Lets just stop kidding ourselves people, there are movies for kids and then there are movies for adults. If you dont like to watch such scenes in movies then go watch kids movies. A beautiful woman can sell an Eskimo a fridge even.

Put aside movies and lets just take normal commercials, shaving creams, cars, men's perfumes why do they all use beautiful women in their ads? People will buy what they want regardless of which beautiful woman is modeling the product. Same way nudity and steamy scenes are thrown into the movies to make it more interesting to viewers, not only the men want to see but even the women want to see a Abraham butt or an Akshay butt so what?

And there are plenty of movies out there in bollywood that do not show nudity. You people are talking like it happens in every movie. When a steamy scene has to be shown let it be shown completely why hold back?

If your going to advertise a Ferrari dont just show us the logo.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)

