Earlier post you said "but i feal like that our Holly book suffered some changes" next post you tell us about wrong acts of some scholars or so called muslims.
If your problem are with those individuals then you cannot claim there is issue with ISlam or Quran, they may be doing wrong due to ignorance or delibrately. May Allah guide us.
IF your problem is that Quran changed, then produce proof for your claim!!! Quran is perserved word by word since its revelation till now. And Allah has said in the Qur'an HE will protect it from corruption!
"Verily , We, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (I.e. Quran) and surely,We will guard it (from Corruption)"
(Quran :: V. 15:9)
"Have they not seriously examined the Qur'an? If it had come form some other source than Allah, they would have found a great deal of contradictions in it" Qur'an 4:82
And if you are in any doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant (Muhammad),then produce a chapter like it and then call in your witnesses besides Allah,if you are truthful. If you do not & surety you will not, then heed the Fire whose fuel is Men and stones which is prepared for the disbelievers"Qur'an 2:23-24
Please show us some of so called 'changed texts' you found,And its strange to see that you say about urself dat ur aint a muslim in ur profile:
I"'m a peace worker that belives in only 1 God, it can be called either God or Allah, and no, i ain't either christan/protestant/jew/muslim but a monotheist just like Moses, Jesus Christ and Mohamed."
Earlier post you said "but i feal like that our Holly book suffered some changes" next post you tell us about wrong acts of some scholars or so called muslims.
If your problem are with those individuals then you cannot claim there is issue with ISlam or Quran, they may be doing wrong due to ignorance or delibrately. May Allah guide us.
IF your problem is that Quran changed, then produce proof for your claim!!! Quran is perserved word by word since its revelation till now. And Allah has said in the Qur'an HE will protect it from corruption!
"Verily , We, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (I.e. Quran) and surely,We will guard it (from Corruption)"
(Quran :: V. 15:9)
"Have they not seriously examined the Qur'an? If it had come form some other source than Allah, they would have found a great deal of contradictions in it" Qur'an 4:82
And if you are in any doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant (Muhammad),then produce a chapter like it and then call in your witnesses besides Allah,if you are truthful. If you do not & surety you will not, then heed the Fire whose fuel is Men and stones which is prepared for the disbelievers"Qur'an 2:23-24
Please show us some of so called 'changed texts' you found,And its strange to see that you say about urself dat ur aint a muslim in ur profile:
I"'m a peace worker that belives in only 1 God, it can be called either God or Allah, and no, i ain't either christan/protestant/jew/muslim but a monotheist just like Moses, Jesus Christ and Mohamed."