gdbls, how much do you know about computers? Obviously your able to get online and post on a forum. Do you know anything about MS Office? Word, Excel, PowerPoint? These are basic applications you'll need while working in an office. Try to do a PA (personal assistant)short course, learn short hand. If you are to improve your english talking skills i suggest you try speaking in english to your husband lol, but seriously, watch some english movies fun way to learn :)

Your right its cheaper to do computer courses in India, also improve your typing speed. Your husband seems to be a man of great ego and pride, obviously he has a lot of pride in you and will not accept you doing just any work. You need to clear this up with him first, in today's times its not about where you work and what u work as. Money is the key to happiness here and you already have 2 kids, I dont think schooling is cheap here either.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
