I read a lot of the comments and a lot of readers are making it seem as though saudi is full of uncivil people. some of the comments "what century are we in" you know I think we should start doing the same thing in the U.S. Look at all the violence that we deal with in the U.S and we send all these people to some place where the rest of society can not see them. I say yes execute them in public let their bodies hang so people can see them and understand this is what happens to murderers. You people need to start thinking about your families and kids what would happen if it was your small child who was killed. Also our youth have no respect for authority nor parenting for that matter if we still do such a thing. The kids see the pros of selling drugs and other crimes they need to see the cons see what happen to murderers. I tell you what HBO had a TV series called OZ hahaha , I watched it a couple times instead of committing a crime it makes you want to get a job. Punishment should fit the crime , you dont believe me ask the victems families or you can walk down the street and wait until you are the victim.