Nobody here was accusing the airline of any failure!
If you read carefully my post, I actually appreciate the professional behavior of the crew!
It’s the profile of the idiot that is in question, and I have no doubt that – god knows why - this region has plenty of them! Trust me, culture and lack of education does play a big role!!!!!!!!!
I have never ever seen such behavior in Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America of many years of traveling in those destinations and guess what, in one month I have seen it twice in this region involving idiots with the same the same profile!!!
And the airline crew confirmed that this type of behavior is abnormally common on Qatar Airways flight. (This information was given by those who fly hundred of hours every month on Qatar Airways flights, not by me!!!)

I'll spare you the details of his description to avoid misinterpretations that I am being not fare by generalizing his profile, however as I mentioned before they all dress up as local people and maybe they are not, which makes things even worse!