It's difficult to get a driver's license..

Ok people, here's how my morning went. We headed out this morning to go to Doha Driving Center to get my driver's license. I had been to the Traffic Department at Madinat Khalifa on Tuesday and had all my paperwork done, so all I needed to do was the infamous "2 tests". So we drive around for an hour looking for this place and finally found it. I go in and present my paperwork to an Arab woman. She tells me to sit, so I did. Then after about 10 minutes she gets up and tells me to follow her, so I did. She leads me to a man who I think is South African (not sure) and he tells me that the woman has never seen a license like mine before (USA-Virginia) and thinks it is fake. He then tells me that I have to go back to the Madinat Khalifa Traffic Department and have some officer there sign the paperwork to I guess certify that my license is real. So we did. By this time my 3 year old daughter is getting really fussy and is wanting to go home. Then we went back to Doha Driving School and I presented the paperwork to the S. African man and he sends me to a room to pay for the tests and schedule an appointment. I am thinking Sunday the 21st around 8am would be good for me, my husband and daughter (we don't have a babysitter). The Arab men at the payment desk pointed to a calendar that said June 30th and said 5. I said 5pm, that's too late, do they have anything a little earlier. They said no, 5AM! I told them that was no good, do they have anything later. Then they called over a younger man in his 20's maybe and he told me to go see the S. African man about the schedule. I go see him and he says all ladies get tested every 2 weeks at 5am, there was no other testing time. If I don't show up then, I won't get tested. So this means that I have to get my family up between 3 and 3:30am in order to eat, get dressed and be there by 5am. I lost it while I was in the office and told the man that this was ludacrous. I have been driving for over 20 years and never have had an accident or speeding ticket. I thought it was insane that I am being forced to take a test to make sure I drive safe enough to be on the streets here when I know that I drive better than 80% of the people on the roads here. I also told him that I thought it was a joke that people go to driving schools here because no one here obeys they traffic laws here anyway. The people who do obey the law are most likely going to be killed in a traffic accident for doing so, and to top that off, they will probably be the ones the police blame for causing the accident to begin with. I guess I didn't offend the man too much as I am sitting here at home writing this on QL and not sitting in jail right now. i am really fed up with the way things are run here, but what can you do????
So there's my morning, just wanted to get all that off my chest.
the real test is when you start driving here... welcome to the roller coaster. take extra care
LupiN, LOL, thanks for the well wishes. I will be careful. :)
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
its the new ruling...used to our licenses just transferred over to a Qatari driver's new arrivals are required to take the test.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.
-Mark Twain-
Scarlett, yeah there was a male officer in the front seat and a female in the back. I don't know if she was an officer or just an employee of the school. She never spoke. If I had know my way around the area, coffee and doughnuts may have been in order!
fixcxer, I think it was just a short test because I had been driving for 21 years on a US license. I was more than confident as well. I don't know if they do that with all Americans. I still had to take the parking tests too. PM me and I will give you the name of the school if you are interested.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
Hi MikaylasMom,
I thought Americans do not need to take the driving test in order to get the driving license? Do you know why you were made to take the 20 second test?
its basically just to fill in the paperwork??!! How funny is that? If you had been in a different mood, you should have taken the car and driven him (and everyone else!) all around town, through a coffee shop for coffee and doughnuts, and back again... the officer was MALE????? Thought they had to have female officers for that test...
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.
-Mark Twain-
Hi Scarlett, what was funny about the driving test was that they took us to a deserted road near the school and the women just drove in circles. It was a road with roundabouts at both ends, and one woman would begin halfway down the road, go around a roundabout and then pull over halfway down the road in the other direction, then the next woman would to the same. When it was my turn, the officer asked if I was American, and how long I had been driving. I answered him and was all set to go and he let me drive for like 20 seconds and told me to pull over. I asked him why and he said I passed. I told him I hadn't even driven around the roundabout, and he said I didn't need to, I passed. He said I didn't need the test and I said I had been telling people that but they didn't listen. So basically I got there at 5am and got dropped off by the hubby and daughter to spend 20 seconds driving and an hour and a half waiting to get my license printed! Let me get my bearings on the road here and then the coffee date is ON!! Whoo hoo!
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
Thik we need to go out for coffee to celebrate!
I'm with you that testing should be more often than just every 2 weeks. Understand about the timing, but in all honesty 5 am is better traffic wise. Would have hated to try and do it with a 3 year old in tow, tho!
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.
-Mark Twain-
Good news people! I took my test yesterday and passed it no problems (at 5am)! As for why Americans have to do this, I have found out why from a very high source. All I have to say is that the rules will change again very soon!
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
I am so sorry to hear your troubles with traffic department and driving school. Which driving school did you go? I went to United driving school 3 years ago and the test was 10 AM 2 PM. So I went at 10 AM. the police took us for a road test on a residential area. I managed to pass the test one time even though I hit a couple of humps and running 80 when the sign is 50 click. :O I just apologized with the policeman and the policewoman sitting behind us. but they said "Mafi-mushkula" but it worries me because they were both laughing and giggling. So I thought to myself. "Shayt" no license for me. :( But I was wrong! They said I passed the test.
Maybe because they are worried how the people drive here that's why they schedule the test early in the morning. Wish you luck on getting your license and take an extra good care while driving here in Qatar. :)
Have a nice day!
Let me enlighten you msmom and chain-of-command…..
Up until May 2009 all western expats were getting their license converted to the Qatari license without any test or questions. Since last month the Qatari Traffic Department has introduced a new rule that’ll force the US nationals to take driving test simply because Qatari licence is not being honoured in their Country. Way 2 go Qatar!
and don't forget do drive sloowly in traffic when you have the lady PO in the backside of the car, take care at humps and holes...WPOs usually have more than 100 kilos;-)
This was the last advice I got from my trainer in Al Rayah Dr.School...Courage MMom!
I agree with you Silvia.
I do look at the situation and do what I can to avoid the accidents, that's why I have never had one. I am aware of all the cars around me and I always expect the unexpected.
I know one day Qatar will be a more organized place to live, it's just hard for me to adjust sometimes coming from a country that has had more organization for such a long time. I am still getting used to the way things work here.
I am just frustrated with the fact that I have to drag my 3 year old out of bed and to the testing place with me because I have no babysitter or live in maid to leave her with. I guess the driving schools are used to having babies running all over the office since they don't make arrangements for mothers. My daughter will probably be very fussy and cranky for getting up so early. I hope they are ready for that!
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
for suhail:
i have 14hrs class and take the test and i passed the exams
Mikaylas mom:
u have to understand tht this country still under developing. u cant compare back home. so if everything is unorganized all u can do just give them more time to learn to do it. and u will never know when tht time is coming.
and when u say to give the opportunity for moms to have different session in test,if they make tht....then u will never know wht others come with other reason. should they open different session for other reasons too? well, just hoping tht one day they will open different session for different reason. if its tht happend, hope everything will b well organized.
i know ur trouble, but some moms success made it to get to the test. just get busy in one day then u can have ur license till the day u leave this country soon. but nowadays, im confused whether to have a license or not. cos if u do have a license, u will looose ur patience cos of the traffic and alll kind of accident and rules. but when u dont have a license, its hard for u to go from one place to other places since its limited public transport available and HUGE DEMAND for it. so which one u will prefer mums?
and mums, since this 80% is major, u have no choice. outthere is like jungle. whether u like it or not u have to b in tht 80% of group. cos if ur not go with the major, the end results tht u will be safe in this kind roads are very small and more accident u will find (hoping thts not gona happend to u).
i think,be a good driver is not only meaning never had an accident or speeding ticket, never yelled or shouted at that man in the office, etc. i think to b a good driver also includes how u see the situation to avoid the accident and understanding between the drivers.
for instance, when u know theres a chance for accident happend out there but because ur obey the rules and all the chances of accident is more likely to happend. will it be better if u have to break the rules for once in a while and avoid bigger accident where lots of ppl lives can be save too.........wht u think mom?
How many classes you have attended to achieve the driving license...
I had my Saudi License and got it transferred here.
"I go see him and he says all ladies get tested every 2 weeks at 5am, there was no other testing time. If I don't show up then, I won't get tested."
Haven't read all the above posts as no time but briefly, he's right. 5am because to avoid the rush hours where not only are there huge traffic jams but your defensive driving has to be tops - you've seen the crazy drivers - how to sit for a test with those nutters zipping by within a mm of your car? You have 20 years experience, as do I.. but many ladies do not. Some ladies take time to get used to the roads etc.
Also ladies are tested only a day or 2, once a fortnight - because the tester is a male police officer but there has to be a female PO sitting at the back. Female POs are not as common as the guys and thus, cannot be easily arranged to attend those driving tests.
kyuting 13's post above - accurate account of what's to be expected.
Welcome to Qatar! :0)
yea..........i started driving 2 yrs ago.
Silvia do you have a driving license...!
sorry to hear tht........
2 yrs ago, my test was at 5 pm....i live outside doha and i have to stay there from morning since i have the class in the morning and stay there till my test is finish. while waiting for the test i was practicing myself for the tesst. and i waittted till 5 pm for the test to begin. i have no choice.
and for my brother, he wake up so early just for his 5am driving test. i remember tht vividly cos i was dropping him out from house at 4.30am . i was so exhausting. and at the end my bro tell me the test start at 7am. 2 hrs late from the schedule.
In this climate I think 5am is good....rather than 2pm.
There are only 2 test times - 5AM and 2PM
for the whole test to finish which includes about 50 to 100 people it takes about 3 to 4 hrs!!!...maybe for women there might be a lot less ...may be about 10 to 15!!!
And at 5AM the traffic is low ...better chance to pass the test ;-)
I think the only part that was stupid was the lady thinking Your existing Driving Licence was fake!!
Thanks anyway Voldemort. Don't need the practice session. I will be fine. I know how to drive, and park on hills, and parallel park. Automatic, manual, I can even drive a tractor trailer. Like I said I will be fine and driving here soon enough.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
This is Qatar, Mikaylas mama...I thought 2 years here should have tauught you that..
anyways, best of luck with ur test..just try to get a practice sesion in the same test venue..may be you can arrange it by paying some money at the driving school...take along a guy who speaks arabic, and he may be able to arrange it for you..
...Avada Kedavra..
Yeah, we know people here too, but I choose not to use that "Wasta" and instead do it on my own.
As for the US not allowing people to use their Qatari licenses, well that's probably a good thing. If you have ever been to the US, you know that they do not tolerate people driving like they do here. So in essence, people with Qatari licenses who choose not to obey the laws in the US would be causing some traffic accidents. The main cause of death here in Qatar is car accidents, in the US it is cancer.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
The people who make the laws here are stupid! Here is the example: my wife needs a police report from Germany to continue her employment (she is employed since 10 years without it). The certificate is sent from the Ministry of Justice. The Qataris want it stamped by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says this is impossible. They cannot stamp on a document that was issued by a higher ranking ministry.
As you said, only "wasta" can help. The reason? Germany set up some harder entrance conditions for Qataris, and now they pay back. Aren't they primitive, as well?
no help for you. benocean I am aware of the new rules and I have no problem with them. Treat everyone fairly is the way it should be. What I DO have a problem with is 5am every 2 weeks for all women (Qatar, Pakistani, Indian, timbuktu etc). That is what is ludicrous. By the way, some companies HR men have more power that others. just saying. Been here over 5+ years and seen a lot of things, some you wouldn't believe.
no help for you. benocean I am aware of the new rules and I have no problem with them. Treat everyone fairly is the way it should be. What I DO have a problem with is 5am every 2 weeks for all women (Qatar, Pakistani, Indian, timbuktu etc). That is what is ludicrous. By the way, some companies HR men have more power that others. just saying. Been here over 5+ years and seen a lot of things, some you wouldn't believe.
I take my comments back MikaylasMom - i hope you get the license soon...but the chain of command made my day :-)
really...deedee..I will be checking the newspapers for a press release from the Traffic dept , announcing the change of time.
and after that, If you can help me with this small traffic fine...
...Avada Kedavra..
Voldemort - I didn't mean the thread to come off in a bad way. I am just frustrated with the unorganized way things are run here. I find it inconvenient to have to get my family including my 3 year old up at 3am to go and take a driving test at 5am. Yes, I expected something a little better like 7 or 8 am testing time so I can line up someone to watch my daughter. I guess the point of testing ladies so early in the morning is that they will not be seen out in public? I don't see what the difference would be for the traditional Arab women to test a little later in the morning. Where I am from, you walk in, take a number, and when that number is called, you take your test.
I did not expect a session just for me, I expected one that would accomodate women who are stay at home Moms without live in maids to raise their children. A class that opened later to give Mom's the opportunity to drop their kids off at daycare.
As far as how I know that I drive better than 80% of this country, have you been on the roads? I would say that roughtly 80% of the drivers here do not obey traffic rules. I do. I have never had an accident or speeding ticket in 24 years. So yes, I think I driver better than most here. At least when I am on the road, you will not have to worry if you are going to die today.
I never yelled or shouted at that man in the office. I expressed myself to him in my normal voice, I find that ineffective than being adamant in what I am saying.
benocean78 - I know this is an Arab country. I know that things don't work like back in the west. I have been here 2 years already. I understand how things work here. It's just frustrating to have to deal with a growing society. It will be more efficient eventually.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )
but that is not always true. Some of us do know people----and have wasta.
dont make me laugh...the traffic department cares two hoots about your companys HR people...HA HA HA.. ohhhmigawd I cant stop laughing !!!HA HA HA...chain of command....HA HA HA.HA HA HA.
...Avada Kedavra..
I am very sorry for your situation. For those of you saying take it or leave it, believe me we want to leave it. We need to all start complaining to our company HR people who can then go up the chain of command. 5am every 2 weeks for women? come on people that is ridiculous and has nothing to do with this being an Arabic country. I'm with Mikayla's mom on this one. I hope I am out of here before I have to renew my driver's license again.
Pointless to talk like that, to the people same as you, following the rules.
Life is short...300 meter before roundabout!
qatar is more like a take it or leave it kinda must know that this is not a western country where you would find things you is an Arabic country run by Araic people (not western) the way they want it to....simple
Sorry MsMom, but what is good enough for all the ladies in Qatar should be good enough for you..
My wife had an Indian driving license, she has driven in the rotten traffic in India without any accident.. but when she came here she also had to join driving classes, and she also took the test at 5 am in the morning..and she passed..and we were also juggling around a 3 year old and a 3 month old at that time..
In this country, driving tests for ladies are conducted every 2 weeks , at 5 am early in the morning...What did you expect? that the officer will arrange a separate test session just for you?? because you and your family cannot wake up at 3.30 am JUST ONE DAY???
and tell me? how do you know that you drive better than 80% of the country...
I am sorry for sounding rude, but I think you were rude in shouting at an officer who was only doing his job...
...Avada Kedavra..
When I had my test I had to go at 5am also. Do the signal test, then wait for my turn to do the parking test. After, you ride the coasters with the other ladies. You will follow the designated car for the test. Depending how many will take the test, the bus can average about 15 ladies. You will have to take turns.
Once everyone is done, you back to the traffic department and wait for the result. The result giving is not so organized. But if they give you your paper back and ask if you have ATM it means you pass. You just have to wait for your turn again to have your license processed and pay 250QAR.
Too bad the test is only weekdays, I would have been more than happy to baby sit Mikayla :D