Alright i said i would have been the first to comment on this and told KSA i was going for a smoke but i'm still here glued to the chair, actually was doing some work.

This is a OPEN invitation to everyone on QL and not a QLSG event. I will be working side by side with KSA on this to help him as some of you people think i only whine and dont support our manager well F u people like i care what u think :P

Now that thats out of the way and Smoke and KSA is taking charge of this event along with of course the other puppets loulsy, khanan, TCOM who we will be needing your help too :P

Loulsy and Khanan your job is to attract QL members with your charm and beauty. Khanan we dont care if your not going to be there just put that handsome face of yous to good use :p TCOM u better be there coz we will have something that will interest you very much *wink* *wink*

Yalla confirm so we can get the show on the road.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
