Jailbreaking 3.0 is possible. but 3.0 is still in Beta, and it would be unwise to try 3.0 at the moment with your locked iPhone. there are methods but come with heavy warning that this method could BRICK your iPhone permanently so dont jump start now. let it be released so as app for 3.0 would be out then with the new SDK. so keep your shirts on till then. have fun. again if you want to be adventurous, sure you can, no offense but follow the steps very carefully without any deviations. all the best.

Good news for the user who have updated their firmware to 2.2.1 accidentally, with which the software unlock method wont work. now there is a method to downgrade your firmware and baseband from 2.30 to 2.28. with which you can unlock your iPhone 3g and no need turbo sim anymore.