be 2 for my name - food etc to be decided once we know whats left on the list:-)

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


visit www.qaws.org

By t_coffee_or_me• 11 Jul 2009 13:49

OK whatever, do as you want it and prove me wrong.





By ashwindoke• 11 Jul 2009 12:47
Rating: 2/5

Nothing goes for a waste my fren....

Whtever is left .. I eat... :)

it is not dividing the group...

It is making more people responsible,.. not jus couple of guyz doing everything... and as the numbers wont be sure..

how many shall actually turn up.... Waste shall be more....

if one has to take responsibility of 10 people.... they can arrange everything in a better way....

and shall be in regular touch with those 8 to 10 people too..

it is not division.... Jus for responsibility sake....


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By rMs_000• 11 Jul 2009 10:40

i really cant understand how it all will be a WASTE ????


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By t_coffee_or_me• 11 Jul 2009 10:35
Rating: 4/5

Food, equipments, manpower etc etc





By rMs_000• 11 Jul 2009 10:31

waste of resource ! ???


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By t_coffee_or_me• 11 Jul 2009 10:11
Rating: 2/5





By t_coffee_or_me• 11 Jul 2009 10:10
Rating: 2/5

Dividing into small group is not a good idea.....waste of resource. We have arranged a much bigger group then this.





By rMs_000• 11 Jul 2009 09:21

Thats a great idea man.. it is better to divide into group instead messing up...


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By lilBoPeep• 11 Jul 2009 09:04

KSA, I am not here. My date changed from 30 July to 21 to leave to go home! See you all when I get back. Cant wait for the dune thing!

Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.

By ashwindoke• 11 Jul 2009 08:58

Besides planning for 50 or 65 guyz....

Better we divide ourselves in the groups of 8 or 10... and arrange everything for your respective group.. tht would be easy and more practical.....

AND ......No hijack ????

Who has hijacked till now ??

Every idiot is talking about food and the meet...

m yet to see anything worth to be tittled HIJACK and I feel proud of....

Whtever it is... whtever is termed as hijack is the soul of the whole built-up for the event.....

Don think a forum with 5 or 10 posts saying yes and NO brings any excitement in any one...

Neither does pathetic Rizks and Pajju Jokes.. but still... have to beer (yummmy).. no bear those.....


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By anonymous• 11 Jul 2009 00:52

im kinda doubtbul but im truly interested for the said event...

i'll check my schedule then might pop-up to see you guys..

alrighty, smoke?

By smoke• 11 Jul 2009 00:09

Tsk now azydburn let us now let no cocks come between you and the beach. You in or out?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By anonymous• 10 Jul 2009 15:04

zhy --- i can be a drunken master with an attitude...

you have no idea what can i do once i transform

to another world...

sane enough?

By anonymous• 10 Jul 2009 15:01

what a punch smoke...it hit back hard...im trying to emphasize that a good conversation with a cup of even pure fruit based COCKTAILS would be more fun...this aint new for all gatherings...and sipping good cocktails at home was never been a no fun at all...in fact, its fun idea though....

after this, you wont count me in i guess...


By zhyiellha• 10 Jul 2009 14:18

Ohhh, dont try to get loose with Smokey Kitty, you might end up breathless!! lol...

I thought it was Pajju- the Drunken master in his Green bottle... now you are trying to take that name from him huh? dont you?


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By smoke• 10 Jul 2009 13:59

Thats good to know then azydburn, why dont u make your cocks at home and have fun then :)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By anonymous• 10 Jul 2009 13:43

im quite freting now...i dont think even a good tasting fruit based cocktails will be served then..how lousy

smoke - remember that cocktails is synonymous with fun

By anonymous• 10 Jul 2009 13:30

im quite freting now...i dont think even a good tasting fruit based cocktails will be served then..how lousy

smoke - remember that cocktails is synonymous with fun

By rockyking• 10 Jul 2009 13:13

can u speak perfect english if u can plz.. call me +9779803468336 ok bye,...

By zhyiellha• 10 Jul 2009 13:10

Hopefully, I will be better during that time.. thanks for letting my name joined on the list. I didn't log here for quite sometimes already....THanks for the Pm..

I missed you people really!!!! Hope to see you soon again...


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By rockyking• 10 Jul 2009 13:04

any gies joine me??haha just joking in day is soo boring soo i can.t write more message bye....

By smoke• 10 Jul 2009 12:51

Ello ello zhy habibi dont worry i got ur pm replied back :) Yep you were the one missing big time on this thread now i know why.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By anonymous• 10 Jul 2009 12:51

is there any cocktails served then?

By zhyiellha• 10 Jul 2009 12:28


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By Scarlett• 10 Jul 2009 11:19

Unfortunately I will be in Russia during that time...Seems I have horrible timing with the QLSG and any other QL events!! Way to go tho!! LOVE the open invitation!!!!!

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.

-Mark Twain-

By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 19:12

Diplo ? SMS ? Rizks ? kya hua ??? ;P


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 16:40

Arien Sir :)

By Arien• 9 Jul 2009 16:36

Good boy Pajju , no more hijack guys..

RMs be there , dont sit behind diplomatic club and send SMS to rizk lol


- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -

By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 16:31

tcom/rMs ok Sir :)

By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 15:19

6 to 7 tables, 50 Ql'rs.. will there be space in that beach ?? :S

ye TCOM, all u bloody hijackers (Rizks, Ash, Pajju etc etc ) keep your mouth shut !!! :)


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By t_coffee_or_me• 9 Jul 2009 15:14
Rating: 3/5

Ksarat is playing safe this time by announcing it so early after the flop of the previous 2 events lol.

Still waiting to see who is bringing what

We will also need at least 7 emergency lights be it gas or recharge Lights, 6 to 7 tables,

Will open a new topic (Near to the event)just for the logistic for food and other stuff and hijackers will be warned not to mess there as this thread is one big mess.





By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 14:59

Everyone have a good weekend, and keep an eye on this particular thread and we shall have a fantastic time!!!

Keep the entries coming...and keep up the spirits...!!!

Till Sunday morning of the new week...

Everyone, stay safe, keep smiling and have a good infact GREAT Weekend...Smoke has already left the building...and this is KSA saying Bye for the Weekend...!

KSA, stage left, Exit Scene...! :P

By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 14:56

Good job...that's the spirit...

You shall get to know many of US!...

1. KSA

2. Smoke

3. Loulsy


5. Xray

6. Ashwin

7. Witchstix

8. Pajju

9. chaudary

10. ninjarose

11. Ladycharm

12. rMs

13. Starfaith25

14. Zhy & Sister

15. FS

16. Omar Waheed

17. Arien

18. Khanan

19. sandeepkadian

20. Charan and his beautiful wife

21. Bestinbusiness

22. Adams.apple

23. draj

24. Mallrat

25. bilutopia

26. shahzad_14

27. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha

28. Dev.in.doha

29. Andrews

30. arecel

31. lovinni

32. Shane

33. RedDragon

34. Kumaran

35. Vegas

36. Ninja_warrior

37. adnan_nk

38. alpha1

39. khemcho

40. Rebel

41. dmigtysolomon

42. jailbroken114


44. Xena

45. nadinenana

46. lord90

47. zsabri (i'm adding your name for now but u can always let me know later if your coming or not)

48. cherryan

49. Phoebe

50. safee ( that's the 50th Run getter...Half Century) with the sausages...toooo!!!!

Keep it coming people,

A List of people bringing food and drinks and other stuff will be consolidated next week and will be floated to see whats the current status and see who can be assigned the other stuff...

Thanks guys for your enthusiasm and this WILL BE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING...rest assured, by KSA, Smoke, TCOM, Khanan & Loulsy!!! Just keep watching the space for more action!!!

By Bozzini• 9 Jul 2009 14:45

I'll get the sausages... at least 3-4 different recipes..

we can decide the quantity as we r more sure of the ppl and who r volunteering in a week's time or so

By Bozzini• 9 Jul 2009 14:37

i dont know any one of U... but pls do count me in...

so i can get to know many of U :)

By Prasanth@Doha• 9 Jul 2009 14:36

Jeez guyz,

i came in here n by the time i finished reading another thread ... bingo ... 3 new msgs !

is this thread some kind of track event ?

If dere is 1 day in ma life i don wanna miss ... itz 2day !

By dev.in.doha• 9 Jul 2009 14:27

who will hit half century run??......lets see


eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 14:27
Rating: 2/5

Yeah i know they should have taken me for T20 to play for India would have whooped ass and come home to drink beer in the T20 cup :p

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 14:24
Rating: 2/5

near to half century !!!!!


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 14:22
Rating: 3/5

1. KSA

2. Smoke

3. Loulsy


5. Xray

6. Ashwin

7. Witchstix

8. Pajju

9. chaudary

10. ninjarose

11. Ladycharm

12. rMs

13. Starfaith25

14. Zhy & Sister

15. FS

16. Omar Waheed

17. Arien

18. Khanan

19. sandeepkadian

20. Charan and his beautiful wife

21. Bestinbusiness

22. Adams.apple

23. draj

24. Mallrat

25. bilutopia

26. shahzad_14

27. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha

28. Dev.in.doha

29. Andrews

30. arecel

31. lovinni

32. Shane

33. RedDragon

34. Kumaran

35. Vegas

36. Ninja_warrior

37. adnan_nk

38. alpha1

39. khemcho

40. Rebel

41. dmigtysolomon

42. jailbroken114


44. Xena

45. nadinenana

46. lord90

47. zsabri (i'm adding your name for now but u can always let me know later if your coming or not)

48. cherryan

49. Phoebe

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 14:17

Joe..chandler.... Ross...Monica...and Rachael ???

wo kya hein ? name of any dish ??? :)


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By ashwindoke• 9 Jul 2009 14:12

Phoebe - ???????

Don forget to get Joe..chandler.... Ross...Monica...and Rachael along...... LMAO...


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 14:07

Rizks i think i only know wer u working ? lol

By phoebe• 9 Jul 2009 14:06

Hi smoke.. count me in... ill try my best to come.

You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving!!!

By ashwindoke• 9 Jul 2009 14:00


This shall go till page 10...

Till Page 5 shall be sense... after tht 80% of the page shall be filled with crap... thks to the Bloody Entertaining Klowns here.. whom we often call the Hijackers... :)


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By Rizks• 9 Jul 2009 13:19
Rating: 4/5


u illetrate Mallu...lol - Food is served in the canteen of the office not any BUS STAND ?

By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 13:17

LOL Rizks aagaya saala :) after a free lunch from canteen :P

By GodFather.• 9 Jul 2009 13:15




By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 13:14

UKeng look at what your missing buddy :p still time to change mind and flight details :p Vegas will be there too we finally brought him over to the dark side of the beach :p

So far i know there will be 4 veggies in total that i know of, please let us know if there are others too, so we can eat your share of the animals :D

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Rizks• 9 Jul 2009 13:13
Rating: 4/5

Pajju n UkEng...

u meet, mate watever u want to do BUT not here in QL outside plz....:)

By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 13:11

lol Uk before u will leave we will meet :)

By dev.in.doha• 9 Jul 2009 13:11
Rating: 2/5

star...i will have company from many others....u can also join....


eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)

By GodFather.• 9 Jul 2009 13:09

WOW.. 15 days to go and already on Page 3.. I wonder how many pages it will by the 24th?.. Carry on...:)



By dev.in.doha• 9 Jul 2009 13:04
Rating: 4/5

rMs...atleast one is with me....let me know...so we can arrange some veg stuff for us and few other...Ash will accompany us....

Ash......u have advantage...lols...u can have best of both worlds....


eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)

By ashwindoke• 9 Jul 2009 12:56
Rating: 2/5

dev.... I would have had joined you... But its not Thursday... :(

But I know two people who might turn up... family category they are pure Veggies ....

Bring Paneer Tikka.. and some nice sweets.... and anything you like to eat... I ll be there to accompany you....


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By SPEED• 9 Jul 2009 12:54
Rating: 3/5

making our (QLVG guys) work tough.... don't worry as usual I will ask all of you to clean the beach after the party is over ;-)

This time I will bring my Volunteer team with me to RELAX and enjoy all they yummy food :-)

So all of you (NON QLVG guys) be ready for the Volunteer work

It will be our relax day ... We eat you clean. :-D

By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 12:50

I'm also a pure veggie !! :)


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 12:50

am very sad i dunno anyone on the list :(

By starfaith25• 9 Jul 2009 12:48
Rating: 4/5

only you, dev. :D ;P

Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)

By dev.in.doha• 9 Jul 2009 12:41

How many are only vegeterians??....pls confirm...so that we can arrange food accordingly....i m pure veg.....


eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 12:40
Rating: 3/5

1. KSA

2. Smoke

3. Loulsy


5. Xray

6. Ashwin

7. Witchstix

8. Pajju

9. chaudary

10. ninjarose

11. Ladycharm

12. rMs

13. Starfaith25

14. Zhy & Sister

15. FS

16. Omar Waheed

17. Arien

18. Khanan

19. sandeepkadian

20. Charan and his beautiful wife

21. Bestinbusiness

22. Adams.apple

23. draj

24. Mallrat

25. bilutopia

26. shahzad_14

27. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha

28. Dev.in.doha

29. Andrews

30. arecel

31. lovinni

32. Shane

33. RedDragon

34. Kumaran

35. Vegas

36. Ninja_warrior

37. adnan_nk

38. alpha1

39. khemcho

40. Rebel

41. dmigtysolomon

42. jailbroken114


44. Xena

45. nadinenana

46. lord90

47. zsabri (i'm adding your name for now but u can always let me know later if your coming or not)

48. cherryan


1 BBQ:Chicken, Beef, Prawns, Mushrooms, Etc.


2. Food: Bread, Kaboosh, Chapati, Salad, Pasta, Rice, Snacks,

(Smoke, Ashwin, WitchStix,rMs,alpha1,rebel,loulsy)

3. Drinks: Water, Juices, Soft aerated drinks, Tea, Coffee, Sheesha

(RedDragon, Andrews,Smoke, Ashwin, Witchstix,loulsy,rMs,vegas,alpha1,rebel)

4. Disposable: Plates, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Serving trays,Tissue box or rolls Garbage bags

(Andrews, Smoke, Ashwin,Witchstix,loulsy,vegas)

5. Kitchen stuff: Knife, Serving Spoon, Trays, Bottle opener,


6. Stuff: Lighter, BBQ GRILL, Charcoal, fuel, Ice box, Table, Chairs


Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By ashwindoke• 9 Jul 2009 12:40
Rating: 2/5

Man this event is awesome.....

KSA n Smoke on fire...... nice...

Bind Boggling response from people...

It would have had been another 40 - 50 posts if I was not pretending to wrk in office...

But great... Curious to see so many new faces...

Damn whom I am lying.....

Hell with the people... I am Ash..... FOOD....

Dting to eat.. hogg.... hogg.. and hogg more..... :)

And I am not a racist when it comes to food too...

Delicious, maffi delicious, burnt.. cooked nicely.... whtever it is... I am in.. I mean it is IN me... :)

Speed Bhai - me too coming as QLVG member...

But I wont be cleaning the place... I ll make sure no one spoils it in the first place...

Damn... :( I wanted this one to be a short post.. but anyways.. fingers are typing rarely on QL these dayz... :(


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By mister mister• 9 Jul 2009 12:36
mister mister

hey... i just seen this. am in tooooooooooooooo

cheers, even before it begins LOL

By Vegas• 9 Jul 2009 12:28

Just give me time as I don't know when what the next shipment will be...If nothing comes in I'll buy a bunch of something pre cooked...pizza chicken ect...

You can't teach experience...

By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 12:27

smoke did u check ur landfone ? :)

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 12:25
Rating: 4/5

Ok i'm back missed me all? :P

nadine there will be beach volley ball only if i know its going to be played the way its meant to be played..in swimsuits :p

Honestly i dont know coz we will only have time from 5 till like 7 or so to play any games until it gets dark and then we can all jump in the sea :) so feel free to get whatever u want to play with, frizbies, volleyballs any type of balls will do.

Trust good ol Xena to know how the KAT's mind works lol shhhh

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 12:25

Ohh.. then i l attend the party as a QLVG member :) !

speed, ye .. we guys can relax.. lol..


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 12:17

no fun without wife? first man on earth i heard telling like this !lol


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By zsabri• 9 Jul 2009 12:13

hey guys!!! sounds fun.. but there is no fun without wife!!:( i wish my wife is here by 24th...

till which date u can add ur name in the list!!?

By Xena• 9 Jul 2009 12:05


Yes, please don't mess with the ladies, cause then Smokey Kat will get very, very jealous;-)

Ok, depending on whether my man is back yet or not - count me in for 1 at this time - I will take another look at the food list and let you know what I will bring:-)

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


visit www.qaws.org

By nadinenana• 9 Jul 2009 12:00

me and lord90?? im off that day the 24th!!!will there be a volleyball net or something so we can play beach volleyball?

By starfaith25• 9 Jul 2009 11:41
Rating: 3/5

reading mode...

ok, i'll bring something to eat.

i'm not sure what it would be, gimme a week. :D

Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)

By Arien• 9 Jul 2009 11:40

People.. lets get serious..

I cant see much of contributors to the grill and the buffet stands.. come on people .. come out!!!!


- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -

By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 11:38

Arien irangi poda :)

By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 11:37

Rizks , lol u bloody &%**&%&*% time will come next time u see :) anyway gimme ur friend number i wanna bring him on QL and prove , who is mixing on coke ? :))

By Arien• 9 Jul 2009 11:35

Hi Ksa, goin gud bro.hope u doin gr8 too..

All the green bottle pajju gulp is baught from black market, thats why the black flag..lol


- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -

By Rizks• 9 Jul 2009 11:34
Rating: 4/5

Smoke n KSA right said Buddy !

But still there will people like Pajju who will hav their drinks by mixing it in a Coke Can or a Pepsi bottle and pretend tat they are drinkin some kinda soft drinks... bloody fellas....:(


By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 11:29

lol KSA :) how u doin buddy >?

By Pajju• 9 Jul 2009 11:27

WELL SAID SMOKE . arien lol , after 28 , ahem ahem :)

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 11:26

sorry my friend but i know when people drink they start to behave worse than kids. so better to NOT make fools of ourselves :P its not like we cant have fun without booze.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 11:26

Arien...from when does Pajju deal with Black stuff...I always thought he was with the Green stuff... :P How you doing bro...



By Arien• 9 Jul 2009 11:25

Pajju cancelled his attendance and will be protesting at the beach entrance with a Black flag :)


- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -

By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 11:24

loooooooooool Arien !


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By Rizks• 9 Jul 2009 11:24
Rating: 2/5

lol Smoke... abey ye kia bachho jaise warning hai...:)

Sorry Eng. on the mains...:)

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 11:19




ok continue...

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 11:16

Bilutopia...hmmm you didnt say the word SINGLE, but WE SAID FOR YOU...i mean come on me and smoke after 2 yrs on QL...we ought to know how people want to be shy and stuff...so dont worry, we'll take care of ya...!!!


LoL Rms...Rizks...true...even if you said it as a joke, it still is true, We shud try to keep the BEACH CLEANNNNN!!!

By Rizks• 9 Jul 2009 11:00
Rating: 4/5

QLVG ...

shall SHOW UP after the beach Fest is OVER then their part Begins...!!!


By bilutopia• 9 Jul 2009 10:53

i was thinking to put u in my car LOL......

I am coming alone i didn't say any word of SINGLE

Good then, i will bring wht i can , after everything is over i will contact the ppl whom u put for food.

By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 10:52

seek help from QLVG :D


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 10:48
Rating: 3/5

1. KSA

2. Smoke

3. Loulsy


5. Xray

6. Ashwin

7. Witchstix

8. Pajju

9. chaudary

10. ninjarose

11. Ladycharm

12. rMs

13. Starfaith25

14. Zhy & Sister

15. FS

16. Omar Waheed

17. Arien

18. Khanan

19. sandeepkadian

20. Charan and his beautiful wife

21. Bestinbusiness

22. Adams.apple

23. draj

24. Mallrat

25. bilutopia

26. shahzad_14

27. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha

28. Dev.in.doha

29. Andrews

30. arecel

31. lovinni

32. Shane

33. RedDragon

34. Kumaran

35. Vegas

36. Ninja_warrior

37. adnan_nk

38. alpha1

39. khemcho

40. Rebel

41. dmigtysolomon

42. jailbroken114


1 BBQ:Chicken, Beef, Prawns, Mushrooms, Etc.


2. Food: Bread, Kaboosh, Chapati, Salad, Pasta, Rice, Snacks,

(Smoke, Ashwin, WitchStix,rMs,alpha1,rebel)

3. Drinks: Water, Juices, Soft aerated drinks, Tea, Coffee, Sheesha

(RedDragon, Andrews,Smoke, Ashwin, Witchstix,loulsy,rMs,vegas,alpha1,rebel)

4. Disposable: Plates, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Serving trays,Tissue box or rolls Garbage bags

(Andrews, Smoke, Ashwin,Witchstix,loulsy,vegas)

5. Kitchen stuff: Knife, Serving Spoon, Trays, Bottle opener,


6. Stuff: Lighter, BBQ GRILL, Charcoal, fuel, Ice box, Table, Chairs


Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By edifis• 9 Jul 2009 10:48

Good Idea! But where is the beach?

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 10:47

OMG how could u forget hot dogs?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 10:45

did i see the word SINGLE somewhere? my car only has place for single females so bilutopia i can put u in my car..u know just to keep u safe :p

Oright so i'll put u down for the food contribution but we'll let u know what to bring later.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 10:44
Rating: 3/5

As smoke has said...

Food is purely a Buffet Style...

We would require people to chip in with not only Salads but also

1) BBQ Grill - Chicken

2) Prawns,

3) Meat

4) Vegetables that would be grilled

5) Any vegetarians on board will also have to get their due share of Veggie burgers

6) Burgers

7) Chips

8) Salads

9) ....

So yea we need people to chip in for the above in a decent portion (I dont mean for JUST yourself and also NOT FOR EVERYONE, but just as smoke says, yourself + your family + 1 or 2 more)...

So can I see some volunteers...

!!! We already have a few...the others come on mates, get your azzess and your hands up...so we can see them...

By bilutopia• 9 Jul 2009 10:43


Other than food i can bring some small things that can be picked up from a shopping center so ......

By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 10:39

Family for ONE...o you mean SINGLE!!! LOL!

And yea sure...just let us know what you can bring mate, and then we'll see if you need something more or just that and yourself...!

By bilutopia• 9 Jul 2009 10:37

am a family for one but i will bring food for 3 mmmm....and tell me if there is anything more, u can put me somewhere

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 10:36
Rating: 2/5

I dont see any volunteers for FOOD :p i guess everyone is just going to bring something for themselves :(

I think people are confused about the food part. Its going to be buffet style people so not only will others be tasting your food you will also be tasting other people's food. But we need to know what you are bringing so we dont end up with all chicken stuff but a mix variety of food. Also to help us know about the grills and coals needed to cook all the food. Hope its clear now.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By khemcho• 9 Jul 2009 10:35

Cheers friends

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 10:32
Rating: 4/5

Indeed...we'll see what is left to round up and surely bring in something nice...

Yeah Shisha Queen indeed...Loulsy...

Yea people, do join in to have a bit of fun...

Smoke, just make sure you dont loose track of list...

From next week lets spend 2 - 3 days in assigning and checking for logistics...

The food, the grill, the drinks (soft drinks I mean), the kitchnettes, the tables, chairs, etc and most importantly water and ice...!

There is a lot to bring but with the enthusiasm flowing here, much little to allocate cos all of you are volunteering on your own...good job people!

Good to see the flow!

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 10:31
Rating: 2/5

food people we need food..cant have bbq without food :P lets do it like this if you are a family of 3 bring food for 4. Your family plus 1 this way we can be sure there is plenty of food to go around and second serving for me :P

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 10:29
Rating: 3/5

1. KSA

2. Smoke

3. Loulsy


5. Xray

6. Ashwin

7. Witchstix

8. Pajju

9. chaudary

10. ninjarose

11. Ladycharm

12. rMs

13. Starfaith25

14. Zhy & Sister

15. FS

16. Omar Waheed

17. Arien

18. Khanan

19. sandeepkadian

20. Charan and his beautiful wife

21. Bestinbusiness

22. Adams.apple

23. draj

24. Mallrat

25. bilutopia

26. shahzad_14

27. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha

28. Dev.in.doha

29. Andrews

30. arecel

31. lovinni

32. Shane

33. RedDragon

34. Kumaran

35. Vegas

36. Ninja_warrior

37. adnan_nk

38. alpha1

39. khemcho

40. Rebel

41. dmigtysolomon

42. jailbroken114


1 BBQ:Chicken, Beef, Prawns, Mushrooms, Etc.


2. Food: Bread, Kaboosh, Chapati, Salad, Pasta, Rice, Snacks,

(Smoke, Ashwin, WitchStix,rMs,alpha1,rebel)

3. Drinks: Water, Juices, Soft aerated drinks, Tea, Coffee, Sheesha

(RedDragon, Andrews,Smoke, Ashwin, Witchstix,loulsy,rMs,vegas,alpha1,rebel)

4. Disposable: Plates, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Serving trays,Tissue box or rolls Garbage bags

(Andrews, Smoke, Ashwin,Witchstix,loulsy,vegas)

5. Kitchen stuff: Knife, Serving Spoon, Trays, Bottle opener,


6. Stuff: Lighter, BBQ GRILL, Charcoal, fuel, Ice box, Table, Chairs


Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 10:25

Loulsy i know your my sheesha queen thats why i put ur name there :p

Yep we'll all go buy the other stuff together once we finalize the list.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By anonymous• 9 Jul 2009 10:23

I ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmingggggggggg!!!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Loulsy• 9 Jul 2009 10:22

i was about to say.. u decided for me what im bringing when i realized u put me in the Shisha category LOOOOOL...

I'll bring in 2 shisha's maybe 3 if i'm able to find a third..

i will also contribute to Salad and i guess mushrooms..

actually i think we'll just round up what hasnt been vouched for and get it.. keep track of the list smokey.. we'll just go shop together.. KSA u and i..


By Omar Waheed.• 9 Jul 2009 10:20
Omar Waheed.

Are u nuts... when rms told u its open for all...so you can come.. dont say the same thing again and again lol

By jailbroken114• 9 Jul 2009 10:16

I want to come. Please count me in....

By rebel• 9 Jul 2009 10:03

hey smoke...count me in ...i know em always a late comer but still if you have anything left then lemme know i will bring that ...

By khemcho• 9 Jul 2009 10:03

Hi There ! !

U missed my name there ! !

New to this place... Happy to join u all..

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 10:01
Rating: 3/5

1. KSA

2. Smoke

3. Loulsy


5. Xray

6. Ashwin

7. Witchstix

8. Pajju

9. chaudary

10. ninjarose

11. Ladycharm

12. rMs

13. Starfaith25

14. Zhy & Sister

15. FS

16. Omar Waheed

17. Arien

18. Khanan

19. sandeepkadian

20. Charan and his beautiful wife

21. Bestinbusiness

22. Adams.apple

23. draj

24. Mallrat

25. bilutopia

26. shahzad_14

27. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha

28. Dev.in.doha

29. Andrews

30. arecel

31. lovinni

32. Shane

33. RedDragon

34. Kumaran

35. Vegas

36. Ninja_warrior

37. adnan_nk

38. alpha1


1 BBQ:Chicken, Beef, Prawns, Mushrooms, Etc.

(Arien- Marinated Chicken-3kgs)

2. Food: Bread, Kaboosh, Chapati, Salad, Pasta, Rice, Snacks,

(Smoke, Ashwin, WitchStix,rMs)

3. Drinks: Water, Juices, Soft aerated drinks, Tea, Coffee, Sheesha

(RedDragon, Andrews,Smoke, Ashwin, Witchstix,loulsy,rMs,vegas)

4. Disposable: Plates, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Serving trays,Tissue box or rolls Garbage bags

(Andrews, Smoke, Ashwin,Witchstix,loulsy,vegas)

5. Kitchen stuff: Knife, Serving Spoon, Trays, Bottle opener,


6. Stuff: Lighter, BBQ GRILL, Charcoal, fuel, Ice box, Table, Chairs


Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Rizks• 9 Jul 2009 09:52
Rating: 3/5

Guyz !!

GEt some torch lights or Picnic lights as it might BE dark out there.

SO if any ladies loose their hair pins or coins it would be easy for them to find out in the light.

My Head produces only limited light which can be used as a Candle light for ur dinner....:)

By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 09:50

boozing NOT ALLOWED !!!!!


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By adnan_nk• 9 Jul 2009 09:49

missd few events before, dn wna miss this one,

count me IN.

booze allowed??

` c h i n g a A a l i n g `

By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 09:47

Please bring one extra chair for me as well :)


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By NINJA_WARRIOR• 9 Jul 2009 09:47

oh yeah.. Are they really dare devils? let me see ....

By Arien• 9 Jul 2009 09:46

Hope all brings chairs

No need of lighting.. Rizkz head will be there.

Bajju doesnt need chair.. he will be on four legs with his Green bottle


- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -

By Formatted Soul• 9 Jul 2009 09:41
Rating: 3/5
Formatted Soul

Vegas, it was ages before..lol

sarat...inshallah soon...

Pajju please dont come... we will have more place in the beach...

Warrior you can join us at your own risks....you dont know these guys..lol

By Vegas• 9 Jul 2009 09:39

You can't teach experience...

By NINJA_WARRIOR• 9 Jul 2009 09:36

Where there is fire... there is smoke... hmmmm

smoke... I am always in.... :) Cheers mate.

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 09:33

Vegas u havent confirmed if ur in or out.

Ninja Warrior in or out?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By NINJA_WARRIOR• 9 Jul 2009 09:28


By Vegas• 9 Jul 2009 09:28

You can't teach experience...

By khemcho• 9 Jul 2009 09:27

Hi Friends,

Am Interested to join u all x x

Cheers !


To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 09:23

Nahi! if it doesnt come from your hands to my mouth it will not only lose its taste but value of your precious time that you spent cooking for me....wait what am i saying food is food...yallah send it any how u can :D

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 09:22

FS...seriously, how can you be so mean girl...i mean i know you for what 1 year now infact over 1 year...hey wait a min, almost 2 years now...and you have not cooked once also...i mean seriously...do you treat your husband also like this...!!!Its an open challenge...!!!

By Formatted Soul• 9 Jul 2009 09:20
Rating: 4/5
Formatted Soul

Smokey...even if I dont come... I will make sure you will recevie something to eat from me...by courier..lol

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 09:17

I'm sure she will, FS maa ka dudh peya tho cook something nice for us :P open challenge.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Andrews• 9 Jul 2009 09:10

Smoke.. I think FS will show her cooking ability to all of us on 24th to prove you're wrong....

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 09:03

Andrews what trap? i dont know what your talking about..heck suddenly i dont understand English anymore :P

Jailbroken114 did you submit your fee for coming? oops did i say fee i meant FREE :p

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 08:55

Dont you read the thread ! its open for all.. so ofcourse u too can join ! :)


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By jailbroken114• 9 Jul 2009 08:54

can i come?????

By Andrews• 9 Jul 2009 08:54

Smoke.. will she fall in that trap...?????

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 08:51

YES FS you need to tell us now if your coming or not but if not you make a note of 24th on your diary. Dont make so much nakras now...all that talk about knowing how to cook and when the time comes u run to hide faster than a chicken :P

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 08:47

Hmm TCOM for now lets just see who is willing to contribute what. in the coming days we'll decide who has to get how much accordingly is that ok?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 08:42
Rating: 4/5

1. KSA

2. Smoke

3. Loulsy


5. Xray

6. Ashwin

7. Witchstix

8. Pajju

9. chaudary

10. ninjarose

11. Ladycharm

12. rMs

13. Starfaith25

14. Zhy & Sister

15. FS

16. Omar Waheed

17. Arien

18. Khanan

19. sandeepkadian

20. Charan and his beautiful wife

21. Bestinbusiness

22. Adams.apple

23. draj

24. Mallrat

25. bilutopia

26. shahzad_14

27. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha

28. Dev.in.doha

29. Andrews

30. arecel

31. lovinni

32. Shane

33. RedDragon

34. Kumaran


1 BBQ:Chicken, Beef, Prawns, Mushrooms, Etc.

(Arien- Marinated Chicken-3kgs)

2. Food: Bread, Kaboosh, Chapati, Salad, Pasta, Rice, Snacks,

(Smoke, Ashwin, WitchStix,rMs)

3. Drinks: Water, Juices, Soft aerated drinks, Tea, Coffee, Sheesha

(RedDragon, Andrews,Smoke, Ashwin, Witchstix,loulsy,rMs)

4. Disposable: Plates, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Serving trays,Tissue box or rolls Garbage bags

(Andrews, Smoke, Ashwin,Witchstix)

5. Kitchen stuff: Knife, Serving Spoon, Trays, Bottle opener,

6. Stuff: Lighter, BBQ GRILL, Charcoal, fuel, Ice box, Table, Chairs


Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By t_coffee_or_me• 9 Jul 2009 08:40

We need to know the quantity also..





By Formatted Soul• 9 Jul 2009 08:36
Rating: 2/5
Formatted Soul

Do I need to tell now? I wont disappoint your guys..lol

By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 08:24

Food for Grill:

Please note you have to bring your own food for your family and another person . If there is something u'd like to throw on the coals please let us know how much your bringing so we can decide how many bags of coals or grills we might need.

Juices & Soft-Drinks:

We dont want to waste too much and we dont want to end up with too less...so please bring as you like and what you like ...

Other Kitchenettes:

Again, too much waste is not required so we will keep a track of who is bringing what and accordingly add or remove some items...

And please bear in mind, that all the food brought that day will be kept over the table in a true buffet Style so if there is anything SPECIAL you would want us to try, please ladies, make and bring for KSA, Khanan, Smoke, TCOM and Loulsy to feast on...!!! Joking, but yeah if you want to bring something special...do feel free to bring and share and care with us...

And keep the momentum and joining - ins going people...

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 08:06

KSA List 2 to be added to main topic:

Please note you have to bring your own food. If there is something u'd like to throw on the coals please let us know how much your bringing so we can decide how many bags of coals or grills we might need.

1 BBQ:Chicken, Beef, Prawns, Mushrooms, Etc.

(Arien- Marinated Chicken-3kgs)

2. Food: Bread, Kaboosh, Chapati, Salad, Pasta, Rice, Snacks,

(Smoke, Ashwin, WitchStix)

3. Drinks: Water, Juices, Soft aerated drinks, Tea, Coffee, Sheesha

(RedDragon, Andrews,Smoke, Ashwin, Witchstix,loulsy)

4. Disposable: Plates, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Serving trays,Tissue box or rolls Garbage bags

(Andrews, Smoke, Ashwin,Witchstix)

5. Kitchen stuff: Knife, Serving Spoon, Trays, Bottle opener,

6. Stuff: Lighter, BBQ GRILL, Charcoal, fuel, Ice box, Table, Chairs


Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 07:58

OMG Azzy why isnt your name up there? Your right after this i'll be just putting up names i'm running out of descriptions for the users lol. Now yallah u in or out?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Arien• 9 Jul 2009 07:53

Rizkz lol.. you donkey head, you gona give a free shave to all of us?? dont forget a chair and turkey towel. lol


- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -

By Khanan• 9 Jul 2009 07:49

to be 1000+ spread on 9+ pages..so stop hijacking...rMS..you changed your tagline from community guideline # 5.

stil alot of time to go..

but we need to organize and assign duties to the active memebers...

The attendees should put what they can bring and T-Com will be updating the list..


Have Courage To Live.

Anyone Can Die.

By azilana7037• 9 Jul 2009 07:48
Rating: 3/5

With your list of Attendees?

Could you just put the names SANS THE NARRATIVE? Readers would like to see who's coming AT FIRST GLANCE. For us who now have little time to stay glued to QL lately, a quick browse/read over the list would raise response percentage...

In my opinion....thanks

By Rizks• 9 Jul 2009 07:47
Rating: 2/5

I will bring the following :

Toothpaste - Colgate

Tooth brush


Tooth picks

Tongue cleaner thread

Shaving Blades

Beard Trimmer...

Did i forget anything ? :)

Sorry KSA n Smoke for a lil hijack...:(

By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 07:43

Double !


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By rMs_000• 9 Jul 2009 07:43

My contribution - I can eat & drink all the juices and bbq's prepared.. :)


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 07:42

is anyone bringing anything to EAT!! or are we going to just be drinking juices and eating paper plates :P

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Andrews• 9 Jul 2009 07:40

I will bring water, Juices & soft drinks...

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 07:38
Rating: 2/5

Darling FS dont worry Main Hoon na ;) plus u can get your bodyguards along as well...hmmmm wondering if its the crowd or the swimsuit phobia your more worried about.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Formatted Soul• 9 Jul 2009 07:34
Rating: 2/5
Formatted Soul

Smokey I am phobic to crowd...:(

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 07:30

KSA yes just copy paste TCOM's second post with RedDragon's contribution and put it up now then as we go on to adding more its going to be a headache to go searching for who has posted what they are bringing.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By ksarat16• 9 Jul 2009 07:26

Indeed smoke, looks like a decent group...would be quite interesting to get this trip going...

Just a quick piece of info for our very lovely Xena...this is done under the banner of QL and not QLSG!

So would be quite glad to see your pretty self there lady!

And the rest...keep'em coming...

I hear a lot about the venue being overcrowded ... but hey lets face it...who goes to a place to be just the only one in a desert...and moreover...the beaches that I go to back home is all crowded...and packed...and am sure as I repeat, it is the same thing for you all as well...back home I'm sure...!

And moreover as I already said, my organizing team will be out there a bit wee early so as to catch hold of some better spot and ear mark the area...!

So keep'em coming people...

And Smoke, as TCom has been updating the list for Food and Usables...and you've been updating the list for People coming...do you want to add the food list in the main page right now or do we wait for just a couple of days and start this activity next week cos there is still a LOT of time for this trip...


By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 07:17

I think its time to start discussing about who gets what like TCOM has already mentioned what to get. KSA kindly add that to the main topic so everyone can see it and then keep updating as we go along.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 07:00

Bonjour NFH you may fedex yourself here and hand deliver those cookies. :)

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

19. Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

20. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

21. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)

22. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)

23. Bestinbusiness (Waiting for approval depending on beauty level of his friends :p)

24. Adams.apple (the second thing that distinguishes man from woman :P)

25. draj (What can i say about him? I'm lost for words :p)

26. Mallrat (Who has humbly agreed to be our shining moon for one night only)

27. bilutopia (Who thinks this is a fascinating idea, so she better get her fascinating self to the venue)

28. shahzad_14 (Prince of QL, adaab arlz Shahzada :p)

29. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha (The man who will be singing for us while loulsy does her belly dance)

30. Dev.in.doha (who will be dead.in.doha if he does not show his face at the beach that day)

31. Andrews (If mary had a little lamb, Andrews would be its name)

32. arecel (Hottie of QL)

33. lovinni (NO hating always lovin :P)

34. Shane (Tottie of QL :P)

35. RedDragon (Serial Commenter of QL)

36. Kumaran (very good at singing songs about green bottles)

This seems to be a pretty decent no. so i'm going to be sending out pm's to those that have not confirmed.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By anonymous• 9 Jul 2009 03:30

Shall I Fedex the cookies?

By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 00:34

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

19. Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

20. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

21. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)

22. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)

23. Bestinbusiness (Waiting for approval depending on beauty level of his friends :p)

24. Adams.apple (the second thing that distinguishes man from woman :P)

25. draj (What can i say about him? I'm lost for words :p)

26. Mallrat (Who has humbly agreed to be our shining moon for one night only)

27. bilutopia (Who thinks this is a fascinating idea, so she better get her fascinating self to the venue)

28. shahzad_14 (Prince of QL, adaab arlz Shahzada :p)

29. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha (The man who will be singing for us while loulsy does her belly dance)

30. Dev.in.doha (who will be dead.in.doha if he does not show his face at the beach that day)

31. Andrews (If mary had a little lamb, Andrews would be its name)

32. arecel (Hottie of QL)

33. lovinni (NO hating always lovin :P)

34. Shane (Tottie of QL :P)

35. RedDragon (Serial Commenter of QL)

36. Kumaran (very good at singing songs about green bottles)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 9 Jul 2009 00:30

Vegas decided to come along? arnt you missing one important item in that list of yours? :p

bilutopia your already in the list check again :)

Oh kumaran how could i forget you fikar not you will be on tomorrow's early edition of the updated list..too lazy to do it now.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Vegas• 8 Jul 2009 22:35

You can't teach experience...

By kumaran_63• 8 Jul 2009 22:30

Tcom i will contact you on 23.07.09 for 24.07.09 programme.Let us do this sucessfully.

By anonymous• 8 Jul 2009 22:28

Nothing is more relaxing than flying like an Eagle in Heaven !!

nice idea...bad location! and wat about that list? :) who is countin and givin nicks? mod? so u ll be all there? wizout QL family the area is soooo crowded!

By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 22:09

lol naughty ash.... this is a family oriented trip not one of your orgy one ... lol





By ashwindoke• 8 Jul 2009 22:07

TCOM - :)

Ohkie - So strip Poker it is.... :)


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 22:00

We are game for anything and everything





By bilutopia• 8 Jul 2009 22:00

hey guys can u count me on too plssssss

By ashwindoke• 8 Jul 2009 21:56

TCOM - hmm...

Ok So all with brains and creative tissues alive .. pls volunteer.......

I would have had.. but not eligible ..... :(

Not creative and brainy enough.....

m sure you guyz wont like to play Volley Ball... or would you .. .. .. .


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 21:49
Rating: 2/5

For games somebody else can volunteer





By ashwindoke• 8 Jul 2009 21:42

TCOM - lol...

Hope the Stuff is Green Bottles..... :)

Sounds real fun.....

People lets plan something to do there along with BBQs...

Games or something....

NO strip Poker.... :)


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 21:34
Rating: 4/5

We need the following so appreciate if all will just post what each will bring. I will update as and when required and update the list.

1 BBQ:Chicken, Beef, Prawns, Mushrooms, Etc.

2. Food: Bread, Kaboosh, Chapati, Salad, Pasta, Rice, Snacks,

3. Drinks: Water, Juices, Soft aerated drinks, Tea, Coffee, Sheesha

4. Disposable: Plates, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Serving trays, Tissue box or rolls Garbage bags

5. Kitchen stuff: Knife, Serving Spoon, Trays, Bottle opener,

6. Stuff: Lighter, BBQ GRILL, Charcoal, fuel, Ice box, Table, Chairs

If I have missed anything please feel free to add.

We have the first volunter

1. RedDragon ....... juices, plates and stuff (Wondering what those stuffs are)





By kumaran_63• 8 Jul 2009 21:06


How can you forget me?

What is the preparatory is done for this big event?

can you PM me?

Let us discuss and want to share the burden from your shoulder.yella it will be a great event.

But on friday the beach is overcrowded.How we can accomadate ourself in that?

By panda• 8 Jul 2009 20:51

it's not possible...enjoy your day!

sorry my dear friend mallrat..maybe another day, I'll organize somehing and invite all friends.

By snowyowl• 8 Jul 2009 20:38

Xena...you don't have to...smoke said early on that this is an open QL invite ;)

smile lots laugh more

By Xena• 8 Jul 2009 20:32
Rating: 2/5

*ponders whether she should ruin the day and re-instate her QLSG membership* ;-)

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


visit www.qaws.org

By RedDragon• 8 Jul 2009 20:32

sounds like fun...will come too....will chip in some juices, plates n stuff like that


"Yesterday is the past,Tomorrow is a mystery,& Today is a gift that's why its called the PRESENT"


By snowyowl• 8 Jul 2009 20:19

Have fun guys...fly out that day too so can't make it :(

smile lots laugh more

By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 20:03
Rating: 4/5

We need the following so appreciate if all will just post what each will bring. I will update as and when required and update the list.

1 BBQ:Chicken, Beef, Prawns, Mushrooms, Etc.

2. Food: Bread, Kaboosh, Chapati, Salad, Pasta, Rice, Snacks,

3. Drinks: Water, Juices, Soft aerated drinks, Tea, Coffee, Sheesha

4. Disposable: Plates, Spoons, Forks, Cups, Serving trays, Tissue box or rolls Garbage bags

5. Kitchen stuff: Knife, Serving Spoon, Trays, Bottle opener,

6. Stuff: Lighter, BBQ GRILL, Charcoal, fuel, Ice box, Table, Chairs

If I have missed anything please feel free to add.





By chinitasai08• 8 Jul 2009 18:16
Rating: 4/5

for organizing this momentous event during our vacation (me and my pakner MJ) :(


By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 18:02

arecel am sure u guys r not totties :)

By arecel• 8 Jul 2009 17:59

hello.. pls. include me in the list along with lovinni and shane. now that's 3 addtl. hotties:-)

usapa na...

By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 17:38

abhey Rizks come out from nest , u should come with bella , ok ? :)

By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 17:34

star lol . alpha KSA or smoke will add wat we all brings on the beach fest . so no worry , if u want u can offer somethin

By starfaith25• 8 Jul 2009 17:29
Rating: 4/5

its pajju's treat... :D

**not hijacking... :D carry on**

Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)

By alpha1• 8 Jul 2009 17:27

we have to bring our own coz i m trying to join that and if i then its first time for me with ql hahahhaah

By alpha1• 8 Jul 2009 17:27

we have to bring our own coz i m trying to join that and if i then its first time for me with ql hahahhaah

By alpha1• 8 Jul 2009 17:25

do we have to pay fot that party for bbq and other...........?

By ashwindoke• 8 Jul 2009 15:18



The Hijacker is IN....


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 15:17

Ukeng spending too much time in Ramada hmm learnt tagalog so soon?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By ksarat16• 8 Jul 2009 15:15

Good to see such response...keep'em rolling in people...would want to see much more...cos its open QL ...!!!

And sai and UKENG keep the tagalog out...!!!:P Have a good vacation...!!!

By mjamille28• 8 Jul 2009 15:11
Rating: 3/5

UkEng, pasalubong po don't forget ;)

By chinitasai08• 8 Jul 2009 15:09
Rating: 5/5

oh ill be missing u guys...

Mj is right... i'll be leaving this 20th...

Ukeng, hope to see u in sentosa...hehehehe


By dev.in.doha• 8 Jul 2009 15:02
Rating: 4/5

without such get togethers...it is as good as dead in doha.... ;-)


eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)

By dev.in.doha• 8 Jul 2009 14:59

lol...no way...i want to live in Doha....so,i have to be ther....


eVeRyTHinG dEsIRAblE, Is eITHEr eXPEnSIVe, bAnnED, ilLOgiCal oR SeEING(maRRiED to) sOMEonE ElsE...... ;-)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 14:58

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

19. Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

20. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

21. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)

22. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)

23. Bestinbusiness (Waiting for approval depending on beauty level of his friends :p)

24. Adams.apple (the second thing that distinguishes man from woman :P)

25. draj (What can i say about him? I'm lost for words :p)

26. Mallrat (Who has humbly agreed to be our shining moon for one night only)

27. bilutopia (Who thinks this is a fascinating idea, so she better get her fascinating self to the venue)

28. shahzad_14 (Prince of QL, adaab arlz Shahzada :p)

29. Prasanth/-a-t-/Doha (The man who will be singing for us while loulsy does her belly dance)

30. Dev.in.doha (who will be dead.in.doha if he does not show his face at the beach that day)

31. Andrews (If mary had a little lamb, Andrews would be its name)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Andrews• 8 Jul 2009 14:57

mRs..if you are there..I will kick u out

By rMs_000• 8 Jul 2009 14:52

you coming ? damm. i'm out then ;P


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By Andrews• 8 Jul 2009 14:46

Guys...Count me in..........

By rMs_000• 8 Jul 2009 14:29

lol smoke , #30 !


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 14:24

oright the story so far...

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

19. Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

20. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

21. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)

22. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)

23. Bestinbusiness (Waiting for approval depending on beauty level of his friends :p)

24. Adams.apple (the second thing that distinguishes man from woman :P)

25. draj (What can i say about him? I'm lost for words :p)

26. Mallrat (Who has humbly agreed to be our shining moon for one night only)

27. bilutopia (Who thinks this is a fascinating idea, so she better get her fascinating self to the venue)

28. shahzad_14 (Prince of QL, adaab arlz Shahzada :p)

29. Prasanth@Doha (The man who will be singing for us while loulsy does her belly dance)

30. Dev.in.doha (who will be dead.in.doha if he does not show his face at the beach that day)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By dev.in.doha• 8 Jul 2009 13:46

Smoke....count me in buddy....

No man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is NOT saying.

By mallrat• 8 Jul 2009 13:44



.im sure there are no traffic ova there...lol


another day, another pay


By starfaith25• 8 Jul 2009 13:41
Rating: 4/5

prasanth, if u promise not to sing. LOL!

Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)

By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 13:39

lol HIJACKERS having a field day.





By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 13:39

Uk try to go kerala also , like bali :P

By Prasanth@Doha• 8 Jul 2009 13:39

guyz, don 4get dis poor soul ... please lemmi in !

If dere is 1 day in ma life i don wanna miss ... itz 2day !

By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 13:38

yes Rizks and i can use ur pathfinder n ice box :)

By GodFather.• 8 Jul 2009 13:36

FS.. your close.. Nah off to Malaysia, Bali and Singapore..:)



By Rizks• 8 Jul 2009 13:35
Rating: 4/5


I m sure u will come for this and run like a CRAB near the beach with one green bottle in ur HAND...:)

By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 13:33

no FS , if i call he will be , so say want to call or not ? :)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 13:31

Dont worry about that mallrat if it makes you feel better i'll carry my flash light besides it will be good to use u like a traffic cone in the dark there :)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Formatted Soul• 8 Jul 2009 13:31
Formatted Soul

Pajju you really called him? damn I am not coming..lol

UKENg...are you goin to Thailand? lol

By mallrat• 8 Jul 2009 13:28


.okay panda, ill surely will look for u..


.smoke, im coming with or without the moon...

.im only wishing for it bec il be wearing neon orange swimsuit, i thought it will look good under the moonshine..


another day, another pay


By GodFather.• 8 Jul 2009 13:28

Smokey that is exactly the reason why I am not coming.. Otherwise there will confusion, as everyone will be wondering what is the moon doing on the beach..:)

PS.. off to a secret location to surprise you all in the late summer when I return with re-cultivated area..:)



By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 13:28

Smoke charan will be there :)

By shahzad_14• 8 Jul 2009 13:27

Count me IN but smoke please Put something good about ME after my Name

By starfaith25• 8 Jul 2009 13:25
Rating: 4/5

yeah, i'll get to them...

they're pretty busy these days.

Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 13:24

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

19. Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

20. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

21. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)

22. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)

23. Bestinbusiness (Waiting for approval depending on beauty level of his friends :p)

24. Adams.apple (the second thing that distinguishes man from woman :P)

25. draj (What can i say about him? I'm lost for words :p)

26. Mallrat (Who has humbly agreed to be our shining moon for one night only)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 13:23

Wish Ukeng was coming along then we could have had like a live lunar eclipse demonstration for the kids :P

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 13:18

I agree

Rizks head is the next best thing to the moon.





By panda• 8 Jul 2009 13:16

mallrat, ok I'll try to be your moon :P

By Rizks• 8 Jul 2009 13:16
Rating: 2/5

lol Smoke !!

If u dont find a MOON up there, then SURELY i shall Show up with my HEAD which Glows like a shiny MOOn....:)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 13:12

mallrat i've been told that my beauty..err handsomeness compares to that of the moon :) so me being there is as good as the moon being there ok? Yallah now should i add your name? Dont be shy we wont eat u..unless we run out of chicken for the BBQ that is.

Pajju i know you secretly have a crush on FS dont behave like a school boy now...get ur ass there :p

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 13:09

there is not luv tag with your name..your the Queen of all our hearts ok?

OMG where is rebel, noms, abdulla, dev etc. why havent they posted up yet? go get them SF25

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By mallrat• 8 Jul 2009 13:09

.panda, hello there..


.i still want my moon, to complete this moon lounging activity:)



another day, another pay


By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 13:08

so smoke all r confirmed ? if FS is there , i wont be there :) lol

By starfaith25• 8 Jul 2009 13:05
Rating: 3/5

LOL smoke! how dare ya?

no no no... juz dont put the word luv on my tag. :D

Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 13:03

Panda you in or you road kill?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 13:02

SF25 should i change that to Queen of Broken Hearts?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By panda• 8 Jul 2009 13:02

mallrat, you are a star enough for you :)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 13:01

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

19. Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

20. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

21. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)

22. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)

23. Bestinbusiness (Waiting for approval depending on beauty level of his friends :p)

24. Adams.apple (the second thing that distinguishes man from woman :P)

25. draj (What can i say about him? I'm lost for words :p)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By starfaith25• 8 Jul 2009 13:01
Rating: 2/5

sounds FUN!

yeah, im IN...

queen of hearts????

Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)

By Rizks• 8 Jul 2009 13:01
Rating: 4/5

Kount Moi In and Out !

Coz i will see u guyz from Top of Ritz Carlton and Sms each and everyone of YOU....:)

By mallrat• 8 Jul 2009 13:01


.i want my moon........




another day, another pay


By draj• 8 Jul 2009 12:58

count me also....

By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 12:57

lol guys ,, khanan all ready send someone to here :) lolz

By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 12:57
Rating: 4/5

Pajju will serve green bottles.





By adams.apple• 8 Jul 2009 12:57

Adams in with the Apple pls.. Am on it am on it am on it.. Cheers to getting things Packed up and I shall get my camping gear too.. Heheheh sounds Fun..


By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:56

I'm putting down names i want to see please confirm.

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

19. Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

20. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

21. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)

22. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)

23. Bestinbusiness (Waiting for approval depending on beauty level of his friends :p)

who have i missed out?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Khanan• 8 Jul 2009 12:56

sit at your place.

you aint going any where..you lazy bum...


Have Courage To Live.

Anyone Can Die.

By Rizks• 8 Jul 2009 12:54


Why ? To serve Karak Chai ? :)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:53

pajju if your going there get me a couple of those poor cabin crew members i've decided to do charity work and give them some clothes :)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Pajju• 8 Jul 2009 12:51

am goin to new zealand :)

By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 12:49

Take me along.





By Rizks• 8 Jul 2009 12:49
Rating: 3/5

I should also take SICK LEAVE......:)

By mjamille28• 8 Jul 2009 12:49
Rating: 2/5

lol UkEng, so pick all, we don't mind... im sure sai will agree we're all that and much more.. :)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:48

Tsk tsk TCOM we all wont cry for you like we cry for the ladies..stop trying to get our attention now :P

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By mjamille28• 8 Jul 2009 12:48

lol TCOM,.... vacation time for u as well?

By GodFather.• 8 Jul 2009 12:48

MJ Well I am leaving too.. too hard to decide which one to pick..lol



By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 12:46
Rating: 4/5

HMMMMMM I should also go on leave.





By mjamille28• 8 Jul 2009 12:46

lol smoke... yah KSA, we're on holiday, but sai goes before i do.. i fly on the 24th with my daughter... :)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:45

So let the head count begin :) I'm putting down names i want to see please confirm.

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

19. Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

20. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

21. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)

22. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)

23. Bestinbusiness (Waiting for approval depending on beauty level of his friends :p)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By mjamille28• 8 Jul 2009 12:45
Rating: 4/5

lol UkEng.. well ok, you can make it 2 cuties as well, or 2 beauties, take your pick.. :P

By ksarat16• 8 Jul 2009 12:44
Rating: 2/5

YOu both leavingggggggggggg...O NOOOOOOOOO!

O well, you can join in next time...!!!

But for now....keep the count going...

This is surely due for some FUN-TIME!!!

Bestinbusiness...uhhh "SOME Friends" hmmm...I would rather be forced to say, not many cos this is a QL Outing...and not a Qatar Outing...!!!

So keep a check on that mate...!

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:44

Uff you two pre planned this didnt you? Its a good thing i'm there to balance out the hotness :p

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By GodFather.• 8 Jul 2009 12:43

2 hotties.. I thought it was two totties?..lol



By mjamille28• 8 Jul 2009 12:42
Rating: 4/5

lol smoke, scratch sai off your list coz she will be on holiday as well.. she goes before me, on the 20th ... so that's minus 2 hotties on your list.. :P

By Rizks• 8 Jul 2009 12:41

W T H ?

Bella is my Family MeMber ....:(

By mjamille28• 8 Jul 2009 12:40

lol smoke, don't get your hopes up coz i never get rusty.. :P

By GodFather.• 8 Jul 2009 12:38

Rizks you perv.. This is a family event.. keep your fantasy to yourself..lol



By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:37

Ahh alright mj but dont get all rusty on me when u get back coz u know i wont spare you :P

so Mj's out. Bestinbusiness are your few friends pretty females? if yes then you have my blessings. if no then you have KSA's blessings :p

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By mjamille28• 8 Jul 2009 12:35
Rating: 2/5

lol smoke, you can show off when i get back here.. i'll only be gone for 2 weeks.. :P

By bestinbusiness• 8 Jul 2009 12:34

Can i join wid my few friends........?

By Rizks• 8 Jul 2009 12:33

Is there place to Play Hide n Seek with my Bella ?

Is there Tree near the beach so tat I and Bella can sing around the TREE and DANCE.

Is there any private place so tat i can do a peaceful candile light dinner with Her and kiss later ?

Is there any DARK Place , as i dont want bad eyes like Smoke to hav on my Bella when she is swimming? :(

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:29

Noooooooooooooooooo Mj how can u do this to me...now who will i show off my TT skills with?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By mjamille28• 8 Jul 2009 12:28
Rating: 3/5

darn it 24th July is my flight back home.. im on holiday for 2 weeks.. have fun u guys.. i will :)

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:28

Aww thats too bad khanan imagine all the bikinis your going to be missing :) dont worry i'm there na..i'll take good care of the ladies in your absence!

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Victory_278692• 8 Jul 2009 12:26

see you next time ;-)

Enjoy Qlers.....

By Khanan• 8 Jul 2009 12:26

I am loving the description of the members....

KSA Darling...you know I won't miss this kinda gatherings...but I might not be in town.

Flying on 13/7 and hope to be back till that time inshAllah..


Have Courage To Live.

Anyone Can Die.

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:26

I'm like that little pussy kat waiting to pounce on everyone when they least expect it. Good to see you here after a long time yalla now get more people to come.

Ah yes i forgot to mention the second main attraction for the evening...Loulsy will either be preforming dabke or she will be doing a belly dance for us :) confirm on this loulsy u cant say no to your KING.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Loulsy• 8 Jul 2009 12:21

look at u Kitty Kat!!! bombarding the ppl.. ur gonna scare them away instead of attract them.. stop the growling and be a nice kitty.. start purrrringgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg


By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:21

Tick Tock Tick Tock waiting for those pm's dont pretend like you dont want to come out and play, i know you want to :P

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:15

So let the head count begin :) I'm putting down names i want to see please confirm.

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Mj (Sucks at TT but i'm working on coaching her)

19. Sai (Sucks at TT as well but she's mj's girlfriend :P)

20. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

21 Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

23. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

24. sandeepkadian (First shy QL user to actually ask permission to come along lol)

25. Charan and his beautiful wife (Someone inform this foolish srilankan that T20 is over he can come out of hiding now)

People its open for you all...if you are a QL member get down with us and partyyyyyyyyyyy!!

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:06
Rating: 2/5

Smoke is not going to wait for these lazy folks to pm me, i want them there so be it...The King Kat has spoken. Of course we'll be there ahead of time to set up everything for your comfort we are here to serve you after all lol

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By panda• 8 Jul 2009 12:02

tentative, not sure

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 12:02

come on mallrat we cant have pretty QL ladies PLUS the moon there together on the same night..that would defeat the purpose :P

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By t_coffee_or_me• 8 Jul 2009 12:00
Rating: 4/5

Somebody will have to go a bit early and put up shades, tables, BBQ and other stuffs to occupy the place

Trust me it’s a wonderful,lovely and family oriented place, safe for kids too.

Most of my weekends are spent there.





By ksarat16• 8 Jul 2009 12:00
Rating: 5/5

Smoke have they all been sending you the PMs with the titles you have been using or what...

Well UKEng...the beach is pretty much advantageous:

1) You dont go swim in COLD WATERS in the WINTER...as I said, SUMMER is the BEST TIME for the beaches all around the world...

2) And about the question concerning too much crowd...well people hopefully we should be a big enough crowd too..and moreover...we aint going to a LIBRARY...we are going to the BEACH...I'm sure all of you go to beaches back homes which are much crowded than this...so stop complaining...and most probably, depending on how things go...the organizing team will be out there earlier than the time to hopefully find some good spots...!

And yes, this is an open QL event...!

So keep the count coming...

And Khanan why do you think YOU WONT BE THERE...it is only 2 weeks away...WAIT till you get your azz here before you decide to go on A HOLIDAY! WE WANT YOU THERE BOY!

By mallrat• 8 Jul 2009 11:59

.moon bathing:) sounds interesting.......

.pls somebody make sure to bing the moon out.........

.im coming with BF


.hey GT? are you going with us?




another day, another pay


By Omar Waheed.• 8 Jul 2009 11:57
Omar Waheed.

lolzzz.. Well playing football...its a good idea..


By rMs_000• 8 Jul 2009 11:56

football.. yessssss !!!

somebody there for golf too ? :)


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 11:55

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Mj (Sucks at TT but i'm working on coaching her)

19. Sai (Sucks at TT as well but she's mj's girlfriend :P)

20. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

21 Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

23. Khanan (Actual age is 50 but looks 23..Robinhood of QL ladies steals from us average men and keeps for himself sala)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 11:53
Rating: 4/5

Come on FS dont be so modest now..we have discussed about this at length before..we are just waiting for human cloning to be legalized then your the next dolly.

Omar bhai beach cricket at night time..wonder whos balls your going to be hitting :P We can get a football though anyone?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Khanan• 8 Jul 2009 11:52

to see what I get:D


Have Courage To Live.

Anyone Can Die.

By Omar Waheed.• 8 Jul 2009 11:51
Rating: 2/5
Omar Waheed.

i would love to have beach cricket .. wow

By Formatted Soul• 8 Jul 2009 11:49
Rating: 4/5
Formatted Soul

Smokey...didn’t know that I fit in that category..lol

Alpha are you askin whether its free? yea its free... you should bring your own food and beverages..lol

By chaudary• 8 Jul 2009 11:47

Omar is asking for his name , I thought he will ask to add beach cricket.lol

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 11:46

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious someone i met but cant remember QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

15. Starfaith25 (Queen of Hearts :p)

16. Zhy & Sister (Double trouble always welcome LOL)

17. FS+ (Every man's typical example of how a wife should be)

18. Mj (Sucks at TT but i'm working on coaching her)

19. Sai (Sucks at TT as well but she's mj's girlfriend :P)

20. Omar Waheed (lebanese chick magnet :p)

21 Arien (bindass baap..translation Daddy Kool of QL)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Omar Waheed.• 8 Jul 2009 11:45
Omar Waheed.

lolzz... i was thinking you will write something like that.... lolzzz ;) :D

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 11:44

what is all free alpha1?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 11:43

there you go Omar :)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By alpha1• 8 Jul 2009 11:43

its all free

By Omar Waheed.• 8 Jul 2009 11:37
Omar Waheed.

where is myyy nameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee????????

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 11:36

Oops sorry chaudary your right but i think i was more focused on FOOD and not FACE :P

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By chaudary• 8 Jul 2009 11:34

Dude just met u last week and still got the tag like that:D

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 11:28
Rating: 2/5

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

13. Speed (Sorry to put u on no. 13 unlucky no. but very lucky for all the needy folks in Qatar..QLVG Mudir :P)

14. rMs (budding superstar of QL sorry my friend forgive and forget :P)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By rMs_000• 8 Jul 2009 11:27

Where the hell is my name ??? :(


tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..


By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 11:21
Rating: 4/5

Yes it is crowded but so what? we dont want to look like nomads in the desert, we will have much more fun in a bigger group and there will always be place for us too dont worry. UKeng around 5ish till 10pm its not really that hot by the beach.

May i add a few other advantages. The beach is wonderful and at night time its totally dark. So ladies get out your swimsuits to take a dip without any worries :)Ok that was the only advantage i could think of for now :P

So let the head count begin :) I'm putting down names i want to see please confirm.

1. KSA (QLSG manager)

2. Smoke (Klown of QL)

3. Loulsy (Beauty behind the QLSG manager's brains)

4. TCOM (Still holding the title of QL's Heavy weight BBQ King)

5. Xray? (QLPG Manager)

6. Ashwin (Hijacker of QL)

7. Witchstix (our main attraction for the evening lol)

8. Rizks (Klown of QL)

9. Pajju (Green bottle Guru)

10. chaudary (Mysterious QL user :p)

11. ninjarose ( sitting on the fence QL user)

12. Ladycharm ( Charming Lady of QL :p)

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By Vegas• 8 Jul 2009 11:08

You can't teach experience...

By ninjarose• 8 Jul 2009 11:05

I organized a picnic last week, Friday in the same place. It was too crowded but then again we had fun. I want to go there again... I was thinking of going with you guys when I read this. I will tell my friends and confirm our attendance soon.

By GodFather.• 8 Jul 2009 11:05

Vegas fancy a trip to the museum at that time? I heard it is very quite at that time..:)



By chaudary• 8 Jul 2009 11:02

Good idea bro. Hope to have lot of QL members there:)

By Vegas• 8 Jul 2009 11:00

If it is the same beach TCOM and I went to a while back...

It was packed when we got there in the afternoon..

Maybe it's a diff beach? Anyway love the idea...

Just we will be a big crowd...

You can't teach experience...

By bilutopia• 8 Jul 2009 10:58

it is a fascinating idea...

By Vegas• 8 Jul 2009 10:54

You can't teach experience...

By GodFather.• 8 Jul 2009 10:51
Rating: 4/5

Good luck Smoke.. Hope you attract all the crowd you need, on a crowded beach on a hot summer's evening..

Best of luck with this outing..Hope you guys have a good time..:)



By Xray• 8 Jul 2009 10:49

couple of weeks before we were there at same timings on Friday.... and hell of crowd was there... i am sure KSA you must have already taken into account this point...

By smoke• 8 Jul 2009 10:47
Rating: 3/5

Alright i said i would have been the first to comment on this and told KSA i was going for a smoke but i'm still here glued to the chair, actually was doing some work.

This is a OPEN invitation to everyone on QL and not a QLSG event. I will be working side by side with KSA on this to help him as some of you people think i only whine and dont support our manager well F u people like i care what u think :P

Now that thats out of the way and Smoke and KSA is taking charge of this event along with of course the other puppets loulsy, khanan, TCOM who we will be needing your help too :P

Loulsy and Khanan your job is to attract QL members with your charm and beauty. Khanan we dont care if your not going to be there just put that handsome face of yous to good use :p TCOM u better be there coz we will have something that will interest you very much *wink* *wink*

Yalla confirm so we can get the show on the road.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)



By GodFather.• 8 Jul 2009 10:36
Rating: 4/5

Da it is on the main Forum..:0



By GodFather.• 8 Jul 2009 10:32
Rating: 2/5

Sorry won't be able to join another event organised by you KSA..coz will be away on Holiday. Hope you guys and gals have a nice time..:)



By Rizks• 8 Jul 2009 10:32
Rating: 5/5

Sounds Exciting !!

Good one KSA bro for ur efforts for organizing this one.

BUT one thing u forgot to add in the abov list of requirements:

" ToothPics "

By Khanan• 8 Jul 2009 10:26
Rating: 2/5

but I might not be in the town...:(


Have Courage To Live.

Anyone Can Die.

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