I agree with you Silvia.

I do look at the situation and do what I can to avoid the accidents, that's why I have never had one. I am aware of all the cars around me and I always expect the unexpected.

I know one day Qatar will be a more organized place to live, it's just hard for me to adjust sometimes coming from a country that has had more organization for such a long time. I am still getting used to the way things work here.

I am just frustrated with the fact that I have to drag my 3 year old out of bed and to the testing place with me because I have no babysitter or live in maid to leave her with. I guess the driving schools are used to having babies running all over the office since they don't make arrangements for mothers. My daughter will probably be very fussy and cranky for getting up so early. I hope they are ready for that!

Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )