Convicted killer beheaded, put on display

By draj

Saudi Arabian officials beheaded and then publicly displayed the body of a convicted killer in Riyadh on Friday, an act that prompted a stiff denunciation by a leading human rights monitor.

The Saudi Interior Ministry said Ahmed Al-Shamlani Al-Anzi was sentenced to death and then "crucifixion" -- having his body displayed in public -- for the kidnapping and killing of an 11-year-old boy and for the killing of the boy's father, according to the official Saudi Press Agency.

The Saudi Interior Ministry asserted that Al-Anzi's body was displayed as a warning that those involved in similar crimes would suffer the same fate, the press agency reported.

The ministry said Al-Anzi kidnapped the boy and held him for a "malicious purpose" at a grocery store where he worked. He tied rope around the boy's neck and strangled him to death, the ministry said.

When the boy's father came to the store looking for his son, Al-Anzi axed the father repeatedly until the man died. When police came to arrest Al-Anzi, Al-Anzi resisted arrest by threatening them with a knife.

Police later discovered that Al-Anzi had been previously convicted of other crimes, including possession of pornographic videos and sodomy, the Interior Ministry said.

The English-language Saudi Gazette newspaper said the body was placed on public display throughout the evening and Chirouf said it was his understanding that the body was to be displayed for a few hours.

[mod note - no need for pictures like this]

By ashwindoke• 7 Jun 2009 08:10

Finally - Feefee - I find someone who call her/himself and parent and is not barbaric in approach.... :)


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By fefee• 6 Jun 2009 21:52

i didt just come to this thread.

i ve been reading since the topic was posted, but i kept silent. so dont tell me that ive just came in.

i know that there are some people who were put on deathrow when they were inocent. iam not saying that this is right either. but the fact and the matter is , NOBODY has the right to murder any one. simple as that. who doest go by this rule must be punished accordingly.

dont have time to waist acurring with u on whats right or wrong. got more important stuff to take care off.


action speaks louder than words

By lionel888• 6 Jun 2009 19:04

been to saudi, same here, would'nt recomment it as well, but i think that it is justifiable, sending a very clear message, just think if it were your loved one or relative killed, youd'nt you cry out for the same brand of justice?

By anonymous• 6 Jun 2009 18:19

who said that we were talking about my friends, I was just setting an example and yes, we were discussing about beheading and not about the boy only before you came in this thread....

By fefee• 6 Jun 2009 18:11

we are not talking about ur friends case here. this is a differant matter where an inocent child got killed for no reason.

its true that some people got death penalty with out commiting the crime in which they were charged, but thats another subject.

action speaks louder than words

By salman-s• 6 Jun 2009 18:04

LOL he must be feeling so happy that soo many people are talkin about him

By anonymous• 6 Jun 2009 17:20

you are focusing yourselves on the kid victim only, what about the inocent convicts who are on deathrow, people who were accused of crimes they did not commit. I know a few of my countrymen who where executed in saudi due to murder even though it was just self defense from persons who wanted to rape or abuse're right, the boy deserves equal justice but the point here is beheading a convict. As I had said, my countryman was beheaded though he just defended himself and I heard from our local news that his body was not allowed to be sent to his family back home.

By fefee• 6 Jun 2009 16:48

i dont understand those who are againt death penalty for such a phsyco.

why should such a person stay in the socity? if he was sick or had any thing wrong with his brain, is it any bodys fault? why must an inocent lil child be his victim?

if it was my child he killed,i would rather them kill him the way the turks use to do it back in the days.

they would to put a lil stick in to his **s and set him on it. this would stay in him for like over tree day before reaching up his nose. meaning he would feel the pain throu all the parts of his body and suffer before dying slowly.

i hope all those phsyco get what they deserv.

By anonymous• 6 Jun 2009 16:01

according to shariah and that is religious law.




I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM

By anonymous• 6 Jun 2009 12:48

yeah they're there and im here, for me that is here, I disagree with death penalty and they have also no right to tell me that I'm wrong. It's not based on where I came from but on how I was brought up. I just hope that crime would be lessen through a bloodless, but that's just me.

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 12:36

I was not speaking literally more symbolic, I dont really think anyone in the region cares what you wear, but i do think people have a problem when you tell them there way of doing things is wrong based of the standards of where you come from. You can believe what you want , but once again if you were to go to saudi i wouldnt exactly go there and tell them the executioners will go the hell for there sins, to them its not a sin

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 12:31

You know now that I think about it, One of the common beliefs is that all germans knew about the holocost which after living in germany for 6 years, I learned at the the time a lot of germans had no clue what happened to the people they just reaped the benefits they are gone we have jobs. I dont know what happened to them but ok. If this was done publicly it would have forced people to take responsibility which i believe most of the people would not have condoned.

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 12:27

I agree, and thats what I mean when we do it somewhere behind closed doors or far away, its out of site out of mind. People dont care. You do it in public a lot of people dont want to see it. People want the benefits but not take the responsibility. Everyone wants the umbrella but who will hold it. I believe you do it in public it forces people to see what happens when you take a life, You force people to take responsibility which obviously you see here most people dont want to , do it somewhere where I cant see it

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By anonymous• 6 Jun 2009 12:26

yeah it did happen and will continue to happen, there will be victims and there will be execution of convicts but crimes will never stop no matter how much criminals we eliminate.

By CuriousButDetermined• 6 Jun 2009 12:22


there is a crucial difference which is how individuals percieve it..

You may see from this forum how many people look at those two issues (execution of this guy and Hiroshima bombing) DIFFERENTLY..

if you ask many of them..they will condemn public execution (if they agree to execution at all!) while glorifying the ones who bombed the civilians because they believe they protected thier country and land and and..

the concern is how people are led astray and refuse to think for themselves!!

We need reliable approaches in analysing and evaluating situations!

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 12:21

I do agree with a comment earlier, it does bring a lot of shame and embarrassment to the family of this guy, and they were not responsible for his actions and probably didnt condone it. But once again hey if thats how Saudi does business, when and if I go there I will abide by their laws.

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 12:18

I dont think there really is a difference, as far as the right to take someones life, it was political and it was considered acceptable losses, not saying its right or wrong but thats what happened.

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By CuriousButDetermined• 6 Jun 2009 12:15

why did the Americans throw nuclear bombs killing women and children in Japan?

people who had nothing to do with Pearl Harbour turned to ashes in a matter of seconds!

Don't tell me this is a mistake which americans feel guilty for..

They endorse it at high level and continue to develop more advanced weapons!

they spent billions in research and development to kill quickly...

How would you compare this court initiated, publicly endorsed execution to crimes committed by UK, US which are endorsed by thier governments.

keep talking.

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 12:15

I dont think thats question you really ask someone unless you know them very well. I will the say this i think the problem is with senseless killing. What would an individual be killing for, protected your home, your family , your children, food , survival, or just killing for the thrill. I guess in the end like I was saying originally, this guy killed someone for no reason at all and had long list of other crimes he committed, I just say make it public so hopefully it would possibly prevent future incidents. I dont think he really deserves a respectful death , he didnt give one,

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By cynbob• 6 Jun 2009 12:11

What you're saying is that wearing a cross or crucifix in this region is cause for alarm? That wearing this symbol of Christianity is "PUSHING" religion?

Then, this is a scarier place than I thought. :(

By idealman• 6 Jun 2009 12:11

stevei agree

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 12:09

Fair enough, I would not say anyone is preaching but there was a statement that was made with a religous bases ,

but fair enough

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By idealman• 6 Jun 2009 12:08

steve more tea vicar?

By anonymous• 6 Jun 2009 12:06

it's not the law nor religion that im talking about, the man who did it has his evil thoughts and we don't, we are normal beings that's why we don't commit those crimes.

Have you killed a person before? if yes then i won't raise anything on your comment anymore coz that's your opinion.

By ashwindoke• 6 Jun 2009 12:05

Jadh ??????

You either have talent to see only what you wanna see...

or have no idea whts goin on ....

I hardly see a Christian preaching his religion on this site...


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 12:05

I bring religion up because when you say things like sin those are religious terms being used, opens up a whole can. What I meant by a little advice tuck your cross in your shirt, given the region to be honest I dont know if I would push religion so hard on a region that has the religion tied into the government, I would not travel to russia and preach democracy lol same thing. I will argue tough I do love intellectual conversations

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By laurana• 6 Jun 2009 12:03

you accepted to make your profile public.

And, no I have anything else better to do until 12.15.

I just like to see reaction of people on arguments against their fake opinions....see ya tomorrow.

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 12:01

Everything you are saying is religious. Sin, whos sin for them it may not be a sin, its a sin to you. And its obvious that sin has been defined by your religion. And thats pretty funny that you say we dont have the right to take someones life. Now this might be a little extremem but actually we do have that right. Lets see if i can read a little minds here I bet the next you will bring up is ethics by saying the law prevents us from taking each others life. The law which is created by governments, and every government decides to go to war kill off millions of people and they do it without your vote, haha naw that guy killed someones family they have the right to take hit life, law of nature. not the law of government or relgion which is designed to control the fittest.

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By cynbob• 6 Jun 2009 11:58

You just continued to keep religion IN this dialogue.

In fact, you sound pretty threatening with your comment,"Little advice tuck your cross in your shirt for now."

You're sounding like such a tough guy for someone that comes and goes in peace. (referring to your signature, in case you didn't get that)


By anonymous• 6 Jun 2009 11:57

do you have anything else to do laurana rather than spying on others other articles and not profile so you won't get irritated...i'm not here to argue with you,,,,,just here to share my opinion

By verisimilitude• 6 Jun 2009 11:57

I've been reading your comments on many threads

you just aren't getting the point most of the time...

By Darly• 6 Jun 2009 11:55

To me justice was done. The family of the victim got closure and a clear warning message was sent to those who might consider such a crime in the future..

By laurana• 6 Jun 2009 11:54

and your profile : Topics and Technique's about Assassinating Corrupt officials

So, assassination is OK, execution not.....

By ashwindoke• 6 Jun 2009 11:52

The more I read things here...

More I feel the extremists groups are correct...

They act the way we all want to act.. why condemn them ??

Man is really full of Hypocrisy... more than blood in his veins...


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By anonymous• 6 Jun 2009 11:50

i didn't get your point laurana, all I said is the convict and the once putting him to death are the same, we have no right to take anothers man's life no matter how sinfull he is....

and i never said anything about religion, carefull

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 11:43

Yea I can agree to keep religion out, being that there is only enough religion to kill each other and not love each other. And I can say after studying all the Abrahamic religion , each is a cancer and in the end designed to dominate and slaughter the other. if that is not good enough for you. Then maybe its not such a good idea to get on a blog and start preaching about how your great jesus will reign fire for this sin comitted by an Islamic country while you are in a Islamic region. Little advice tuck your cross in your shirt for now.

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 11:37

I would like to thank all readers so far as a whole, everyone gives pretty educated answers of their opinions without disrespecting each other, thats how we all learn from each other, and in the end I would like to think that is the goal, "ENLIGHTENMENT"

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By laurana• 6 Jun 2009 11:36

your post is not matching your profile :)

If a mad dog bites your child, will you keep the animal safe, feed him, care him...????????? I don't think so. You will just shoot him without any mercy. And he is only an animal without any responsibility.

Why to do something else for a fully conscious human being????

It will not make the world better putting him away, but at least couple of normal people will sleep better...

And, please, don't bring religious issues into this. The first who is requesting this kind of punishment is the religion.

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 11:34

Here we go lets bring religion into it, there is always one who is willing to throw in the factor of which you have no proof or evidence of. Just trust me and have faith there is a heaven or a hell and they will go there. In the mean time back here on earth there was a son and father who was tortured and killed. Im glad the SOB who did it is no longer here. The only thing I can say if you want someone to be executed the law should require you do it yourself. If you are not willing to take that life then let the guy live. If I was the relative I would have requested to do it myself. Laws of Nature, dont forget we are still animals.

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By verisimilitude• 6 Jun 2009 11:30

its a result of not applying common sense

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 11:29

Say what you want about capital punishment, in the end the stats speak for themselves, How much crime do you have in the middle east compared to The U.S compared to Europe compared to UK. You will never totally eliminate crime but they are doing something right compared to other countries. Lets not even talk about the middle east. Some other countries, Singapore, Japan, China. Remember that kid from the U.S who went to Singapore got caught vandalizing cars, they cained him, ha bet he didnt do that again. and Singapore is one of the safest countries, Ther have been cases in Japan where people dropped there wallets at the park came back it was still there, crimes are too stiff its not worth it. You know I hate to say it but I dont think this is even about this guy getting punished if it happened to any of us would you then beg for them to give him what we consider a "proper execution". A lot of what this is , is the same thing you see with all westerners and europeans, we go into regions with no respect for the regions and expect for them to conform to our beliefs and standards in their own country. Dude in the end its their standard not yours if you dont like it go home, they didnt invite you here.

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By anonymous• 6 Jun 2009 11:26

the ones who executed the man are not different from the man himself who did the crime to the boy, all of them will be persecuted in hell.

By laurana• 6 Jun 2009 11:16

of interfering modern laws in changing old custom. I have no idea about Sharia but I assume that such specimen should be punished for his previous activities so hard for not to be able to continue.

But the guy who lead us, no matter where are we from, are not really concerned in what we need. They just want to promote an image of Salvatore Patriae for obtaining some very pragmatic results: votes, recognition, acceptance etc.

We are the only responsible for our lives and dependants. And this is part of the education we have received and we must teach our children. It is the only inheritance human kind have and give..

By happygolucky• 6 Jun 2009 11:09

Mr. Paul... I can understand your point and I would have had the same reaction at the first instance but then I tend to disagree on your statement that "You take a life, and inflict pain, misery and suffering on the families, then you deserve to die and your family made to also feel the pain and anguish same as the other family. No if's or buts". This should not be the reason for the punishment to make the family suffer.

Why should the family of such a criminal be made to suffer, the family may not be even aware of such motives/ intentions / activity of their this family member. Isnt it making someone else in the family follow the same steps just out of anger, give another criminal to the society. Capital punishment therefore has been found less of help in reducing the crimes. It is just cause and effect relationship.

One Life to Live...Live It To The Fullest

By verisimilitude• 6 Jun 2009 11:05

"Police later discovered that Al-Anzi had been previously convicted of other crimes, including possession of pornographic videos and sodomy, the Interior Ministry said."

This just struck me as very very odd... if he was in to the dark side so much that he had been 'caught' by the authorities earlier, how is it that he is allowed to work in a grocery store?

Unlike many other parts of the world, the grocery shops in this part of the world are often secluded and this isn't the first time we've heard of sexual offences happening in grocery stores... A lot needs to be done in this regard

People with a history of sexual offenses should not be allowed to run grocery stores or have jobs with require them to mix freely with the public

The grocery stores should be well lit, with visible interiors and not of a secluded fashion

people should not allow children who are not old enough to fend for themselves to go to these small shady grocery stores (if you are a parent, please take note of this)...

its a dangerous mix... dark alley, stranger, candies, poor sex ratio, young kid... would you like a stranger to enter your house when your child is alone at home, this is much the same...

By CuriousButDetermined• 6 Jun 2009 10:53


I agree with you 100%

By JHad80• 6 Jun 2009 10:19

I TOTALLY AGREE WITH SAUDI'S METHODS. God knows maybe if displayed more public executions in the U.S people would see the cons of a crime instead of all the pros, I read all the comments. Its pretty interesting , everyone making it sounds like saudi is so uncivil while our countries western and european are so civilized. LOL thats pretty funny. Like I said, I know it is graphic but thats how the human brain works by what it sees. Dont send the criminals off to some place in the back of peoples heads let them see what happens. And last if you think that was so cruel, wait until your husband or wife or child is raped repeatedly and then finally murdered, then write back and tell you me you want that guy to have a nice fast peaceful death. If it was my loved one I would request doing the chopping myself.

I go as I came. In Peace!!

By ashwindoke• 5 Jun 2009 17:50

Mr Paul - Tht is what I m saying... If you are emotionally attached... you justify death....

Then why condemn the Extremists who are emotionally attached to their cause ??

for them the religion n nation is as precious as their KID... or parent....

Why was Hitler wrong in killing people to save his Germany....

And many more examples.....

I do not understand are you agreeing with me....

Or not......


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By stealth• 5 Jun 2009 17:46

non-muslim countries also have the same rule.

Where religion has been superseded by the state, you may find acceptance to all this sort of activites

By anonymous• 5 Jun 2009 17:25

Been gay in most countries isnt a crime.

But thats not the point.Thats a different topic.


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By anonymous• 5 Jun 2009 17:10

The fact is,or should be, that ANYONE who takes another life intentionally, or fiddles with kids should die.Simple as that. That will protect everybody else,the law abiding citizens of any country.

You take a life, and inflict pain, misery and suffering on the families, then you deserve to die and your family made to also feel the pain and anguish same as the other family. No if's or buts.

There has been a case recently here in Bahrain about a (I think Pak national) who was driving home and got caught up in one of the riots.

H e died when a molotov was thrown at his pickup.

The several culprits were arrested and held for trial.

The family were made to take BD35,000 as blood money or get nothing at all,as their lawyers basically said that the king had pardoned them under some special yearly event that allows some criminals to go free.

So this poor family was robbed of its main earner, and justice was not served.

Now if that was your family, you would want to see those murdering scum hang for what they did.


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By JHad80• 5 Jun 2009 17:01

I read a lot of the comments and a lot of readers are making it seem as though saudi is full of uncivil people. some of the comments "what century are we in" you know I think we should start doing the same thing in the U.S. Look at all the violence that we deal with in the U.S and we send all these people to some place where the rest of society can not see them. I say yes execute them in public let their bodies hang so people can see them and understand this is what happens to murderers. You people need to start thinking about your families and kids what would happen if it was your small child who was killed. Also our youth have no respect for authority nor parenting for that matter if we still do such a thing. The kids see the pros of selling drugs and other crimes they need to see the cons see what happen to murderers. I tell you what HBO had a TV series called OZ hahaha , I watched it a couple times instead of committing a crime it makes you want to get a job. Punishment should fit the crime , you dont believe me ask the victems families or you can walk down the street and wait until you are the victim.

By ashwindoke• 5 Jun 2009 16:57

Mr Paul - Pls do not get me wrong.. Extremist... I mean more than Muslim ones...

Back homw in India.. I see Extremist in many religions and also for saving there people .. of a particular area etc..

I refer to all

Brit & Mr Paul - Yes this is a Punishment to a criminal... I know tht... more than tit for tat thing.. it is to warn people from committing the same crime again..

But what are we doin here.. we are trying to protect a set of rules which we had/have made to live a happy life...

Social set up... and we are attached to it...

To sustain the set up - any body who tries to break them.... we punish them.. so tht others do not repeat this and the breaking of rules is not done by many...

Biggest example of someone who is breaking Social or parental teaching is a GAY.... they break our social set up like anything..

Tht is not the discussion here..

Point I wanna make is... Like we try our level best to sustain a Ideology... the present society...

Same is done by these Extremists group... They are not attached to Social set ... they are attached to something.. which is causing problem to our set up....

To solve the problem of extremists - What I think...

Is not by killing them.. killing a ideology is diff...

But letting them know... tht the labels we have put on our heads.. of religion.. nationality... language... are to sustain the diverse social set up....

There is no use to KILL for a label... no use to DIE for it....

And best punishment I think to a man is... keep him alive.. and deprived of social life...

If he doesn have anything to look upto when he wakes up next morning.. cannot hope for a change in his todays life...

For him... death is like a blessing... (Now I sound )


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By happygolucky• 5 Jun 2009 16:34

Someonenew...does the torture suggested by you leave us any better than the criminal...

He has acted as he lost his rational thinking... do we also have to become irrational... I think that will make this society very very unsafe..

One Life to Live...Live It To The Fullest

By someonenew• 5 Jun 2009 16:08

I am with Mr. Paul n the rest, 1 less A**hole in the world. But beheading is too painless, they should do some torture and then probabaly starve/bleed him to death or something like that.

"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.

By britexpat• 5 Jun 2009 16:05

There is a major difference. These criminals ar executed after being found guilty in a court of law with recognized rules and guidelines.

Extremists just make arbitrary descisions to suit their purposes.

By anonymous• 5 Jun 2009 15:58

These 'extremist muslims' who have beheaded these hostages over the last few years are completely different to someone been executed cos they committed a serious crime.


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By ashwindoke• 5 Jun 2009 15:40

Mr Paul - I agree.. I m not a father till now so don know the pain you talking about...

But then same justifies the extremist activities of a group....

As we are attached to our children...

They feel the same emotional attachment for

1. Religion

2. Nationality

3. Any other grouping which we have come up to sustain the social set up of the present world...

Even they do all these things which we condemn saying it is extremist approach... but here we are getting affected... and in the case child abuse.. when we are on the receiving end... we look at it as JUSTICE.....

we human are Hypocrites to our core.... :)


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By archer78• 5 Jun 2009 14:08

He deserves that....

By britexpat• 5 Jun 2009 12:55

I think its very easy to be PC until you are affected.

Yesterday a man was jailed in Australia for 4½ years after admitting killing his wife during a honeymoon dive on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. He could be out on parole in 12 months. And yes, the family of the deceased is very very unhappy with the outcome.

By anonymous• 5 Jun 2009 12:54

ANY kiddy fiddling of any type should be death as well.

All the rest I agree with you tho'


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By bleu• 5 Jun 2009 12:49

The punishments I see fit:

Pedophile, no penetration, one child: 10 years jail.

Pedophile, other cases: Death

Rape, any kind: Death

Intentional Murder: Death

By anonymous• 5 Jun 2009 10:59

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By anonymous• 5 Jun 2009 08:52

I would hunt them down to the ends of the earth and kill them with my bare hands.

If you dont have kids, you wont really understand.


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By Vegas• 5 Jun 2009 04:54

The crazies we have in prison in US...And they worry about bringing in the Bay prisoners...

Life is so rediculous...

All I need is a pool n a beer...Forget this shyt...

You can't teach experience...

By ashwindoke• 5 Jun 2009 04:40

PCG n Mr P - How can you exclude one barbaric act and justify it....

I mean I would argue on it.. I mean I shouldn .. as you people are taking it personally....

As a parent things happening to kids..

May be after 7 - 8 yrs.. even I might feel the same.. I don know... But if not biased by emotional rush...

I am totally against Capital Punishment...

1. It is of no use - proven by history - It was implemented and then taken out of practice...

n it is not few examples of wrong men getting executed - solution for tht would have been having better n efficient police service...

2. We have no right to kill a man.. If he is criminal.. discard him from the social set up... any way he is a Psychopath.. but nothing justifies his killing....


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 21:47

with the death sentence until I became a Mum.

The thought of something bad happening to my kids makes me physically sick.

Maturity? Motherhood? What made me change? Both I suspect.

I agree with this man being beheaded. He needed to be stopped and he has been.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By shyams• 4 Jun 2009 21:23

so he earned it.... no doubt.. but public display is bit yakkk... again my only prayers is that, HOPE they havent got the wrong guy!!!!

By Slip• 4 Jun 2009 20:52

Whoa say you r not blood thirsty...yet you want the guy raped and beaten up...hmmm...strange! I'd say execution is a less barbaric solution.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 20:29


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 20:28

could be ;-)


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By DonMeister• 4 Jun 2009 20:22

That's probably the reason why I'm not a doctor hehe.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 20:20

Not at all mate. You read me wrong. Can't comment on Mr. P.

I think we should all learn from each other, the good and the bad.

You guyz don like Hitler (assuming this)... feel Saudi n other countries should learn from other countries for giving liberty to women etc etc...

but then... also supporting Capital punishment ????

The above statement has nothing at all do with a convicted child molester being beheaded.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By ashwindoke• 4 Jun 2009 20:16

PCG & Mr Paul - lol... I sense... Dictatorship and barbarian rule is comin back after downfall of Democracy.... :)

Or is it.. tht whatever we follow.. we see the negative of it... and see the other one as a solution for the issue but ignore the side effects it shall bring...

You guyz don like Hitler (assuming this)... feel Saudi n other countries should learn from other countries for giving liberty to women etc etc...

but then... also supporting Capital punishment ????

Yella I m leaving for Weekend Pool ing... but shall reply you back when m back..

I know I ve invited lot of trouble for self... lol'

But its been ages since I ve had a good debate... so wan a change now... :)


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 20:13

up by his neck I don't think so mate.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By zhyiellha• 4 Jun 2009 20:11


" Failure is Not an OPTION "


By DonMeister• 4 Jun 2009 20:05

If you look closely, and this is the interesting part, you can see the spinal cord along with the top of the rib-cage ;)

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 19:58

It was abolished because there were cases of people being wrongly hanged. This was of course before DNA and the incredible forensics we see now. Perhaps it is time to rethink.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 19:56

I want to bring back the death penalty.


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By ashwindoke• 4 Jun 2009 19:51


Public display and also circulating these images.. definitely would not stop a pyscho,,,, but would definitely stop any kid to committ such things when he grows up...

But one thing which I m not able to convince my self presently..

Capital Punishment did exist earlier... so did such cases for which Capital punishments were issued....

I personally feel it is better than keeping a A$$hole in jail and feeding him on taxpayers money as Xena says....

But then why Majority of the Governments in all parts of the world... Abolished Capital Punishment... ?


Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 19:48

I am sure there are many people who would agree with you.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 19:46

He deserved everything he got.

In fact, he should have been quartered as well, just to make sure he was dead.

The f******* kiddy fiddler !


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 19:41

They were wrong to publish the pictures. I don't think it would act as a deterent to any of those sick bastards as they are truly pyschotic and have this urge to harm children.

As for him being beheaded. Why should he live when he did something so abhorent? The man DESERVED to die that little boy didn't.

All over the world we hear stories of convicted child molesters being let out of prison to re offend.

This odious creature won't do it again will he? So one less.

As a mother, if ONE of mine did what he did they would be disowned. AND if somebody raped and murdered one of mine. I could not forgive or forget. I would want them dead.

If this makes me bad in Gods eyes, so be it. I probably won't end us residing with him anyway. I am sure he would understand though as his son was murdered to.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 19:32

we are too soft on people like this.

Bloody do-gooders !


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 19:31

Well said... Agree with you totally.

By Xena• 4 Jun 2009 19:24

The Bible and Q'uran talk about an eye for an eye - you kill someone, you die for it - I support the death penalty - I believe there would be far less murderous crimes in the world if it was upheld in every country.

Back in SA, there have been many planned and malicious murders - what happens, the guy gets a life prisonment - food, education, visitors and even a right to vote - all at the taxpayers expense - Our country cannot really afford to feed those on the streets, let alone those in jail.

If you took someones life and they cannot enjoy all of those privilages again, why should the person that took their life?

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME



By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 19:15

Believe me.. Seeing a dead body strung up can be a detterrent.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 18:55

as his punishment,plain and simple.

He got what he deserved.No sitting in a jail forever,getting 3 meals a day, and visitors etc.

He's done.Finished.Terminated.An easy and simple solution to a problem.

Pity the UK doesnt do the same.Ease the pressure on jails, and spare the taxpayers money.


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By GodFather.• 4 Jun 2009 18:44

BritExpat.. Its Justice What I would be more interested in and ensuring that the same thing would not happen to anyone else.

Having him dead hanging on a cross headless is not an absolute deterrent.



By GodFather.• 4 Jun 2009 18:35

Mr Paul.. Yes F****** the headless twat.

Yet the murderers of many children in the Uk are still alive in prison or have been freed with new ID's. Remember the horrific murder of James Bulger murdered by 10 year olds.



By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 18:27

QL works!

Peace, harmony and agreement amongst the masses (Canadian excepted)

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 16:17

Thats a first !


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By verisimilitude• 4 Jun 2009 16:04

I think most people who commit murders may be cognizant of the repercussions of their actions, but they have momentary lapses of judgment...

This guy seems to have lost it... doesn't seem like he had planned it or anything...

Capital punishment can be a deterrent for some but I don't think for most cases...

But I still think capital punishment is justified... Anyone who takes another persons life intentionally for the wrong reasons deserves to be killed by the law...

He does not deserve to be healed or forgiven...

By laurana• 4 Jun 2009 15:08

improvement in lowering the crime rate by using the death penalty. I don't care about statistics. I prefer to know that there is one murderer/rapist less.... And having him imprisoned is not a solution: there could be any time a mercy full politician to send him free..

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 15:03

I have had loved ones in similar situations. While I wish the accused got life without parole, I've never ever wished anyone dead.

By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 14:54

The PC brigade would have protected him in prison.

Whilst i applaud your sentiments, I wonder if you would feel the same if a loved one was in the same situation.

Same for UkEngQatar!

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 14:47

We would be better off locking them up and figuring out why they do the things they do, and hopefully, in the future prevent it from happening again, then cutting their heads off and hanging them out for some goons who like the look of blood to gawk at.

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 14:36

No, in Canada we have life without a chance of parole, for serious offenders.

He wouldnt' have gotten life without parole, most sexual offenders don't (which I don't agree with), but he would have been put in general population so he would have experienced what his victims did.

Frankly I would rather that then kill him.

By GodFather.• 4 Jun 2009 14:36

Just a quick similarity comparison between USA & KSA

Both have capital punishment. Yet one is seen as protector of human rights (USA) the other has oppressor of Human Rights?



By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 14:35

Thats it.Full stop.Period.


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 14:31

In Saudi , I have seen families "forgive" the criminal at the last moment.

Families need closure from such incidents. in your friends case, I would suggest that they felt cheated that he had died before coming to trial. In most caes nowadays, "life" means about twenty years with a chance for parole. The family would not want the criminal to be back on the streets.

By GodFather.• 4 Jun 2009 14:25

Firstly I am not in favour of Capital Punishment, either be it by beheading or by other means like in Saudi and America.

Displaying of a corpse will not alone deter people but the society should address the issue that lead to horrific crimes like these.



By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 14:22

Agree UK. I know a family who's daughter was abused by someone (he actually abused quite a few children before he was caught). The man was murdered before he could get to trail, and as they said they felt like they never got justice. The man died horribly, but it didn't stop their daughters nightmares and it didnt' make them feel any better. They would have preferred him to be locked away for life.

By arecel• 4 Jun 2009 14:12

wow, this debate surprises even me. i can see in here that the self-confessed athiest is more spiritual than the self- confessed believer of religion. oh well, a spiritual person is diff from a religious one.

usapa na...

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 13:48

feeling is mutual!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By laurana• 4 Jun 2009 13:39

Vlad the Impeller, when even the smallest thief was impelled and shown at public places as a warning to anyone who was thinking to commit any crime. They said (documents from that period) that a fountain in most crowded plaza of the capital city had a golden pot to be used by thirsty people for drinking water. And no one had stolen it for a long time.... So it works sometimes if it is used as a common rule and for anyone who is committing crimes.

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 13:38

Am I saying it's anyone's view but mine?

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 13:37

What are you avoiding DMS?? I really dont' understand, you're learning to avoid people who dont' believe in blood thirsty revenge?? Well good luck to you.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 13:36

Lol!!!!! j/k!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 13:36

Lol!!!!! j/k!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 13:35

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 13:33

You mean gotten off of a death sentence?? If so they have life in prision without the chance of parole. If you mean gotten off scott free, well death penalty or no that would have happened.

I still have to say, even in this case, I don't agree with the death penalty. We don't know this mans story, we don't know if perhaps he was mentally retarded or abused as a child himself. Also, to me the death penalty's the easy way out. Throw him to general population and let them have fun with him.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 13:33

And Kiddly fiddling and murder are just two of them.

He got what he deserved. Plain and simple.


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 13:32

with your character here, I am not surprised at all!!!!!

That is why I love talking to you!!!!!! I learn a lot of avoid!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 13:27


By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 13:25

Not sure why you're so offended by my view DMS. I really don't see how it affects you in any way, shape or form. IF you want to go out and kill child molesters, go ahead. Just know when the time comes if I have a say, I'll let you live.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 13:22

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 12:56

No, because that's the price of making sure we don't kill and innocent man or woman.

The "easier" the system is, the "easier" it is to kill innocent people.

By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 12:52

I think in Saudi arabia's case, it is probably much cheaper to behead a guy. From what i recall, the executioner gets something like 2000 riyals a beheading.

In the West , I would agree with you. However, do you not think it also wrong that a person should be kept on death row for many many years whilst the appeal processes are exhausted and the taxpayer bears the costs.

By mintus• 4 Jun 2009 12:38

well done.

By atif242• 4 Jun 2009 12:19

Nowadays, when crime is rising all over the world, such punishments and then displaying them in Public will creat some FEAR in the hearts of the viewer


So nothing wrong with it. Each & every viewer will for once think that if i did such crime i might be displayed like too.

By verisimilitude• 4 Jun 2009 12:19

the question is not HOW the man is executed... be it beheading or gas chamber or hanging, frankly its all the same... they kill the criminal... that's the bottom line

I think the broader question is whether killing someone is right...

Personally I agree with the death sentence for crimes such as those committed by this guy...

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 12:18

I also find it quite funny that my lack of a blood thirsty vengeful nature is being considered a major character flaw.

Tell me DMS, if another child hits yours, do you tell them to hit back? If another child takes your childs toy, do you tell him to go steal one of his in return?

What does this teach your kids other then revenge is ok and so is violence.

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 12:09

I'm sorry DMS, you will never convince me that killing someone is right. If that makes me a bad person so be it. You're own Bible says that judgement is Gods and judge not lest ye be judged, and I find it quite ironic that the athiest believes in that saying more then the religious person.

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 12:06

He murdered two people, he wouldn't be getting out of prision FS. And I'd rather see him rot in there, getting raped by his cellmates and beaten, then a quick easy execution.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 12:06

of people who are not afraid to do wrong! Simple!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 12:05

The expatriates are the ones carrying out the crimes cause they are the one's living in poverty. How many rich suburban kids in the US steal cars as compared to kids in the Inner cities?

Poverty and lack of education are the driving forces behind crime, these are things that should be addressed.

And Brit it costs more to execute a person then it does to keep them in prision, because of everything that does into it, appeals, special cells, etc.

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 12:05

The expatriates are the ones carrying out the crimes cause they are the one's living in poverty. How many rich suburban kids in the US steal cars as compared to kids in the Inner cities?

Poverty and lack of education are the driving forces behind crime, these are things that should be addressed.

And Brit it costs more to execute a person then it does to keep them in prision, because of everything that does into it, appeals, special cells, etc.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 12:04

you are arguing for the wrong, not for the right!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Formatted Soul• 4 Jun 2009 12:03
Formatted Soul

If he is not killed, he would come out from jail after his sentence term and do the same thing...atleast one criminal is dead.

Gyps..Whats your justification of not killing him?

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 12:02

No he shouldn't be executed. I don't believe in execution.

By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 12:02

Having lived there , I can only go by personal experience.

Petty crimes, including car thefts are carried out mainly by expats.

Murder and manslaughter may be on par but i think that the "circumstances" relating to the crime may be different than in the West. From my perceptions, many murders / manslaughter cases involve expats who may have been abused by employers etc or inter ethnic fights.

Now , one could argue that in such cases, their lives should be spared. However, if the judiciary has passed the death sentence, then I would vote for execution, rather than life or being kept at the taxpayers expense. (Yes i know that Saudi arabia does not have taxation :))

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 12:02

Not a mother yet no. But I don't see how killing someone would bring back my child. And killing people doesn't stop it from happening to another kid.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 12:01

as in this case?

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 12:00

I would. I'm not surprised about your views about this particular case, you are not a mother and you are not the one involved!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 11:59

And how many cases are left off in Saudi DMS because of Wasta?

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 11:56

in statistics those cases scratch off because of "good" lawyers or "influenced"!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 11:55

You would prefer that I support killing people DMS?

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 11:54

everything you see is negative to other's views!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 11:50

Here are some stats for crime in Saudi.

Murder wise it's on par with most nations it's size. Rape is surprisingly low, but as it says below it's not accurately reported.

Car Thefts are quite high.

And executions are HORRIBLY high.

By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 11:47

I would agree that rape cases may not be reported in many instances, however murder and similar definitely are.

By Darly• 4 Jun 2009 11:42

I would go with Brit and support the harsher sentences.

By anonymous• 4 Jun 2009 11:36

but comparing it to other countries, it is definitely much much lower. And you can expect that it will continue to happen even in Saudi because they have opened-up their country to outside influence.

Just like Gypsy said, a criminal will still have the criminal intents and minds but in Saudi, a criminal will think maybe ten times more than a criminal in another country!

"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 11:35

Brit do you honestly believe that those crimes are all reported?? Especially rape.

By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 11:33

I would disagree that this was a daily occurance.

Beheadings nearly always take place on a Friday after prayer. In the last few years they have decreased dramatically.

yes, crime is on the rise in Saudi, as everywhere else. Petty crimes, robbery etc do not lead to a death sentence. this is usually for rape or murder. Given the population of the country, serious crime is still quite low comparitively.

I am sorry, but I genuinly believe that such punishment can act as a deterrent.

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 11:28

The answer is prevention, not reaction. It's putting social systems in place to catch these guys before they offend, and heightened awareness. I wonder how many boys this guy raped before he got to this one? I wonder how many didn't report because they were afraid, in true Saudi style, of being charged themselves?

By donosa• 4 Jun 2009 11:28

This is insane...

If this is what the moralists are doing to criminals.. then what is the difference between them.. That he is a murderer doesn't give any of us the right to do the same to him... At the end of the day, why are they punishing for the same crime they are committing against him?

Lock him up for life, but don't go preaching that killing people is a crime when you don't hesitate to kill a killer. We're not the ones to judge, are we?

By Arien• 4 Jun 2009 11:24

I think he deserves a death sentence. Public display for deterence is absolute stupidity.

We all know the law and punishments in our countries..dont we. Its neither by witnessing the punishment nor by reading the law books. The answer is media, dont they have it there??


- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -

By arecel• 4 Jun 2009 11:20

brit, my sister who used to work in KSA for 3 years told me that almost everyday, saudi newspapers published photos of those beheaded. if it did act as deterrent, crimes should be nonexistent by now. after al, they have been doing it so many years now. but how come we still hear of rapes left and right, physical abuse, adultery, prostitution, even petty crimes like hold up, snatching etc in the KSA?

usapa na...

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 11:20

Does nobody think that executing him makes us no worse than him?

By arecel• 4 Jun 2009 11:16

draj, you don't give organs while the host is still alive especially if it is not his free will to do so. highly unethical. and that human being, even if he has sinned, does not make him less human.

usapa na...

By draj• 4 Jun 2009 11:06

instead of killing him directly.. they should have taken out his parts/organs and give it to whom in need. like take out kidney and give it to kidney failur people. take out eyes and give it to blind people..

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 09:59

I may not agree with soft jail sentences, but coporal punishment only acts as a deterrent for small crimes, like theft, vandalism, etc. A murderer will still murder, a rapist will still rape, etc no matter what the punishment is.

If corporal punishment and displaying dead bodies was the answer crime would have been wiped out centuries ago.

By britexpat• 4 Jun 2009 08:06

I must disagree with you. Having lived in Saudi, I can say that talking to colleagues, the expected punishment and the state of the Saudi prisons acted as a big deterrebt to possible crime.

I personaly am fed up of the softly softly approach taken by my government. Criminals, including rapists are given soft jail sentences and even with all the help available tend to become repeat offenders.

By Gypsy• 4 Jun 2009 07:56

Yes Steve, it's stopped HIM from repeating the crime, but it won't deter others. All corporal punishment and public displays like this do is force the criminals to be smarter and hide it better, which is why crime rates appear lower then other countries that actually report crime and try to solve it through social means.

By stevethetyke• 4 Jun 2009 02:27

"Doesn't work in the slightest Brit. Especially against rapists and pedophiles. All research has shown that there is absoultely NOTHING, not even castration, that will stop a pedophile from repeating."

Beheading, crucifiction, and public display of HIS dead body should stop HIM repeating no matter what the "Researches" say!!

By CuriousButDetermined• 4 Jun 2009 00:14

looking at such fotos cannot be expressed by words..not mentioning the live view..

people who see those fotos get the message that no tolerance with criminals..

crowd attend at thier own discretion...publishing such fotos is not part of free speech?

Saudi population endorse such why are you against the people's will & culture??!!

keep talking...

By shoeaddict• 3 Jun 2009 23:43

me nauseous...i fall off my chair now....

By pcgeek• 3 Jun 2009 23:01


By anonymous• 3 Jun 2009 22:42


I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.

By anonymous• 3 Jun 2009 22:42

Most would take this stance.


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By stevethetyke• 3 Jun 2009 22:21

Popcorngirl, read back a little. I was quoting from Gypsys comment. Personnally, for this type of offense, IMHO, the perps should be taken out of society permanently and I would leave it up to the victims family to decide how.

By anonymous• 3 Jun 2009 22:12

yes castration will stop them raping but it will not stop them looking or abusing children that does not involve rape; they still abuse.

This man who has been beheaded, if that was my son or daughter abused and murderd by him, I would want that to happen, of course I would.

Is it right?

Answers on a post card to those people that have had kids, kidnapped, raped or abused!


Man makes plans...............God smiles ;-)

By hapy• 3 Jun 2009 20:18

che you are right they shud have fed him to dogs alive

By Majnoon Ajnabi• 3 Jun 2009 17:09
Majnoon Ajnabi

there is definitely one less perv on this earth and we don't have to feed him and pamper him in prison.

It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and say the opposite

By Che Guevara 1st• 3 Jun 2009 17:04
Che Guevara 1st

HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVE, now his body is not for him so no need to feed it for dogs coz he's already dieed and he wont see that

All of us search for love, but some when find it, they wish they never had.

By hapy• 3 Jun 2009 16:55

It should have been crucifixion before beheading, i hope they fed him to dogs.

By Xena• 3 Jun 2009 16:26

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME



By Apple• 3 Jun 2009 16:21

I dont have sympathy to criminal-paedophiles.

What he did to the boy is worst than what he i say, he deserves it!

By Amoud• 3 Jun 2009 16:12

I agree with Alexa and Brit on this one. I think it is funny that Human Rights is harping when he clearly violated not only the rights of the young boy and his father, but also violated the mother/wifes right to her child and husband and also all the other family members.

You must admit, crime rates in Saudi are a wee bit lower than back home...


"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"

By Che Guevara 1st• 3 Jun 2009 16:12
Che Guevara 1st

well, i agree that mother or wife feeling can't be described in words, i feel most sorry for the child

he do nothing in his world to be killed but i beileve he'll be in heaven

All of us search for love, but some when find it, they wish they never had.

By Che Guevara 1st• 3 Jun 2009 16:04
Che Guevara 1st

HAve Mercy, i think there is no worse than what had been done to him

Now he went to allah Only him will will judge him

All of us search for love, but some when find it, they wish they never had.

By anonymous• 3 Jun 2009 16:03

hope it will serve as an eye opener to all the criminals out there....

==come what may and lovin it!!!==

By sidra1234• 3 Jun 2009 15:42

All the countries should follow these rules then only the crime rate will go down

By sidra1234• 3 Jun 2009 15:41

All the countries should follow these rules not only muslim countries

By anonymous• 3 Jun 2009 15:39

Opps sorry Gypsy...I thought we are in saudi, sorry about it...hihihi!Barbarism no longer exist in qatar, only inhumanity are still existing..

By britexpat• 3 Jun 2009 15:32

You make valid points.

To be honest, I am not sure what the answer is. In the West , we complain bitterly about lenient sentences for crimes, especially raper and murder. YET, when a country like Saudi actually takes these harsh measures, we are still complaining.

Why ?

By Gypsy• 3 Jun 2009 15:12

Doesn't work in the slightest Brit. Especially against rapists and pedophiles. All research has shown that there is absoultely NOTHING, not even castration, that will stop a pedophile from repeating.

In the past the death sentence and disply of those executed was common place, and there were still murders, rapes, etc. It was when they realized that these things weren't fixing the problem that they stopped it.

You wouldn't recommend it, but YOU aren't a risk of doing it. You have this thing called morals, empathy, etc that most killers/rapists/pedo's don't have.

By Che Guevara 1st• 3 Jun 2009 15:10
Che Guevara 1st

Here is one who finally understand

Thank you Mariamme , well done

All of us search for love, but some when find it, they wish they never had.

By britexpat• 3 Jun 2009 15:09

I think it can act as a deterrent. I have been present at a beheading and I would not recommend it to anyone. Sends a clear signal to the person.

Also, IMHO paedos and child molesters deserve it.

By Che Guevara 1st• 3 Jun 2009 15:08
Che Guevara 1st

i think Saudi Arabia do the right thing, as this should be a warning for all the criminals who might thinks to do so in the future.

however i disagree in leaving the body for couple of hours, it was enough that ppl saw what is the killers fate.

All of us search for love, but some when find it, they wish they never had.

By Gypsy• 3 Jun 2009 15:08

Because it doesn't work.

By mariamme• 3 Jun 2009 15:07

in saudia, they practice islamic law.

and since people still commit crimes even they're aware of the law, this might led the authority to displayed such beheaded body as a deterrant.

why not?

By Gypsy• 3 Jun 2009 15:02

We aren't living in Saudi Arabia State_agent.

By anonymous• 3 Jun 2009 15:00

If you can not live with the barbaric society, better get out of the place...NOW!!!!!!!!!!

By anonymous• 3 Jun 2009 14:57


"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

By deedee• 3 Jun 2009 14:56

the 21st century....but remember this is Saudi Arabia we are talking about.

By cynbob• 3 Jun 2009 14:53

What century are we living in?

This is crazy.

By arecel• 3 Jun 2009 14:51

oh-oh.. however despicable his crimes are, his headless body should not be displayed for god's sake. whatever happen to respect for the dead?

usapa na...

By Gypsy• 3 Jun 2009 14:50

How is displaying a dead body a detterent? If I'm going to rape and murder someone, a little blood is hardly going to scare me.

By deedee• 3 Jun 2009 14:49

are not pictures of the deceased! (I did not open them). Guy deserved the death sentence, but disagree with displaying dead bodies as a deterrant.

By anonymous• 3 Jun 2009 14:45


"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"

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