the thread will divert from Muslims Sects of Shia Sunni to....Muslims Faiths Vs Other religions.

Lets say about Islam has certain basic principles which are required to be accepted whole heartedly, understand and need to be followed in certain ways like Law of Marriage, inheritance, contracts, etc, etc called 'Sharia'.

The prime requirement is Faith and secondary are deeds (task)/ practising Islam, which are to be followed as per eligibility like prayers, Fasting, Zakat, Sacrifice and Hajj.

Further breakdown of the 'Faith' as follows:

1) Believe in Allah as ONLY GOD and his is ONE.
2) Believe in All HIS prophets and messengers, Angels and Jinns.....
3) Believe in Quran and All HIS Books (all books revealed on prior messangers).
4) So on..

The purpose of explaining above is to bifurcate between Faith (Imaan) and Deeds (Aamal) practising Islam.

Please note Imaan is The Foundation, while deeds are like a building / a tower..which one could Build and Beautify as far as possible. If foundation is strong one could build a strong tower or vice-versa.

The major difference among Shia and Sunnis are on FAITH hence the issue. There are agreed and accepted differences.
While both sects knew the destination however follow the different path to reach the destination called Heaven / Paradise / Jannah (currently HIDDEN), this will be clarified only on the Day of Judgment..who was on Right and who was on Wrong Path.

*Till then live with Love, peace and Unity :-) Be good and do good deeds. Allah knows the Best!