Sorry yano i only format pc's for tea boyz and engineers, your job title says Manager :p

CuriousButDetermined, yes i'm in the IT department for technical support, but that doesnt mean i have to render support for their own home personal laptops or computers, i do it out of my own free will towards my colleagues, coz i like and want to help them.

My issue here is about how they think they can get free work done for their personal gain through the office rather than spend 30 riyals and get it done outside at a repair shop. I can understand the tea boys dont own a car so they have to make special trip to the shop to give it for repairs and then again to collect it, plus service charges etc, but these guys just take advantage of the fact that they can get it done for free :p

Alexa, my tea boy brought his desktop pc not laptop :p But now a days laptops seem to be getting cheaper i wont be surprised if they do get a laptop soon.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
