I cringe at the sight of all of the litter here. ...and it's not just loose paper that has accidentally blown out the window of the car. One morning as I drove into Hamad Hospital, I was behind a white Land Cruiser. All of a sudden, out the front passenger's window goes flying a half finished cup of coffee (paper cup and all). My exclamation of "Pig!" barely left my lips when a second cup went out the window. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Civilized people do not behave this way. Every morning when I come into work, the parking lot is littered with just about anything you can think of (baby diapers; bottles; cans; fast food cups, containers, and bags; broken perfume bottles; hala cards; shopping bags, etc., etc.) It looks as if there was a tailgate party there the night before. They leave their trash for someone else to deal with. Where's the personal responsibility? Another time I watched a Filipino as he was walking across an open lot drinking a can of pop (soda). When he finished, he just dropped the can on the ground. I couldn't believe it! No wonder there's so much litter around Doha. These people have no respect for themselves nor for the country in which they were born/live.