
I am glad you mentioned 'on balance'

I agree with you in essence…it is good to help some people rather than no people provided no damage is done.

If the US, for example, will intervene in Eastern issues trying to help people, promote democracy and raise standards of women’s right (to name a few) and does that then may god bless them. However, if they are going to claim helping the people and present facts and reports (even if they are right) and use them to invade, kill, steal nation’s wealth, destroy stability then hell NO!

US invaded Iraq supposedly to remove a dictator, promote democracy, protect minorities, and promote world peace without any advancement. Democracy, Human rights, stability is now worse than it was before US came in. Please also note that reports issued to justify Invasion were lies not facts as have been known by now.

To conclude, if western governments will have wide open eyes on women’s rights in east and use it to invade countries and destroy them then I am against it and in such a case, having no body criticize anybody is better.

Am I talking now?