Voldemort - I didn't mean the thread to come off in a bad way. I am just frustrated with the unorganized way things are run here. I find it inconvenient to have to get my family including my 3 year old up at 3am to go and take a driving test at 5am. Yes, I expected something a little better like 7 or 8 am testing time so I can line up someone to watch my daughter. I guess the point of testing ladies so early in the morning is that they will not be seen out in public? I don't see what the difference would be for the traditional Arab women to test a little later in the morning. Where I am from, you walk in, take a number, and when that number is called, you take your test.

I did not expect a session just for me, I expected one that would accomodate women who are stay at home Moms without live in maids to raise their children. A class that opened later to give Mom's the opportunity to drop their kids off at daycare.

As far as how I know that I drive better than 80% of this country, have you been on the roads? I would say that roughtly 80% of the drivers here do not obey traffic rules. I do. I have never had an accident or speeding ticket in 24 years. So yes, I think I driver better than most here. At least when I am on the road, you will not have to worry if you are going to die today.

I never yelled or shouted at that man in the office. I expressed myself to him in my normal voice, I find that ineffective than being adamant in what I am saying.

benocean78 - I know this is an Arab country. I know that things don't work like back in the west. I have been here 2 years already. I understand how things work here. It's just frustrating to have to deal with a growing society. It will be more efficient eventually.

Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )