Here is my advice.

See, first of all ur GF has got no rights on u. i mean she dont have any right to tell to whom you want to talk or mingle with (with men). u r 18+

Secondly she may be very sensitive or possessive in ur case, like she dont want your love to be shared with others.

If it is a misunderstanding b/w your frens, yalla, just talk and solve it out. whats the big deal in that ?

when she says that, u can chose 'her or ur frend' it clearly shows she is aint sincere to you ! NO gal will say like that (if it is true love - Indian concept)

And are you sure that tomorrow she not going to tell you that she dont like u talking with your parents or relatives ? And what will you do in that case???

be a MAN, think , take a good decision.

Best of luck !

sorry for the hijack !!!

tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..