Thanks mallrat, you understand the context of my post it was like a gang out there waiting for somebody to say something bad about filipinos and hoola, I love my country you’re a traitor attitude…..

I found it funny because its seldom for a filipino guy to be tall ( I am expecting another outburst here) and on heavy side (careful, careful) with umbrella.

Everybody was saying about skin cancer etc etc etc … . but then again lesson learned I have to be précised with my post “the guy was smoking” so he will die of lung cancer first before skin cancer will kill him.

I think it was vanity more than ever that’s why we uses umbrella, we don’t want to get darker than the color that we have now, aside that sun makes our skin mature easily, skin cancer is least of my concern,

I have seen one asian ( generic now) guy near gulf cinema in a Michael Jackson billy jean black pants and a green sequined thriller jacket minus the white gloves, again I found it funny,

These unusual people makes my boring life in Qatar worth living.

expect nothing, do more, love lots, smile often, cry sometimes but continue living....