And make sure to educate yourself about the breed. Unfortunately, many new "owners" are stupider than the dogs they acquire and are soon overwhelmed. If you don't have experience with dogs or this particular breed, you may find you've taken on more than you can handle. GSs are a very smart dog, a very loyal dog, but YOU need to be trained properly before you take one on.

They have what is called a double coat which means twice as much hair shedding and a lot of good grooming. They do not like the heat here so will require AC in the summer months.

Get into an obedience class with a good licensed dog trainer, it will make both your lives a lot easier and enjoyable. Get it spayed or neutered as soon as your vet recommends.

If you're getting this type of dog because you think it makes you look tough, think again. GSs are shepherds, their instinct is to look after their charges (be they cows, sheep, or you) not to fight.

Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"