In the world of Qatari journalism, where the sun always shines and all the bogeymen of crimes being committed and police brutality against Asian workers have been eliminated, it does bode well. For there you can say whatever you like as long as it's "nice".
I read in Gulf Times a week ago, in one of the travel articles, that "Doha must be one of the most amazing cities in the entire world".
In the world of Qatari journalism, where the sun always shines and all the bogeymen of crimes being committed and police brutality against Asian workers have been eliminated, it does bode well. For there you can say whatever you like as long as it's "nice".
I read in Gulf Times a week ago, in one of the travel articles, that "Doha must be one of the most amazing cities in the entire world".
Yep. Absolutely. My thoughts exactly.